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Weight Loss Pills Supplier, Healthe Trim, Wonders if Sleep Could Be Affecting Your Appetite

If you don't get enough sleep, you may find yourself overeating to compensate, explains Healthe Trim.

Weight Loss Pills Supplier, Healthe Trim, Wonders if Sleep Could Be Affecting Your Appetite
NORCROSS, GA, June 27, 2013 ( We all know that sleep is important to functioning well and being a happy, healthy person--but did you know it can also be vital if you want to lose weight? The creators of Healthe Trim, a supplement for weight loss, want to discuss new evidence that sleep deprivation is directly linked with an increased consumption of food.

A new study from Uppsala University has proven a link between sleep deprivation and eating more calories. The study had a group of men pick their ideal serving sizes for meals and snacks after a good night's sleep and again after a night where they did not sleep. The men consistently picked larger portion sizes when they were sleep deprived.

The weight loss experts at Healthe Trim believe this tendency to overeat extends further than a mere sleepless night; they believe that individuals who do not get a full 8 hours of sleep are also more likely to eat larger portions of salty, fatty, and sweet foods than they would if they were well rested.

"Getting a solid 8 hours of sleep each night is essential for good health in every aspect of your life, especially weight loss," says Matthew Dwyer, Founder of Healthe Trim. "If you don't sleep well, you end up eating more than you normally would, and what you eat tends to be foods that are not good for you. It's easier and healthier for you to get the right amount of sleep."

Healthe Trim is a scientifically tested natural weight loss supplement. It encourages weight loss by stimulating your metabolism and curbing your appetite through natural ingredients like green tea and Hoodia gordonii. It works best when paired with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and--as we've seen--a healthy amount of sleep each night.

Learn more about how Healthe Trim can help you meet your weight loss goals at

About HealthyLife Sciences, LLC:
HealthyLife Sciences, LLC is dedicated to providing natural nutritional solutions for improving the quality of health and wellness for its customers. This is achieved by offering only the highest quality all-natural ingredients, creating a friendly and easy customer experience, and operating the business with the utmost integrity. HealthyLife Sciences, LLC offers a variety of natural health supplements, including Healthe Plex, Healthe Shield, Healthe Pulse, Healthe Cleanse and the company's flagship product, Healthe Trim.

Find out about HealthyLife Sciences' entire line of all natural health, wellness and anti-aging products at

For all media inquiries, please contact:

Allie Petit
Content Manager
Cardinal Web Solutions

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Weight Loss Pills Supplier, Healthe Trim, Wonders if Sleep Could Be Affecting Your Appetite


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[] Weight Loss Pills Supplier, Healthe Trim, Wonders if Sleep Could Be Affecting Your Appetite
If you don't get enough sleep, you may find yourself overeating to compensate, explains Healthe Trim.