(Press-News.org) Contact information: Meng Zhao
Neural Regeneration Research
Parkinson's disease patients following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: fully understanding of social maladjustment
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation can significantly improve the motor features of the Parkinson's disease in carefully selected patients. However, effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on the social adjustment, coping strategies and mental health-related quality of life of these patients remain unclear. In addition, an important concern has been that most studies have reported no improvement in social adaptation after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in some Parkinson's disease patients. Meyer Mylène and coworkers from Lorraine University, France review the literatures regarding effects of bilateral subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on social adjustment, quality of life and coping strategies in patients with Parkinson's disease. Surprisingly, some specific dimensions of quality of life, "psychological" aspects and social adjustment do not always improve, and they could sometimes be even worse. The preoperative expectations of Parkinson's disease patients who received subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation should be carefully considered because postoperative social maladjustment is often observed in a few patients. Therefore, effective strategies are searched to avoid the disappointments from these patients and their relatives and improve patients' quality of life. The relevant article is published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 8, No. 30, 2013).
Article: " Neurosurgery in Parkinson's disease: social adjustment, quality of life and coping strategies " by Meyer Mylène1, 2, 3, 4, Montel Sébastien1, 4, Colnat-Coulbois Sophie5, Lerond Jérôme6, Potheegadoo Jevita7, Vidailhet Pierre7, Gospodaru Nicolaie2, Vespignani Hervé1, 2, Barroche Gérard2, Spitz Elisabeth1, 4, Schwan Raymund1, 3, 8 (1 Lorraine University, Metz 57000, France
2 Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Nancy 54000, France; 3 INSERM, Clinical Investigation Center 9501, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy 54500, France; 4 Department of Health Psychology EPSAM, EA 4360 APEMAC, Metz 57000, France
5 Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, Nancy 54000, France; 6 Psychotherapic Center of Nancy, Laxou 54520, France; 7 INSERM 666 Unit, University Hospital, Strasbourg 67000, France; 8 Care, Support and Prevention Center in Addiction, University Hospital, Nancy 54000, France)
Meyer M, Montel S, Colnat-Coulbois S, Lerond J, Potheegadoo J, Vidailhet P, Gospodaru N, Vespignani H, Barroche G, Spitz E, Schwan R. Neurosurgery in Parkinson's disease: social adjustment, quality of life and coping strategies. Neural Regen Res. 2013;8(30):2856-2867.
Parkinson's disease patients following subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: fully understanding of social maladjustment
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