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Breast milk sugar promotes colitis in offspring

( A sugar found in mouse breast milk promotes the generation of colitis in offspring, according to a study published online on November 22 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (

Sugars in breast milk are essential for the development of the newborn immune system and the growth of beneficial commensal bacteria in the gut. But certain milk sugars in certain contexts could be bad news. A group led by Thierry Hennet at the University of Zurich found that newborn mice fostered by mothers lacking one particular milk sugar—sialyl(alpha2,3)lactose—were less susceptible to inflammation-induced colitis later in life. The resistance to colitis was attributed to differences in the commensal bacteria.

Determining whether this milk sugar has some redeeming qualities—for example in facilitating defense against dangerous intestinal pathogens—will require further studies.

### About The Journal of Experimental Medicine

The Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) is published by The Rockefeller University Press. All editorial decisions on manuscripts submitted are made by active scientists in conjunction with our in-house scientific editors. JEM content is posted to PubMed Central, where it is available to the public for free six months after publication. Authors retain copyright of their published works and third parties may reuse the content for non-commercial purposes under a creative commons license. For more information, please visit

Fuhrer, A., et al. 2010. J. Exp. Med. doi:10.1084/jem.20101098.



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[] Breast milk sugar promotes colitis in offspring