(Press-News.org) Boulder, Colo., USA - The rise of the Tibetan plateau -- the largest topographic anomaly above sea level on Earth -- is important for both its profound effect on climate and its reflection of continental dynamics. In this study published in GSA Bulletin, Katharine Huntington and colleagues employ a cutting-edge geochemical tool -- "clumped" isotope thermometry -- using modern and fossil snail shells to investigate the uplift history of the Zhada basin in southwestern Tibet.
Views range widely on the timing of surface uplift of the Tibetan Plateau to its current high (~4.5 km) over more than 2.5 square kilometers. Specifically, interpretations differ on whether the modern high elevations were recently developed or are largely a continuation of high elevations developed prior to Indo-Asian collision in the Eocene.
Clumped isotope temperatures of modern and fossil snail shells record changing lake water temperatures over the last nine million years. This is a reflection of changes in surface temperature as a function of climate and elevation change. A key to their Zhada Basin paleo-elevation reconstructions is that Huntington and colleagues were able to contextualize them with sampling of modern and Holocene-age tufa and shells from a range of aquatic environments.
Huntington and colleagues find that the Zhada basin was significantly colder from three to nine million years ago, implying a loss of elevation of more than one kilometer since the Pliocene. While surprising given the extreme (~4 km) elevation of the basin today, the higher paleo-elevation helps explain paleontological evidence of cold-adapted mammals living in a high-elevation climate, and is probably the local expression of east-west extension across much of the southern Tibetan Plateau at this time.
Huntington and colleagues note that future studies could improve on their own initial "calibration" work with year-round monitoring of water temperature and a focus on specific taxa and their micro-habitat preferences.
High Late Miocene-Pliocene elevation of the Zhada basin, SW Tibetan plateau, from carbonate clumped isotope thermometry
K.W. Huntington et al., Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. Published online 7 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31000.1.
Other GSA Bulletin articles (see below) cover such topics as
Earthquakes and tsunamis in the Yaquina River estuary, Oregon, USA;
The sinistral Garlock fault, California; and
The normal Grayback fault block, Arizona; and
Central England: A globally significant Charnian fossil locality, among others.
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Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for a 4,500-year history of Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis at Yaquina River estuary, Oregon, USA
N.A. Graehl et al. (Kelsey, corresponding author), Dept. of Geology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California 95524, USA. Published online 7 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31074.1.
New research on the central Oregon coast reveals that 11 subduction zone earthquakes and associated tsunamis have affected the Newport, Oregon, USA, area in the past 4,500 years. This research adds to a growing body of knowledge that implicates great subduction zone earthquakes recurring on average every 420-580 years. Each earthquake is accompanied by abrupt land-level lowering of the coastal region of at least half a meter and by incursion of tsunami waves to the Yaquina Bay region.
Evolution of the central Garlock fault zone, California: A major sinistral fault embedded in a dextral plate margin
Joseph E. Andrew et al., Dept. of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA. Published online 26 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31027.1.
The slip rate of the Garlock fault in southeastern California has accelerated through time to the modern rate of 9 mm per year. Left-lateral strike-slip displacement of 64 km on the Garlock fault began 11 million years ago as an accommodation structure to Basin and Range extension. The Garlock fault subsequently changed geometry and rates when dextral shear initiated inboard of the San Andreas plate boundary. The Garlock fault evolved to a structurally more complex fault zone to accommodate the transversely oriented dextral shear. Dextral shear across the Garlock fault is accommodated by internal deformation within the Garlock fault zone via lateral extrusion, uplift, folding, internal block rotation, and counterclockwise rotation of its trace.
Confirmation of a low pre-extensional geothermal gradient in the Grayback normal fault block, Arizona: Structural and AHe thermochronologic evidence
M.S. Wong et al., Dept. of Geology, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York 13346, USA. Published online 7 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31033.1.
Many models of continental extension and rifting call upon crustal heating from magmatism or other processes to trigger and localize rifting (active rift models). However, it is often difficult to measure the thermal structure of the crust directly for ancient rift zones, so such models have been difficult to evaluate. M.S. Wong and colleagues present new (U-Th)/He apatite thermochronology from the Grayback tilted normal fault block in the North American Basin and Range extensional province confirming that a very low geothermal gradient (14 to 17 degrees Celsius per kilometer) existed just prior to major Tertiary extension. This result challenges the notion that reheating of the crust was a significant driving force of crustal extension in the Basin and Range.
U-Pb geochronology and global context of the Charnian Supergroup, UK: Constraints on the age of key Ediacaran fossil assemblages
S.R. Noble et al., Natural Environment Research Council Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG, UK. Published online 26 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31013.1.
The Charnian Supergroup of Central England is a globally significant fossil locality where Precambrian complex life-forms are well preserved. The Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Period was a seminal time in the evolution of multicellular life. Important among these Precambrian complex organisms were the Rangeomorphs and their possible taphomorphs (ivesheadiamorphs). Unfortunately, the timing of key biological events relating to the evolution of these organisms is relatively poorly constrained due to a paucity of high-precision dates worldwide. New U-Pb geochronology data presented here by Stephen R. Noble and colleagues contribute significantly to the temporal constraints on these organisms, showing that Charnian fossils (older than 569 to 557 million years) partly overlap in age with the other key Rangeomorph locality in the paleo-region (Mistaken Point, Newfoundland), and also with macro-organism communities from very different environmental settings (e.g. White Sea, Russia). Together, this indicates that paleoenvironmental differences rather than temporal control are a first-order control on biota composition at this time.
Sinkholes, pit craters, and small calderas: Analog models of depletion-induced collapse analyzed by computed X-ray microtomography
S. Poppe et al., Dept. of Geography, Earth System Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. Published online 26 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B30989.1.
In nature, sub-surface bodies of molten or ductile rock might become abruptly depleted, resulting in the collapse of the overlying rock and the sometimes catastrophic formation of a "hole in the ground" at surface. These are termed sinkholes in karst terrains and pit-craters or calderas on volcanoes. For the first time, S. Poppe and colleagues use computed X-ray micro-tomography (μCT), similar to the imaging of patients using CT-scanners, to image laboratory-scale models of such collapse process. Their simulations illustrate how collapse rates within the collapsing rock are varying in space and time, with the highest rates before and shortly after the surface depression is formed. The collapsing material also undergoes a volumetric expansion. On volcanoes, such "bulking" of the rocks overlying an emptying magma chamber may at least partially explain why the volume of the erupted lava is commonly larger compared to that of the surface depression. This insight is of great use to seismic or volcano observatories who will face such collapse events in the future.
Impacts of catastrophic volcanic collapse on the erosion and morphology of a distal fluvial landscape: Hautapu River, Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand
M. Tost et al., Volcanic Risk Solutions, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. Published online 26 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31010.1.
Debris avalanches caused by the collapse of volcanic flanks may permanently change the surrounding landscape and its drainage systems. Deposits of a two- to three-cubic-kilometer debris avalanche exposed along the Hautapu River about 50 km southeast of Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand, reflect the largest known collapse event of the stratovolcano, followed by a regrowth phase that produced pyroclastic eruptions and pumice-rich lahars. The collapse most likely occurred due to magmatic unrest during the shift from a glacial to an interglacial climate. The debris avalanche inundated an area of more than 260 square kilometers, and was channelized within the proto-Hautapu catchment. The subsequent pumiceous mass-wasting events continued to be confined to the proto-Hautapu River for another approx. ten thousand years. At present the volcaniclastic deposits form a distinctive plateau on the highest topographic elevation within the river valley, while the Hautapu River incises into the underlying softer late Pliocene sediments.
Sevier belt exhumation in central Utah constrained from complex zircon (U-Th)/He data sets: Radiation damage and He inheritance effects on partially reset detrital zircons
William R. Guenthner et al., Dept. of Geology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA. Published online 26 Aug. 2014; http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/B31032.1.
In this manuscript, William Guenthner and colleagues provide new data that demonstrate the age of mountain building processes in the mountain ranges of western Utah. The authors rely upon radiometric dating and a new understanding of nanoscopic processes occurring in the mineral zircon to record some of the oldest ages for mountain uplift in this portion of the Rocky Mountains. Their new data provide support for previous interpretations that the Rocky Mountains in Utah were being uplifted at least 120 million years ago.
Snails tell of the rise and fall of the Tibetan Plateau
New GSA Bulletin content posted online Aug. 7 and 16, 2014
Science advice to governments comes of age at Auckland conference
Auckland, New Zealand (29 August) — Science advice to governments has emerged as a discipline in its own right, which is both art and science. This is what delegates to the world's first summit of science advice heard at a meeting in Auckland, which closed today with a strong call to strengthen international collaboration, an agreement to formalise the network and meet again in 2016.
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Intervention needed for survivors of childhood burns
Adults who have been hospitalized for a burn as a child experience higher than usual rates of depression and suicidal thoughts, according to new research at the University of Adelaide.
A 30-year follow up of childhood burns victims has been conducted by the University's Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies. They found that 42% of people surveyed had suffered some form of mental illness and 30% suffered depression at some stage in their lives.
The results, now published in the journal Burns, also found that long-term depression was an issue among the group, and 11% had ...
Can YouTube save your life?
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Early recognition and treatment of sudden cardiac arrest are known to improve survival for
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Rapamycin or FK506, which is better for SCs migration and peripheral nerve repair
FK506 possesses a well-studied neuroregenerative effect, stimulating neurite extension in the presence of nerve growth factor in vitro, and enhancing nerve regeneration following nerve crush injury and isografting. However, the use of FK506 to stimulate nerve regeneration is limited because of the risk of renal failure and hypertension, and its considerable cost. With long-term allografts, FK506 alone or combined with other drugs reportedly cause life-threatening infections. Like FK506, rapamycin is an immunosuppressant and FKBP-12-binding ligand, and has a neuroregenerative ...
MERS: Low transmissibility, dangerous illness
The MERS coronavirus has caused disease outbreaks across the Arabian Peninsula and spread to Europe several times. The severe pneumonia virus has claimed the lives of several hundred people since its discovery in 2012. For a long time, scientists have been puzzled over how easily the pathogen spreads from human to human. An international team of researchers led by virologists from the University of Bonn have now come to the conclusion, through direct observation, that the rate of human transmission is low. Still, a third of infected persons with symptoms die. The results ...
Astrophysicists report radioactive cobalt in supernova explosion
A group of astrophysicists, including researchers from MIPT, have detected the formation of radioactive cobalt during a supernova explosion, lending credence to a corresponding theory of supernova explosions. Details are given in the journal Nature, one of the most cited scientific publications in the world.
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"That's astounding," said researcher James Roberts, Ph.D., The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing in Baylor's Hankamer School of Business. "As cellphone functions increase, addictions to this seemingly indispensable piece of technology become an increasingly realistic ...
'K-to-M' histone mutations: How repressing the repressors may drive tissue-specific cancers
Kansas City, MO. - In a cell's nucleus, chromosomal DNA is tightly bound to structural proteins known as histones, an amalgam biologists call chromatin. Until about two decades ago, histones were regarded as a nuclear "sidekick," the mere packing material around which the glamorous DNA strands were wrapped. Recently, however, biologists have developed a greater appreciation for how DNA/histone interactions govern gene expression.
In 2012, investigators from multiple research institutions studying the sequence of the genome from cancer patients rocked the "chromatin world" ...
Copper shines as flexible conductor
Bend them, stretch them, twist them, fold them: modern materials that are light, flexible and highly conductive have extraordinary technological potential, whether as artificial skin or electronic paper.
Making such concepts affordable enough for general use remains a challenge but a new way of working with copper nanowires and a PVA "nano glue" could be a game-changer.
Previous success in the field of ultra-lightweight "aerogel monoliths" has largely relied on the use of precious gold and silver nanowires.
By turning instead to copper, both abundant and cheap, ...
Meaningful relationships can help you thrive
In brief:
The definition of thriving involves 5 components of well-being
Relationships provide 2 types of support: source of strength (SOS) support, and relational catalyst (RC) support
Support-providers must be sensitive and responsive—there are characteristics in a support-provider that can lead to doing more harm than good
Future research should focus more on social support in non-adverse life circumstances
Deep and meaningful relationships play a vital role in overall well-being. Past research has shown that individuals with supportive and rewarding relationships ...
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Earth's orbital rhythms link timing of giant eruptions and climate change
Ammonia build-up kills liver cells but can be prevented using existing drug
New technical guidelines pave the way for widespread adoption of methane-reducing feed additives in dairy and livestock
Eradivir announces Phase 2 human challenge study of EV25 in healthy adults infected with influenza
[Press-News.org] Snails tell of the rise and fall of the Tibetan PlateauNew GSA Bulletin content posted online Aug. 7 and 16, 2014