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Lessons learned from SARS pandemic should inform current contagion protocols

Adoption of practices could be beneficial in current Ebola outbreak

( In 2003, a novel coronavirus caused a pandemic that affected 26 countries. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was most prevalent in Asia; the number of cases in Singapore was second only to China.

In an article published in the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), a group of radiologists in Singapore outline the ways in which both medical facilities and practitioners there have incorporated lessons learned from the SARS pandemic.

"The pandemic served as a wake-up call for the medical services, which had to respond and reorganize quickly to meet the rapidly developing clinical situation," say the authors. "While we carry out our mission of imaging diagnosis and intervention, we need to be cognizant of not compromising the safety and well-being of our patients, our staff, and the community."

The article appears in the October issue of the AJR.



Do financial experts make better investments?

Do financial experts make better investments?
EAST LANSING, Mich. --- Financial experts do not make higher returns on their own investments than untrained investors, according to research by a Michigan State University business scholar. The first-of-its-kind study analyzed the private portfolios of mutual fund managers and found the managers were surprisingly unsuccessful at outperforming nonprofessional investors. The findings suggest average investors might be better served to handle their own portfolios rather than pay the often-high fees charged by mutual fund managers, said Andrei Simonov, associate professor ...

Identifying the biological clock that governs female fertility

Identifying the biological clock that governs female fertility
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Many home blood pressure monitors may be inaccurate

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NUS researchers discover for the first time that a rare bush frog breeds in bamboo

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Fish 'personality' linked to vulnerability to angling

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Tea and citrus products could lower ovarian cancer risk, new UEA research finds

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Generic medications boost adherence to breast cancer therapy

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Chimps plan ahead for a good breakfast

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[] Lessons learned from SARS pandemic should inform current contagion protocols
Adoption of practices could be beneficial in current Ebola outbreak