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Seminal papers on election law and election administration

Administration in special issue of Election Law Journal in honor of Daniel Lowenstein, pioneer legal scholar

Seminal papers on election law and election administration
( New Rochelle, NY, December 21, 2010—A festschrift honoring Daniel H. Lowenstein, a pioneering legal scholar, Professor at UCLA School of Law, and Founding Co-Editor of Election Law Journal, who devoted his career to advancing election law and campaign finance reform, highlights the current issue of Election Law Journal, a peer-reviewed publication of Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The issue is available free online.

"Dan quite literally founded the field of election law," says UCLA School of Law professor and colleague of Lowenstein's, Adam Winkler in his introduction. Winkler credits Lowenstein with not only initiating and influencing the national discussion on election law and related issues, including campaign finance, legislative districting, vote tabulation, and voting rights, but states that Lowenstein's research, scholarship, and editorial talents have "set the very terms of debate."

A host of legal luminaries feted Lowenstein at a day-long conference earlier this year, sponsored by Election Law Journal and UCLA School of Law. Their presentations are published in the current issue of the Journal, and the last issue to be co-edited by Lowenstein and co-Founding Editor Richard Hasen, from Loyola Law School, who will hand over the editorial reins of the newly named Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy to Paul Gronke, Professor of Political Science at Reed College, and Daniel Tokaji, Professor of Law at The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law.

"The festschrift volume, featuring the leading lights in the field of election law, is a fitting tribute to a person whose own standards of scholarly excellence are exceeded only by his integrity and intellectual generosity," says Rick Hasen.

Hasen and coauthor John M. Matsusaka contributed the article entitled "Aggressive Enforcement of the Single Subject Rule." Tokaji lent his voice to the festschrift with the paper "Lowenstein Contra Lowenstein: Conflicts of Interest in Election Administration." Bruce Cain celebrated Lowenstein's career and contributions in "Foundational Wisdom: The Scholarship of Daniel Lowenstein," and Richard Briffault penned "Campaign Finance Disclosure 2.0." Craig Burnett, Elizabeth Garrett, and Matthew McCubbins collaborated on "The Dilemma of Direct Democracy," and Joshua Fougere, Stephen Ansolabehere, and Nathaniel Persily penned "Partisanship, Public Opinion, and Redistricting."

In his treatise, Bernard Grofman posed the question, "Thinking about Minority Political Influence: Did Georgia v. Ashcroft Get It Right, and If Not, Why Not?" Campaign finance is the focus of Gary Jacobson's article entitled "A Collective Dilemma Solved: The Distribution of Party Campaign Resources in the 2006 and 2008 Congressional Elections."


Election Law Journal is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published quarterly in print and online by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The Journal covers the emerging specialty of election law for practicing attorneys, election administrators, political professionals, legal scholars, and social scientists, and covers election design and reform on the federal, state, and local levels in the U.S. and in 75 countries around the world. Complete tables of content and a free sample issue may be viewed online.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, and law, including Biotechnology Law Report, Gaming Law Review and Economics, and Environmental Justice. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN), was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 60 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available at our website.

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Seminal papers on election law and election administration


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[] Seminal papers on election law and election administration
Administration in special issue of Election Law Journal in honor of Daniel Lowenstein, pioneer legal scholar