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CDOT Provides BAC iPhone App 'R-U-Buzzed?'

'R-U-Buzzed?' is a new iPhone app from the Colorado DOT that helps estimate an drinker's blood alcohol content level. Drinkers should still be cautious when driving after drinking.

September 02, 2010 ( Developed by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), 'R-U-Buzzed?' is a new iPhone app to help estimate an individual's blood alcohol level (BAC). The app works by asking for the user's weight, the number of hours spent drinking alcohol, and the amount of beer, wine and/or liquor drank -- the app considers a beer to be 12 oz., wine to be 5 oz. and liquor to be 1.5 oz.

After the information is entered, the app then calculates the user's BAC. If the user's BAC is calculated to be over Colorado's legal limit of 0.08 percent, the app will display a warning to call a taxi. However, even if you are under the legal limit, the app may display a message of "You're buzzed", reminding the user that even though they may not be legally drunk, they could still face impaired driving charges.

In an effort to help those that may be drunk, the app has the functionality to assist in calling a taxi.

It's Only a Guide

However, CDOT is quick to point out that the app cannot be relied upon as "legal evidence" in the disclaimer. This is because many other factors can influence whether a drinker is impaired including:
- Food eaten
- Metabolism
- Medications
- Health conditions
- Serving sizes

Speaking about CDOT's app, Holly Klein of Mothers Against Drunk Driving notes: "Intentions are great, but the only cure-all for drinking and driving, is to have a designated driver or don't drink and drive period."

While the R-U-Buzzed app may be a great guide to help people in estimating when it may or may not be safe to drive, it is still only a guide and should not be relied on at the expense of common sense. If you are going to drink, make sure that you have a safe way to get home.

If you have been stopped and accused of drunk driving, speak with an experienced DUI defense attorney today.

Article provided by Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.
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[] CDOT Provides BAC iPhone App 'R-U-Buzzed?'
'R-U-Buzzed?' is a new iPhone app from the Colorado DOT that helps estimate an drinker's blood alcohol content level. Drinkers should still be cautious when driving after drinking.