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Pioneering quantum computer research continues in Baden-Württemberg

Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg: KQCBW2024 transfer project launched

( Utilizing the potential of quantum computers and achieving a real advantage for practical applications — this goal is being pursued worldwide. In Baden-Württemberg, the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg (KQCBW) has dedicated itself to this goal over the past four years. Great progress has been made in various areas of quantum computing in successful joint projects. The success of the KQCBW is now to be continued and the unique quantum computing ecosystem in the state further expanded.

The KQCBW will be continued in a ten-month transfer project “Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg: Transfer Project (KQCBW24),” which was launched in September 2024. The transfer project will continue the research work started in the previous projects and carry out important preliminary work for follow-up projects, which are scheduled to run for three years. The KQCBW is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.

Broad expertise: hardware/software co-design

The KQCBW pursues an interdisciplinary and systemic approach that includes the development of alternative hardware platforms as well as targeted and application-oriented hardware/software co-design. The expertise that has been built up over the last four years in Baden-Württemberg within the KQCBW will be further expanded in the coming years. The research topics range from quantum simulation in materials and natural sciences to requirements for powerful and reliable hardware environments and the programming of quantum algorithms for industrial needs.

No quantum computing without quantum computers

In order to conduct application-oriented research into quantum computing, real quantum computers are indispensable. A key element in the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg (KQCBW) is therefore access to a powerful state-of-the-art quantum computing infrastructure. To this end, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is continuing its role as a quantum innovation center within the IBM Quantum Network and with IBM Deutschland GmbH, within the framework of the KQCBW. With a renewed agreement, the KQCBW will have access to the latest quantum computers from IBM installed in Ehningen, as well as IBM’s fleet of utility-scale quantum systems available over the cloud.

In addition to access to the IBM systems, access to an NV-based quantum computer and the provision of the HPC simulation infrastructure as well as the virtual demonstrator platform for the simulation of quantum algorithms will also be made possible for all project partners within the KQCBW. This forms a comprehensive quantum computing infrastructure that offers the KQCBW partners ideal conditions for their research work.

Results from the KQCBW at Quantum Effects 2024

Outstanding results were achieved in five joint projects in the previous phase of the KQCBW. In the field of quantum computer hardware design based on nitrogen color centers (NV) in diamonds, system efficiency and quality were significantly increased by means of dipolar NV-NV coupling and the development of robust two-qubit gates and dynamic decoupling protocols. In addition, more accurate simulations of complex molecules were achieved using variational quantum algorithms. In another project, it was possible to develop better tailored methods for characterizing and correcting the errors occurring on the hardware of the superconducting IBM quantum computer. Another research group developed end-to-end demonstrators based on eight use cases from the fields of production, logistics, engineering and automotive and provided self-explanatory, interactive Jupyter notebooks for the entire quantum software development process.

These research results and others from the KQCBW will be presented by the partners at this year’s Quantum Effects, the world’s leading exhibition and conference for application-oriented quantum technologies in Stuttgart, on October 8 and 9, 2024. The software and hardware demonstrators will be presented at the joint QuantumBW booth (booth number 2D15) and the researchers will give talks on their project results and present the next steps in the KQCBW on the QuantumBW exhibition stage on September 9.


Under the management of the Fraunhofer Institutes for Applied Solid State Physics IAF and for Industrial Engineering IAO, other Fraunhofer Institutes and research partners from politics, science and industry are pooling their expertise in the development and application of quantum computers for research, education and industry in the Quantum Computing Competence Centre Baden-Württemberg. The focus is on the information technology, medical technology, chemicals, finance, mechanical engineering, production, automotive and logistics sectors, which are particularly important in Baden-Württemberg. The KQCBW is also actively involved in the development of Baden-Württemberg as a quantum technology location as part of the office of the state initiative QuantumBW.

The transfer project KQCBW2024 paves the way for the continuation of the KQCBW from July 2025. It involves 12 partners from university and non-university institutes as well as five associated corporate partners: The Fraunhofer Institutes for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, for Industrial Engineering IAO, for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, for Mechanics of Materials IWM and for Chemical Technology ICT; the DLR Institutes for Engineering Thermodynamics and for Quantum Technologies; the University of Stuttgart, the University of Ulm, the University of Constance, the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, the Research Center for Information Technology FZI, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH, Kipu Quantum GmbH, Robert Bosch GmbH and Classiq.

Further information:

Learn more about the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg  Find more information about the “Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg: Transfer Project (KQCBW24)”  



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[] Pioneering quantum computer research continues in Baden-Württemberg
Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg: KQCBW2024 transfer project launched