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JCI table of contents: Sept. 27, 2010

( EDITOR'S PICK: Controlling bone formation to prevent osteoporosis

Aging disrupts the balance between bone formation and bone destruction, resulting in osteoporosis, which is characterized by reduced bone mass and increased risk of fracture. Recent data have suggested that this imbalance is a result of a decrease in formation of bone forming osteoblast cells from mesenchymal cells upon aging. Instead, these cells form more fat cells. Insight into this age-related switch in cell type generation has now been provided by a team of researchers, led by Hiroshi Takayanagi, at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan, working in mice. The data generated might provide new avenues of research for those developing approaches to treat age-related osteoporosis.

In the study, the gene regulatory protein Maf was found to promote mesenchymal cell generation of osteoblasts and suppress their generation of fat cells. Consistent with this, mice lacking Maf showed delayed bone formation. Furthermore, Maf levels were found to decrease in mouse mesenchymal cells upon aging and to be reduced by increased oxidative stress, something that occurs upon aging. Both the authors and, in an accompanying commentary, Laurie McCauley, at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, believe these data could lead to new approaches to treat age-related osteoporosis.

TITLE: Maf promotes osteoblast differentiation in mice by mediating the age-related switch in mesenchymal cell differentiation

Hiroshi Takayanagi
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan.
Phone: 81.3.5803.5471; Fax: 81.3.5803.0192; E-mail:

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TITLE: c-Maf and you won't see fat

Laurie K. McCauley
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Phone: 734.647.3206; Fax: 734.763.5503; E-mail:

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IMMUNOLOGY: Defective immune cells in patients with type 1 diabetes

Studies in mice have defined a subset of immune cells known as HLA-E–restricted CD8+ suppressor (or regulatory) cells as having a role in ensuring that the immune system responds to invading microbes but does not turn on the body to cause autoimmune disease. Now, Hong Jiang and colleagues, at Columbia University, New York, have identified the same cells in humans. Interestingly, these cells were defective in the majority of patients with type 1 diabetes that the authors studied. As the defective HLA-E–restricted CD8+ cells could be rendered functional in vitro with the appropriate stimulation, the authors suggest that these cells might be a viable target for treating individuals with type 1 diabetes. This sentiment is echoed by Luc Van Kaer, at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, in an accompanying commentary.

TITLE: HLA-E–restricted regulatory CD8+ T cells are involved in development and control of human autoimmune type 1 diabetes

Hong Jiang
Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York, USA.
Phone: 212.305.6979; Fax: 212.305.4943; E-mail:

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TITLE: Comeback kids: CD8+ suppressor T cells are back in the game

Luc Van Kaer
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Phone: 615.343.2707; Fax: 615.343.2972; E-mail:

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METABOLIC DISEASE: Immune cells known as macrophages act as weight loss aids

Individuals who are obese are at increased risk of becoming resistant to the effects of the hormone insulin and consequently of developing type 2 diabetes. One factor contributing to the development of insulin resistance in individuals who are obese is the accumulation of immune cells known as macrophages in white fat tissue. New research, led by Anthony Ferrante Jr., at Columbia University, New York, has now shown in mice that weight loss is unexpectedly also associated with rapid, albeit transient, recruitment of macrophages to white fat tissue. Macrophage recruitment in this context seem to be driven by high levels of free fatty acids (the building blocks of fats) released by breakdown of fats in fat tissue. Furthermore, the recruited macrophages soak up the broken down fats, leading the authors to suggest that they buffer local increases in released fat as fat tissue breaks down during weight loss.

Ajay Chawla and Alex Red Eagle, at Stanford University, Stanford, discuss these surprising data in an accompanying commentary.

TITLE: Weight loss and lipolysis promote a dynamic immune response in murine adipose tissue

Anthony W. Ferrante, Jr.
Columbia University, New York, New York, USA.
Phone: 212.851.5322; Fax: 212.851.5335; E-mail:

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TITLE: In obesity and weight loss, all roads lead to the mighty macrophage

Ajay Chawla
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, USA.
Phone: 650.724.4022; Fax: 650.725.7085; E-mail:

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CARDIOLOGY: New level of control for the heart beat

The heart beat, nerve cell communication, and skeletal muscle function are all controlled by channels in the cell membrane that regulate the movement of sodium ions (Na+). Mutations in these so called voltage-gated Na+ channels result in forms of epilepsy and heart conditions such as long QT syndrome that are characterized by an irregular heart beat. New research, conducted by a team of investigators led by Peter Mohler and Thomas Hund, at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, has now identified a multifunctional regulatory platform for voltage-gated Na+ channels in mice.

In the study, the structural protein beta-IV-spectrin was found to be part of the multi-protein complex containing the predominant voltage-gated Na+ channel in heart muscle cells in mice. Further, beta-IV-spectrin recruited to the multi-protein complex the protein CaMKII, which in turn modified the voltage-gated Na+ channel, modulating its function. In the presence of mutant forms of beta-IV-spectrin, the function of the voltage-gated Na+ channel in the heart was impaired and the mice exhibited an abnormal heart beat. As discussed by Robert Kass and Kevin Sampson, at Columbia University, New York, in an accompanying commentary, these data provide new insight into the control of the heart beat and might provide new therapeutic targets.

TITLE: A beta-IV-spectrin/CaMKII signaling complex is essential for membrane excitability in mice

Peter J. Mohler
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
Phone: 319.335.9691; Fax: 319.353.5552; E-mail:

Thomas J. Hund
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
Phone: 319.384.1167; Fax: 319.353.5552; E-mail:

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TITLE: Location, location, regulation: a novel role for beta-spectrin in the heart

Robert S. Kass
Columbia University, New York, New York, USA.
Phone: 212.305.3720; Fax: 212.305.3545; E-mail:

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VCU study: Researchers discover a drug combination that shrinks tumors in vivo

RICHMOND, Va. (Sept. 27, 2010) – Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and VCU Massey Cancer Center researchers have shown that the impotence drug Viagra, in combination with doxorubicin, a powerful anti-cancer drug, enhances its anti-tumor efficacy in prostate cancer while alleviating the damage to the heart at the same time. For more than four decades the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin has been used to treat a number of human cancers, including that of the prostate. Despite doxorubicin's clinical efficacy for cancer treatment, its use is associated ...

LIMK plays a key role in cancer metastasis

Researchers have shown that LIM kinase (LIMK), an important regulator of actin cytoskeleton dynamics, plays a key role in cancer metastasis. The study appears online on September 27 in The Journal of Cell Biology Cancer metastasis is a multi-stage process that starts with the invasion of tumor cells into their surrounding tissue. The ability of metastatic cells to invade requires reorganization of the actin-myosin cytoskeleton, which is controlled by a sophisticated network of signals sent between a number of cellular components. LIMK has been shown previously ...

Pine-bark extract has no effect on blood pressure, Stanford study finds

STANFORD, Calif. - Add pine-bark extract to the list of dietary supplements that don't live up to their promises of improved health. A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that pine-bark extract had no effect in lowering blood pressure or reducing other risk factors for heart disease. Senior author Randall Stafford, MD, PhD, said the findings are part of a growing body of evidence that antioxidant supplements don't improve heart function. "While there's a good biological basis to presume that antioxidant supplements might have a beneficial ...

Medical imaging may detect unrelated diseases in research participants

In about 40 percent of research participants undergoing medical imaging, radiologists may detect a tumor or infection unrelated to the study but that may be meaningful to the individual's health, according to a report in the September 27 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "An incidental finding in human subjects research is defined in a major consensus project as an observation 'concerning an individual research participant that has potential clinical importance and is discovered in the course of conducting research, but is beyond ...

Lifestyle intervention for overweight patients with diabetes provides long-term benefits

An intensive lifestyle intervention appears to help individuals with type 2 diabetes lose weight and keep it off, along with improving fitness, control of blood glucose levels and risk factors for cardiovascular disease, according to a report in the September 27 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. Improving blood glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes is critical in preventing long-term complications of the disease, according to background information in the article. Emphasis has been placed ...

Outcomes of communication about end-of-life care appear to differ between black and white patients

While both black patients and white patients appear to benefit from end of life discussions with their physician, black patients are less likely to experience end-of-life care that accurately reflects their preferences, according to a report in the September 27 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "Although black patients are also more likely than white patients to desire life-prolonging measures, receipt of life-prolonging care at the end of life is associated with greater distress and with poorer quality of life," the authors write ...

Exercise associated with lower rate of fractures in elderly women

Home-based exercises followed by voluntary home training seem to be associated with long-term effects on balance and gait (manner of walking), and may help protect high-risk, elderly women from hip fractures, according to a report in the September 27 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "Falls are responsible for at least 90 percent of all hip fractures," the authors write as background in the article. "Hip fractures place the greatest demands on resources and have the greatest effect on patients because they are associated with high ...

No cardiovascular benefit observed for pine-bark extract

Use of pine bark extract, at a dose of 200 milligrams per day, appears safe but did not improve risk factors for heart disease, according to a report in the September 27 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "Although traditional strategies such as prescription medications, dietary changes and physical activity have proven benefits for reducing cardiovascular disease risk, a substantial population seeks alternative therapies, including various dietary supplements, to lower cardiovascular disease risk," the authors write as background ...

Complexity not so costly after all, analysis shows

ANN ARBOR, Mich.---The more complex a plant or animal, the more difficulty it should have adapting to changes in the environment. That's been a maxim of evolutionary theory since biologist Ronald Fisher put forth the idea in 1930. But if that tenet is true, how do you explain all the well-adapted, complex organisms---from orchids to bower birds to humans---in this world? This "cost of complexity" conundrum puzzles biologists and offers ammunition to proponents of intelligent design, who hold that such intricacy could arise only through the efforts of a divine designer, ...

Software downloaded during office visits could cut risk of ICD shocks

Software downloaded during a routine office visit cuts the risk of inappropriate shocks by 50 percent for patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. "Hundreds of patients have been saved from unnecessary shocks by software that is safe and can be painlessly downloaded in one minute during a standard defibrillator check," said Charles D. Swerdlow, M.D., lead author of the study and a cardiac electrophysiologist at the Cedars Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles and ...


Students with multiple marginalized identities face barriers to sports participation

Purdue deep-learning innovation secures semiconductors against counterfeit chips

Will digital health meet precision medicine? A new systematic review says it is about time

Improving eye tracking to assess brain disorders

Hebrew University’s professor Haitham Amal is among a large $17 million grant consortium for pioneering autism research

Scientists mix sky’s splendid hues to reset circadian clocks

Society for Neuroscience 2024 Outstanding Career and Research Achievements

Society for Neuroscience 2024 Early Career Scientists’ Achievements and Research Awards

Society for Neuroscience 2024 Education and Outreach Awards

Society for Neuroscience 2024 Promotion of Women in Neuroscience Awards

Baek conducting air quality monitoring & simulation analysis

Albanese receives funding for scholarship grant program

Generative AI model study shows no racial or sex differences in opioid recommendations for treating pain

New study links neighborhood food access to child obesity risk

Efficacy and safety of erenumab for nonopioid medication overuse headache in chronic migraine

Air pollution and Parkinson disease in a population-based study

Neighborhood food access in early life and trajectories of child BMI and obesity

Real-time exposure to negative news media and suicidal ideation intensity among LGBTQ+ young adults

Study finds food insecurity increases hospital stays and odds of readmission 

Food insecurity in early life, pregnancy may be linked to higher chance of obesity in children, NIH-funded study finds

NIH study links neighborhood environment to prostate cancer risk in men with West African genetic ancestry

New study reveals changes in the brain throughout pregnancy

15-minute city: Why time shouldn’t be the only factor in future city planning

Applied Microbiology International teams up with SelectScience

Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center establishes new immunotherapy institute

New research solves Crystal Palace mystery

Shedding light on superconducting disorder

Setting the stage for the “Frankfurt Alliance”

Alliance presents final results from phase III CABINET pivotal trial evaluating cabozantinib in advanced neuroendocrine tumors at ESMO 2024 and published in New England Journal of Medicine

X.J. Meng receives prestigious MERIT Award to study hepatitis E virus

[] JCI table of contents: Sept. 27, 2010