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July/August 2012 Annals of Family Medicine tip sheet

( Opioid Use and Misuse for Chronic Pain: What is the Appropriate Role of Prescription Painkillers?

A cluster of articles in the July/August issue of Annals looks at opioid use for the management of chronic pain, including the escalating levels of misuse, overdose and addiction associated with opioid pain relievers. The role of opioids in the management of chronic pain is timely and consequential — the volume of prescribed opioids has increased 600 percent from 1997 to 2007, and during roughly the same period, the number of unintentional lethal overdoses involving prescription opioids increased more than 350 percent, from approximately 4,000 in 1999 to more than 14,000 in 2007. Together, the articles attempt to clarify the appropriate role of opioids in long-term management of chronic noncancer pain.

Depressed Patients More Likely to Misuse Opioids

In a study of patients at two of the country's largest health plans, researchers found patients were much more likely to misuse opioids if they were depressed. The survey of 1,334 patients with no history of substance abuse who were on long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain, found that patients with moderate and severe depression were 1.8 and 2.4 times more likely, respectively, to misuse their opioid pain medications for non-pain symptoms than patients who were not depressed. Patients with mild, moderate and severe depression were 1.9, 2.9 and 3.1 times more likely, respectively, than patients who were not depressed to misuse their opioid medications by self-increasing their dose. The study also identified other risk factors for misuse, including male sex, lower average daily dose, less education, younger age, higher pain severity and white race. The researchers conclude clinicians should be alert to the risk of patients with depressive symptoms using opioids to relieve those symptoms, and they call for future research to examine whether treatment of depression decreases the risk of opioid misuse.

Depression and Prescription Opioid Misuse Among Chronic Opioid Therapy Recipients With No History of Substance Abuse
By Alicia Grattan, MD, et al
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle

Editorial: Primary Care Physicians Should Take the Lead in Setting Opioid Prescribing Standards

An editorial by Michael Von Korff, ScD, coauthor of the aforementioned study on depression and opioid misuse, reports on a May 2012 meeting convened by the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research to discuss the use of analgesics for the management of chronic noncancer pain. A participant and presenter at the meeting, Von Korff acknowledges the pendulum is swinging in the direction of more selective and conservative opioid prescribing. Because primary care is where long-term opioid prescribing most often occurs and is a gateway to nonpharmacologic approaches to chronic pain care, he asserts it is critical that primary care physicians take the leading role in defining how, when and for whom opioids should be used in long-term management of chronic pain.

Opioids for Chronic Noncancer Pain: As the Pendulum Swings, Who Should Set Prescribing Standards for Primary Care?
By Michael Von Korff, ScD
Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, Wash.

Editorial: Opioids Not Appropriate Therapy for Most Primary Care Patients

An editorial from a family physician at the University of Washington asserts opioids for chronic noncancer pain are not appropriate therapy for most patients in primary care settings because of their power to do harm and the availability of safer, alternative treatments for chronic pain, including physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, low-dose tricyclic medications and treatment of co-occurring psychiatric illnesses. He suggests that when other interventions fail or are inadequate, cautious evidence-based consideration of low-dose opioids as an adjunct to other therapies may be considered. Entering into chronic opioid therapy, he concludes, requires a long-term commitment by clinician and patient alike to use this powerful, precious and dangerous medication with care and diligence.

Opioids for Chronic Pain: First Do No Harm
By Roger A. Rosenblatt, MD, MPH, and Mary Catlin, BSN, MPH
University of Washington, Seattle

Essay: Objective Evidence of Severe Disease Needed Before Prescribing Opioids

In an essay, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco-Fresno proposes a new standard for the use of long-term opioids for chronic pain: the presence or absence of objective evidence of severe disease. The escalating number of deaths and overdoses associated with opioid pain relievers, he asserts, argues for more responsible prescribing. He concludes until we have measures of pain itself, clinicians should insist upon objective evidence of severe disease, including information from diagnostic studies or physical examination findings, before prescribing opioids for chronic pain.

Objective Evidence of Severe Disease: Opioid Use in Chronic Pain
By John A. Zweifler, MD, MPH
University of California, San Francisco-Fresno

Meditation and Exercise Training Associated with Reduced Acute Respiratory Illness Burden

Training in mindfulness meditation and sustained moderate-intensity exercise are associated with reduced illness severity and fewer days of missed work from acute respiratory infections. A study of 149 patients randomized to one of three study groups: 8-week training in mindfulness meditation, matched 8-week training in moderate intensity sustained exercise or observational control found substantial reductions in ARI illness among those randomized to exercise training and even greater benefits among those receiving mindfulness meditation training. Incidence, duration and global severity of ARI illness were 29 percent, 43 percent and 31 percent lower, respectively, in the exercise group, and 33 percent, 43 percent and 60 percent lower, respectively, in the mindfulness group, compared with the control group. Implications for the workplace, the authors note, may be especially important. Compared with the control group, all-cause absenteeism was 31 percent lower in both intervention groups. Looking at ARI-related absenteeism in particular, there were 48 percent fewer days missed in the exercise group, and 76 percent fewer in the meditation group. The authors assert these findings are especially notable given that no ARI prevention strategies, apart from hand washing, have ever been proven.

Meditation or Exercise for Preventing Acute Respiratory Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial
By Bruce Barrett, MD, PhD, et al
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Patient-centered Personal Health Records Increase Preventive Service Delivery

An interactive preventive health record that provides patients access to their medical record, explains information in lay language, and provides individualized recommendations, resources and reminders is associated with a greater rate of being up to date on recommended preventive services. The trial, involving 4,500 patients in eight primary care practices, randomized patients to either receive a mailed invitation to use an IPHR or to usual care. Despite fairly low rates of use among patients invited to use the IPHR (10 percent at 4 months and 17 percent at 16 months), the proportion of patients up to date with all preventive services increased between baseline and 16 months by 3.8 percent among intervention patients and by 1.5 percent among control patients. Greater increases were observed among patients who used the IPHR. At 16 months, 25.1 percent of users were up to date with all services, double the rate among nonusers. Moreover, at four months, delivery of colorectal, breast and cervical cancer screening increased by 19 percent, 15 percent and 13 percent, respectively, among users. The authors conclude information systems that feature patient-centered functionality, such as the IPHR, have potential to increase preventive service delivery.

Interactive Preventive Health Record to Enhance the Delivery of Recommended Care: A Randomized Trial
By Alex H. Krist, MD, MPH, et al
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond

Postpartum Depression Screening Program is First to Demonstrate Improved Patient Outcomes

Primary care physicians given postpartum screening tools and education are more likely to diagnose and treat postpartum depression, and their patients have lower depressive symptoms at six and 12 months of follow-up. A practice-based study involving 28 practices randomized to either receive education and tools for postpartum depression screening or usual care found rates of diagnosis, treatment initiation and referral for psychiatric evaluation were all higher in the intervention group, indicating the program effectively raised awareness. Specifically, of the 1,897 patients included in the analysis, 654 had elevated screening scores indicative of depression, with comparable rates in the intervention and usual-care groups. Among the 654 women with elevated postpartum depression screening scores, those in the intervention practices were more likely to receive a diagnosis (P = .0006) and therapy for postpartum depression (P = .002). They also had lower depressive symptom levels at 6 months (P = .07) and 12 months (P = .001) postpartum. The study is the first large effectiveness study of screening and follow-up care for postpartum depression that has shown any improvement in maternal outcomes at 12 months. These findings, the authors assert, warrant dissemination efforts and continued evaluation of similar practical primary care-based programs that have minimal requirements for referrals to outside mental health services.

TRIPPD: A Practice-Based Network Effectiveness Study of Postpartum Depression Screening and Management
By Barbara P. Yawn, MD, MSc, et al
Olmsted Medical Center, Rochester, Minn.

Chemical Intolerance Prevalent in Primary Care

Evaluating the prevalence, comorbidity and impact of chemical intolerance on functional status and health care use in a sample of 400 primary care patients, researchers found chemical tolerance is prevalent, commonly comorbid with a range of medical and psychiatric conditions, and associated with poorer functional status with trends toward increased medical service use. Overall, 20 percent of the sample met criteria for chemical intolerance. The chemically intolerant group reported significantly higher rates of comorbid allergies and more often met screening criteria for possible major depressive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and alcohol abuse disorder, as well as somatization disorder. Controlling for demographics, patients with chemical intolerance were significantly more likely to have poorer functional status, with trends toward increased medical service use when compared with non-chemically intolerant patients. The authors conclude that although chemical intolerance is common in primary care, it often goes unrecognized and requires active investigation by the primary care physician. The presence of chemical intolerance among relatives, a history of medication intolerances/adverse drug reaction, complex multisystem conditions or a prior diagnosis of somatization disorder, they assert, should raise the index of suspicion of chemical intolerance and prompt screening using the Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory tool.

Chemical Intolerance in Primary Care Settings: Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Outcomes
By David A. Katerndahl, MD, et al
University of Texas Health Science Center

Practice Intervention Shows Promise in Reducing Depression and Self-Harm in Older Patients

An educational intervention targeting general practitioners in Australia reduced the prevalence of depression and self-harm behavior among their older patients. The trial including 373 physicians and 21,762 patients aged 60 years and older testing an intervention that consisted of a practice audit with personalized feedback and printed educational material about screening, diagnosis and management of depression and suicide behavior in later life found those in the intervention group experienced a 10 percent reduction in the odds of depression and self-harm behavior over 2 years of follow up. The authors note the beneficial effect was primarily due to the relative reduction of self-harm behavior among patients who did not report symptoms at baseline. It did not reduce the prevalence of depression or self-harm behavior in patients who had symptoms at baseline. The authors call for the replication of these results with future research.

A Randomized Trial to Reduce the Prevalence of Depression and Self-Harm Behavior in Older Primary Care Patients
By Osvaldo P. Almeida, MD, PhD, FRANZCP, et al
University of Western Australia

Strong Physician-Patient Relationship Critical to the Diagnosis and Management of Depression in Palliative Care Patients

Family physicians in The Netherlands perceive the diagnosis and management of depression in palliative care patients as challenging, but generally feel competent to address the issue. Focus group discussions with 22 family physicians with varying experience in palliative care revealed physicians do not strictly apply criteria of depressive disorder when evaluating patients, but rather rely on their clinical judgment, and strongly considered patients' context and background factors. The participants acknowledged difficulty in discerning depression from normal sadness and identified a lack of knowledge, time and additional support sources as challenges. The authors recommend improving family physician education in this area by building on the elements the study participants identified as key in diagnosing depression and distinguishing it from normal sadness: strengthening continuity of care and relationship- building with patients and their families through the palliative trajectory and explicitly addressing sadness as part of the normal process of coming to terms with the prospect of end of life. They conclude that guidelines, criteria and other tools will provide valuable support only when applied in the context of such a patient-centered approach.

How Family Physicians Address Diagnosis and Management of Depression in Palliative Care Patients
By Franca Warmenhoven
Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands


Annals of Family Medicine is a peer-reviewed, indexed research journal that provides a cross-disciplinary forum for new, evidence-based information affecting the primary care disciplines. Launched in May 2003, Annals is sponsored by seven family medical organizations, including the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Board of Family Medicine, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, the Association of Departments of Family Medicine, the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, the North American Primary Care Research Group, and the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Annals is published six times each year and contains original research from the clinical, biomedical, social and health services areas, as well as contributions on methodology and theory, selected reviews, essays and editorials. Complete editorial content and interactive discussion groups for each published article can be accessed free of charge on the journal's Web site,



Annals of Internal Medicine tip sheet for July 10, 2012, online issue

1. Free Curriculum Aims to Educate Internal Medicine Residents About Wasteful Health Care Spending Developed by the American College of Physicians and the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, the New Curriculum is Part of ACP's Ongoing High-Value, Cost-Conscious Care Initiative Economists warn that health care spending in the United States is rising at an unsustainable rate. To slow the rate of increase, while preserving high quality care, thought leaders in academic medicine suggest that clinicians focus on using medical interventions that provide good value. This ...

JCI early table of contents for July 9, 2012

Breathing easy: keeping airways open Asthma is an increasingly common chronic disorder characterized by wheezing and shortness of breath. Symptoms are caused by excessive airway smooth muscle contraction; however mechanisms serving to keep airways open are not fully understood. Dean Sheppard and colleagues at the University of California at San Francisco have revealed a pathway required for preventing exaggerated airway smooth muscle contraction. Their work investigates a protein called α9β1, which is highly expressed in airway smooth muscle, and makes use ...

Decreasing cancer risk associated with inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is caused by chronic inflammation , which leads to damage of the intestinal epithelium. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have an elevated risk for developing colorectal cancer because of this chronic inflammation. In an effort to develop strategies to break the cycle of inflammation, Dr. Brent Polk and colleagues at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles examined two mouse models of colorectal cancer. Their work shows that inactivating a key receptor, known as epidermal growth factor receptor, increases the frequency and ...

New silk technology preserves heat-sensitive drugs for months without refrigeration

MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, Mass. (July 9, 2012, 3 PM EST) Researchers at Tufts University School of Engineering have discovered a way to maintain the potency of vaccines and other drugs -- that otherwise require refrigeration -- for months and possibly years at temperatures above 110 degrees F, by stabilizing them in a silk protein made from silkworm cocoons. Importantly, the pharmaceutical-infused silk can be made in a variety of forms such as microneedles, microvesicles and films that allow the non-refrigerated drugs to be stored and administered in a single device. The ...

Marcellus brine migration likely natural, not man-made

A Duke University study of well water in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests that naturally occurring pathways could have allowed salts and gases from the Marcellus shale formation deep underground to migrate up into shallow drinking water aquifers. The study found elevated levels of salinity with similar geochemistry to deep Marcellus brine in drinking water samples from three groundwater aquifers, but no direct links between the salinity and shale gas exploration in the region. "This is a good news-bad news kind of finding," said Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry ...

Generic drugs key to US overseas HIV relief

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPfAR) began in 2003 with good intentions, but it was not until the U.S. government's massive overseas public health campaign adopted generic drugs that it became a success, according to a new article by Brown University researchers in the July issue of the journal Health Affairs. Nearly a decade later, expanding the availability of generics remains urgent, especially as doctors in the field encounter resistance to first-line treatment regimens. "By 2002 generic drugs had been shown ...

Uncircumcised boys at higher risk of urinary tract infections

Uncircumcised boys are at higher risk of urinary tract infection, regardless of whether the urethra is visible, found a new study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Urinary tract infections are one of the most common serious bacterial infections in children and, if not treated, can cause an infection of the blood or scar the kidneys. To determine whether the risk for infection is higher in boys with a visible urethral meatus, researchers looked at a cross-section of 393 boys who visited an emergency department with symptoms of a possible urinary ...

Canada's Bill C-31 to change immigration act could severely affect mental health of refugees

The Canadian government's proposed Bill C-31 to change the country's immigration act could have serious negative impacts on the mental health of refugees, states a commentary in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Under the proposed Bill C-31, the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act, which targets refugee claimants, children under age 16 will be separated from their parents or held informally in a detention centre with their mothers. Family reunification for recognized refugees will be delayed until five years and detention reviews will not occur for ...

Choice to use drug-eluting stents has little relation to patients' probable benefit

A new study finds that the use of drug-eluting stents after angioplasty bears little relationship to patients' predicted risk of restenosis (reblockage) of the treated coronary artery, the situation the devices are designed to prevent. In an Archives of Internal Medicine paper receiving early online publication, a multi-institutional research team reports that the devices are used in treating more than 70 percent of patients at low risk of restenosis. Since patients receiving these stents need to take costly anticlotting medications for at least a year – medicines that ...

PEPFAR HIV/AIDS programs linked to uptick in babies born at health facilities in sub-saharan Africa

While HIV programs provide lifesaving care and treatment to millions of people in lower-income countries, there have been concerns that as these programs expand, they divert investments from other health priorities such as maternal health. Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health assessed the effect of HIV programs supported by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) on access to maternal health care in sub-Saharan Africa for women who are not infected with HIV. The findings show that, in fact, PEPFAR-funded, HIV-related projects ...


SNU researchers develop world’s first technology to observe atomic structural changes of nanoparticles in 3D

SNU researchers develop a new synthesis technology of single crystal 2D semiconductors, “Hypotaxy,” to enhance the commercialization of next-generation 2D semiconductors

Graphene production method offers green alternative to mining

Researchers discover a cause of leptin resistance—and how to reverse it

Heat from the sun affects seismic activity on Earth

Postoperative aspiration pneumonia among adults using GLP-1 receptor agonists

Perceived discrimination in health care settings and care delays in patients with diabetes and hypertension

Postoperative outcomes following preweekend surgery

Nearly 4 of 10 Americans report sports-related mistreatment

School absence patterns could ID children with chronic GI disorders, research suggests

Mount Sinai researchers identify molecular glues that protect insulin-producing cells from damage related to diabetes

Study: Smartwatches could end the next pandemic

Equal distribution of wealth is bad for the climate

Evidence-based strategies improve colonoscopy bowel preparation quality, performance, and patient experience 

E. (Sarah) Du, Ph.D., named Senior Member, National Academy of Inventors

Study establishes “ball and chain” mechanism inactivates key mammalian ion channel

Dicamba drift: New use of an old herbicide disrupts pollinators

Merging schools to reduce segregation

Ending pandemics with smartwatches

Mapping consensus locations for offshore wind

Breakthrough in clean energy: Palladium nanosheets pave way for affordable hydrogen

Novel stem cell therapy repairs irreversible corneal damage in clinical trial

News article or big oil ad? As native advertisements mislead readers on climate change, Boston University experts identify interventions

Advanced genetic blueprint could unlock precision medicine

Study: World’s critical food crops at imminent risk from rising temperatures

Chemistry: Triple bond formed between boron and carbon for the first time

How a broken bone from arm wrestling led to a paradigm shift in mental health: Exercise as a first-line treatment for depression

Alarming levels of microplastics discovered in human brain tissue, linked to dementia

Global neurology leader makes The Neuro world's first open science institute

Alpha particle therapy emerges as a potent weapon against neuroendocrine tumours

[] July/August 2012 Annals of Family Medicine tip sheet