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Geosphere explores the Sierra Nevada, Colorado River system, Laurentia, and the deep sea

Geosphere articles posted online Oct. 18, 2012

( Boulder, Colo., USA – Geosphere, The Geological Society of America's peer-reviewed online journal, has added papers to four special issues: Origin and Evolution of the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane; CRevolution 2: Origin and Evolution of the Colorado River System II; Exploring the Deep Sea and Beyond; and Making the Southern Margin of Laurentia. Geosphere specializes in accommodating animations, sound, and movie files, along with high-resolution figures.

Abstracts for these and other Geosphere papers are available at Representatives of the media may obtain complimentary copies of Geosphere articles by contacting Kea Giles at the address above.

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Basin and Range volcanism as a passive response to extensional tectonics
Keith Putirka and Bryant Platt, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State University, 2576 E. San Ramon Avenue, MS/ST24, Fresno, California 93740, USA. Posted online 18 October 2012; doi: 10.1130/GES00803.1.

Keith Putirka and Bryant Platt of Cal-State-Fresno present a new model to explain Tertiary to recent volcanic activity in the Basin and Range province of the United States. Volcanism and extensional faulting occur due to the development of the San Andreas fault system, which initiates the degradation or physical loss of lithospheric mantle. This process migrates north with time, and at any given latitude lasts for about 20 million years and at the end of this period, volcanism rapidly wanes and suddenly approaches mid-ocean ridge-like compositions.

Diachronous episodes of Cenozoic erosion in southwestern North America and their relationship to surface uplift, paleoclimate, paleodrainage, and paleoaltimetry
Steven M. Cather et al., New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA. Posted online 18 October 2012; doi: 10.1130/GES00801.1.

The uplift and erosion history of southwestern North America has been the topic of much debate. We present data that demonstrate that deep erosion did not occur synchronously throughout the region, but that erosion occurred in local regions at various times during the Cenozoic. These areas of uplift can be associated with local processes of contemporaneous tectonic uplift, and thus suggest that deep erosion was intimately related to episodes of surface uplift. Except for the oldest uplift episode (Laramide; Late Cretaceous-early Eocene) that was associated with local areas of crustal shortening, the remaining three episodes of uplift and erosion (late middle Eocene, late Oligocene-early Miocene, late Miocene–Recent) were related to processes in the mantle. Only the late Miocene to recent episode of erosion is well correlated to climate change. Results presented by Steven M. Cather and colleagues suggest that near-modern elevations in southwestern North America were generally not attained until the Neogene.

Planform geometry, stacking pattern, and extrabasinal origin of low strength and intermediate strength cohesive debris flow deposits in the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, Italy
P.J. Talling et al., National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK. Posted online 18 October 2012; doi: 10.1130/GES00734.1.

P.J. Talling and colleagues discuss the only location where individual layers of rock, each deposited by a single underwater flow of sediment, have been mapped in detail across a mountain belt for 120 km. It therefore provides unique information on how submarine sediment density flows evolve. Some of these ancient underwater sediment flows were huge, as just one of the flows could transport more than the annual sediment flux from all of the world's present-day rivers. Although these ancient rocks were deposited in a flat basin plain, our work shows that the submarine flows were surprisingly complex, and not like our textbook models. This study shows how a single flow event could comprise several different types of flow (dilute and turbulent or dense and laminar), and that transformations occurred between flow types. In particular, Talling and colleagues show that mud-rich debris flows with very low yield strength could run out for remarkable distances into the deep ocean.

Ages of pre-rift basement and synrift rocks along the conjugate rift and transform margins of the Argentine Precordillera and Laurentia
William A. Thomas et al., Geological Survey of Alabama, 420 Hackberry Lane, P.O. Box 869999, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35486-6999, USA. Posted online 18 October 2012; doi: 10.1130/GES00800.1.

New geochronologic data from basement rocks support the interpretation that the Argentine Precordillera (Cuyania) terrane was rifted from the Ouachita embayment of the Iapetan margin of Laurentia. These data, presented by William A. Thomas and colleagues, document multiple events within the same time span as multiple events in the Grenville orogeny in eastern Laurentia, and are consistent with Grenville-age rocks along the conjugate margins of the Precordillera and Laurentia. Ages from one newly analyzed collection, however, are older than those from other basement rocks in the Precordillera. These older ages from the Precordillera are consistent with indications that the Iapetan margin in the Ouachita embayment of Laurentia truncated the Grenville front and left older rocks of the Southern Granite-Rhyolite province at the rifted margin.




A novel scheme to enhance local electric fields around metal nanostructures

A novel scheme to enhance local electric fields around metal nanostructures
Enhanced local electric fields are predominant in nonlinear optical properties, particularly in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), which is a sensitive technique used for the detection of trace amounts of chemicals. Analysis of the electric fields around nanostructures indicates that they can provide a basic foundation to obtain greater SERS intensity. Professor ZHANG Zhongyue and his group from the College of Physics and Information Technology at Shaanxi Normal University have proposed a novel scheme to enhance the local electric fields around nanostructures. The ...

AAP president Dr. Robert Block reflects on changes in pediatric health

NEW ORLEANS – Robert Block, MD, FAAP, outgoing president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), will address attendees at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition Saturday, Oct. 20, at 10:40 a.m. during the opening plenary session at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. Dr. Block will lead a discussion on the "soul of a pediatrician," and how a pediatrician's devotion and compassion for children must persist as the world of medicine changes around us. Dr. Block will also focus on his yearlong theme of "all adults were once children," to promote ...

American Academy of Pediatrics study documents early puberty onset in boys

NEW ORLEANS -- A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has documented that boys in the U.S. are experiencing the onset of puberty six months to two years earlier than reported in previous research. The study, "Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Boys: Data from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network," will be published in the November 2012 Pediatrics and published online Oct. 20 to coincide with the AAP National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans. The trend toward earlier onset of puberty in girls is now generally accepted and supported ...

Cyberbullying only rarely the sole factor identified in teen suicides

NEW ORLEANS – Cyberbullying – the use of the Internet, phones or other technologies to repeatedly harass or mistreat peers – is often linked with teen suicide in media reports. However, new research presented on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans, shows that the reality is more complex. Most teen suicide victims are bullied both online and in school, and many suicide victims also suffer from depression. For the abstract, "Cyberbullying and Suicide: A Retrospective Analysis of 41 Cases," researchers ...

In vitro fertilization linked to increase risk for birth defects

NEW ORLEANS – In vitro fertilization (IVF) may significantly increase the risk of birth defects, particularly those of the eye, heart, reproductive organs and urinary systems, according to new research presented Saturday, Oct. 20, at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. According to the study, despite increasing use of IVF in the United States, associations between birth defects and IVF are poorly understood. Management of birth defects comprises a large part of pediatric surgical care and demands significant health ...

Traffic Accidents Increase as Texas Oil and Gas Industry Grows

Traffic Accidents Increase as Texas Oil and Gas Industry Grows Here are some alarming statistics for workers in the busy oil and gas industry in Texas. From 2003 to 2008, the leading cause of death for oil field workers nationwide was highway accidents, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. And in 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported that almost 40 percent of fatalities in the oil and gas industry resulted from motor vehicle accidents. Many Texas communities are currently seeing big increases in traffic volume ...

Arguing Over Money Major Factor in Many New Jersey Divorces

Arguing Over Money Major Factor in Many New Jersey Divorces It is not unusual for married couples to have disagreements. Some arguments erupt over trivial issues, and some are the result of major concerns. Those couples who argue about money may be doing more harm to their marriages than they know. Fights about money can lead to divorce. However, people can help minimize fights about money during a divorce with a prenuptial agreement. Money Arguments Contribute to Divorces Disagreements about money are the most common reason people argue, according to a study conducted ...

Establishing Child Guardianship in Oklahoma

Establishing Child Guardianship in Oklahoma The right to raise one's own child is considered fundamental in the U.S., and authorities will not interfere with the parent-child relationship without a compelling reason. In some cases, parents are unwilling or unable to care for their children and other people step in to help. Oklahoma law recognizes the authority of a person besides a child's parents to raise a child through a guardianship. What Is a Guardianship? Under Oklahoma law, the court may appoint a child a guardian "when it appears necessary or convenient." ...

Being Too Nice During an Oklahoma Divorce Can Cause Pain Later

Being Too Nice During an Oklahoma Divorce Can Cause Pain Later When couples divorce, many strive to make the split amicable. Whether it be because they need to continue to have a relationship as parents of children from the marriage or they believe a friendly divorcewill be less emotionally taxing, some couples make a concerted effort to maintain a civil, even cordial, tone during the proceedings. However, in the effort to be considerate to a former spouse, a person may inadvertently sabotage his or her chances for financial security after the divorce. Oklahoma residents ...

Mediation Can Benefit Those Going Through Divorce in Connecticut

Mediation Can Benefit Those Going Through Divorce in Connecticut Divorce can be a horrible thing, filled with bitter arguments, wounded feelings and protracted court battles. However, more people are realizing the damage that using litigation for divorce can cause and are opting for divorce mediation instead. People in Connecticut considering divorce should be aware of what mediation is and some of the benefits it may offer over going to court for divorce. Mediation Process When a couple decides to use mediation for a divorce, they select a mediator trained in ...


Last supper of 15-million-year-old freshwater fish

Slow, silent ‘scream’ of epithelial cells detected for first time

How big brains and flexible skulls led to the evolution of modern birds

Iguanas floated one-fifth of the way around the world to colonize Fiji

‘Audible enclaves’ could enable private listening without headphones

Twisting atomically thin materials could advance quantum computers

Impaired gastric myoelectrical rhythms associated with altered autonomic functions in patients with severe ischemic stroke

American College of Cardiology issues concise clinical guidance on evaluation and management of cardiogenic shock

Psychological prehabilitation improves surgical recovery, study finds

Neighborhood dispute among cells: Whichever successfully exerts force wins

Deadline extended for the fifth edition of the SWIM Award for Science Journalism

Unique dove species is the dodo of the Caribbean and in similar danger of dying out

Free University Brussels (VUB) opens its doors to censored American researchers

Neuroanatomy that sets humans apart from other primates

Stress and sex influence traumatic brain injury outcomes

Study: suppressing key protein may unlock immunotherapy for Glioblastoma

Early surgical intervention in children with sleep-disordered breathing reduces need for doctor visits, prescriptions

Statin use and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease

Gender-affirming hormone therapy and depressive symptoms among transgender adults

Surgery in kids with mild sleep-disordered breathing tied to fewer doctor visits, meds

Magnetic microalgae on a mission to become robots

Impact journals to participate at the AACR Annual Meeting 2025

Webb telescope captures its first direct images of carbon dioxide outside solar system

NIH-sponsored trial of Lassa vaccine opens

Pro-life people partly motivated to prevent casual sex, study finds

Top locations for ocean energy production worldwide revealed

New AI model analyzes full night of sleep with high accuracy in largest study of its kind

Combination of cosmic processes shapes the size and location of sub-Neptunes

New study shows regular exercise pre-hospitalization is linked to better outcomes in heart failure

New discovery in plant–pest warfare could lead to sustainable farming solutions

[] Geosphere explores the Sierra Nevada, Colorado River system, Laurentia, and the deep sea
Geosphere articles posted online Oct. 18, 2012