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A Felony Conviction Will Haunt You

A felony conviction can have severe consequences, especially for college-age individuals.

January 26, 2013 ( A felony conviction will haunt you

On May 23, 2012, 21-year-old University of Colorado Boulder graduate Zoey Ripple wandered drunk into a Boulder home at 3:30 a.m. The homeowners told police that Zoey came into their bedroom and approached their bed with some kind of light. They said she never said a word. The homeowners told her to leave several times and even warned her that they had a gun. When Zoey got about six feet from the couple, the husband shot her once in the hip.

Zoey not only suffered a fractured hip from the shot, but was charged with first-degree criminal trespass -- a felony offense in Colorado with a possible prison term of up to five years. After several months of plea negotiations, Zoey pleaded guilty to criminal trespass in a plea agreement that spared her prison time and resulted in an 18-month suspended sentence. The offense is still a felony, but if she stays out of trouble while on probation, the felony can be removed from her record.

The terms of the plea agreement also prohibit Zoey from using alcohol. While alcohol was certainly a contributing factor, Zoey's attorney told the sentencing judge that Zoey may have been under the influence of a date-rape drug when she stumbled into the home of complete strangers. The attorney said Zoey has vague memories of the evening and the fact that she cannot remember the full conversations she had with the police that night suggests something more than just alcohol was at play.

Regardless of what was influencing Zoey the morning of May 23rd, she took responsibility for her actions. "This has been an enormously traumatic incident for me," Zoey said. "This is something that will follow me for the rest of my life. But this does not define me."

Zoey is correct -- this incident will follow her for the rest of her life. In addition to the bullet that remains lodged in her back, Zoey is now a convicted felon. Fortunately, she has the chance of wiping it from her record; but until then the stigma remains. A felony conviction has substantial ramifications. Not only will it impact one's ability to vote and possess a firearm, but it will deal a significant blow to employment possibilities and can even limit where one is able to live.

The effects of a felony conviction for college-aged students are crippling. Felons are generally prevented from receiving federal assistance of any kind, including student loans and/or grants. For most people, this would mean the end of any higher education goals. A felony will likely dash dreams of travelling abroad as many countries will not provide visas for those who have been involved in criminal activity.

The consequences of a felony conviction, especially for a college-aged person, are quite devastating. For that reason, it is crucial to have the assistance of a skilled criminal defense attorney that understands the criminal justice process and the needs of college-aged defendants. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, contact an experienced defense attorney to discuss your situation, your options and your future.

Article provided by Joneson & Michael, LLC
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[] A Felony Conviction Will Haunt You
A felony conviction can have severe consequences, especially for college-age individuals.