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Jose Acanda Heralds the Health Benefits of Martial Arts

New discoveries reveal the health advantages of martial arts and outline redefined fitness goals. This development has triggered an announcement celebrated by Jose Acanda.

PHILADELPHIA, PA, May 07, 2013 ( Recent reports declare that the effects of martial arts training are revolutionizing the physical aspirations of people with various health conditions, including diabetes and kidney stones. The new information regarding the productivity and strengthening of martial arts students is changing the shape of health and wellness practices and the approached goals of fitness-seekers everywhere. A recent article in Wiltshire Times proclaims that business professional Martin Killian has witnessed dramatic improvements in his health and has ultimately detected a remedy for living with diabetes. The report notes that once Killian changed his fitness approach to include martial arts four times a week, he stated that the training helped him shed four stones.

Jose Acanda, acclaimed martial arts trainer agrees that the practice is an effective solution to exponentially increasing health and wellness through exercises in concentration, strength and toning. "I have been doing tae kwon do for all my life," he said, and heartily concurs with Martin Killian in that he would "recommend martial arts above going to the gym to anybody."

As a martial arts instructor who trained with the Cuban Olympic team, he strongly encourages his students to embrace the full-range advantages of the practice. He teaches children and adults of a variety of skill levels and specializes in tae kwon do and self-defense, art forms that instruct students on how to master precision, strength, balance, coordination and speed. He proudly refers to this article to show that the noticeable benefits in productivity and concentration will inevitably affect every area of a student's life. He adamantly agrees that the health benefits are numerous and large enough to effectively eliminate serious, life-altering conditions like diabetes. In the Wiltshire Times article, Martin Killian announces that is no longer dependent on insulin, a clear indicator of the health improvements found in martial arts.

The article indicates that the business professional considers martial arts as a catalyst for control and restraint. "I needed a regime to stick to," Killian said, "and martial arts gives you that." Jose Acanda continues to emphasize that the discipline required of martial arts encourages positive health habits and a renewed dedication for fitness goals. "The training involves cardiovascular exercises and stretching that improves balance and strength." He also agrees that the benefits of Tamashii include de-stressing techniques that actively increase productivity levels.

He points out that the concentration required of martial arts improves more than just the physical aspects of students' lives.

Jose Acanda believes the philosophy of determination and focus applied through every martial arts movement contributes to the well-being of students, creating a heightened awareness and strength in those practicing the art form, specifically in tae kwon do. The wide variety of complex movements and techniques aim to demonstrate different skill sets, contributing what Martin Killian proclaims as a "massive personal change of approach" in his health and lifestyle.


Jose Acanda is certified and highly trained in a variety of martial art practices and has an extensive background teaching martial arts to children and adults in his personal studio in Virginia. He is opening a new training center in the fall in Florida. He enjoys teaching children self-defense, dancing to Cuban music like the salsa and merengue and also loves watching boxing and other Ultimate Fighting Competitions. His specialty in tae kwon do services are taught with a philosophic approach and a rich history of oriental tradition and doctrines focusing on the power of control, speed and balance.


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[] Jose Acanda Heralds the Health Benefits of Martial Arts
New discoveries reveal the health advantages of martial arts and outline redefined fitness goals. This development has triggered an announcement celebrated by Jose Acanda.