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New GEOSPHERE science online covers Himalaya, Colorado River, McMurdo Sound, and more

( Boulder, Colo., USA – New Geosphere postings online on 7 and 16 May include additions to two special issues: CRevolution 2: Origin and Evolution of the Colorado River System II and The ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) and Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Drilling Projects. Other articles cover India-Asia collision; a Late Triassic snapshot in the U.S. Southwest; the Alabama and western Georgia Blue Ridge; and the Jemez Mountains volcanic field.

Abstracts for these and other Geosphere papers are available at Representatives of the media may obtain complimentary copies of Geosphere articles by contacting Christa Stratton at the address above.

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Preliminary balanced palinspastic reconstruction of Cenozoic deformation across the Himachal Himalaya (northwestern India)
A. Alexander G. Webb, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA. First published on 16 May 2013,

This study offers the first geometrically rigorous reconstruction of deformation in response to the India-Asia collision across a key portion of the western Himalaya. The reconstruction demonstrates the viability of important concepts pertaining to the dynamic evolution of crustal-scale contractional systems. First, despite variations in erosion and exhumation, the crystalline cores of mountain belts may be emplaced at depth. Second, zones of rapid uplift along the length of mountain belts in their interior may result from deep accretion and stacking of slices from the down-going collisional plate. Third, such stacking may occur in multiple systems at different crustal levels, all developing simultaneously. Finally, the reconstruction resolves much of the apparent mismatch between shortening estimates of two different types across the western Himalaya; i.e., between estimates based on reconstructing mountain belt deformation and estimates based on restoring plate motion using sea-floor magnetic anomalies.

Review and analysis of the age and origin of the Pliocene Bouse Formation, lower Colorado River Valley, southwestern USA
Jon E. Spencer et al., Arizona Geological Survey, 416 W. Congress Street, #100, Tucson, Arizona 85704, USA. First published on 16 May 2013, Issue: CRevolution 2: Origin and Evolution of the Colorado River System II.

The lower Pliocene Bouse Formation in the lower Colorado River Valley (southwestern USA) consists of basal marl and dense tufa overlain by siltstone and fine sandstone. It is locally overlain by and interbedded with sands derived from the Colorado River. Jon E. Spencer and colleagues briefly review 87Sr/86Sr analyses of Bouse carbonates and shells and carbonate and gypsum of similar age east of Las Vegas that indicate that all of these strata are isotopically similar to modern Colorado River water. They also review and add new data that are consistent with a step in Bouse Formation maximum elevations from 330 m south of Topock Gorge to 555 m to the north. New geochemical data from glass shards in a volcanic ash bed within the Bouse Formation, and from an ash bed within similar deposits in Bristol Basin west of the Colorado River Valley, indicate correlation of the two ash beds and coeval submergence of both areas. The tuff bed is identified as the 4.83 million year old Lawlor Tuff derived from the San Francisco Bay region. Spencer and colleagues conclude, as have some others, that the Bouse Formation was deposited in lakes produced by first-arriving Colorado River water that entered closed basins inherited from Basin and Range extension, and estimate that first arrival of river water occurred about 4.9 million years ago. If this interpretation is correct, addition of Bristol Basin to the Blythe Basin inundation area means that river discharge was sufficient to fill and spill a lake with an area of ~10,000 square kilometers. For spillover to occur, evaporation rates must have been significantly less in early Pliocene time than modern rates of about two to four meters per year, and/or Colorado River discharge was significantly greater than the current ~15 cubic kilometers per year. In this lacustrine interpretation, evaporation rates were sufficient to concentrate salts to levels that were hospitable to some marine organisms presumably introduced by birds.

Porosity and density of the AND-1B sediment core, McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica: Field consolidation enhanced by grounded ice
F. Niessen et al., Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Am Alten Hafen 26, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany. First published on 7 May 2013, Issue: The ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) and Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Drilling Projects.

F. Niessen and colleagues present a study of density and porosity for the 1285-m-long AND-1B core recovered from a flexural moat in the McMurdo Sound (Antarctica) in order to interpret sediment consolidation in an ice-proximal location on the Antarctic shelf. Various lithologies imply environmental changes from open marine to subglacial, and are numerically expressed in high-resolution whole-core wet-bulk density (WBD). Grain density data interpolated from discrete samples range from 2.14 to 3.85 g/cm3 and are used to calculate porosity from WBD in order to avoid the 5% to 15% overestimation and underestimation of porosities obtained by standard methods. The trend of porosity extends from 0.5 near the top (Pleistocene) to 0.2 at the bottom (Miocene). Porosity fluctuations in different lithologies are superimposed with 0.2 to 0.3 in sequences younger than about one million years and 0.5 to 0.8 in Pliocene diatomites. The AND-1B porosities and void ratios of Pliocene diatomites and Pleistocene mudstones exhibit a large negative offset compared to modern lithological analogs and their consolidation trends. This offset cannot be explained in terms of the effective stress at the AND-1B site. The effective stress ranges from 0 to 4000 kPa in the upper 600 m, and reaches 13,000 kPa at the base of the AND-1B hole. Niessen and colleagues suggest that an excess of effective overburden stress of ~1700 and ~6000 kPa to explain porosities in Pliocene diatomites and Pleistocene mudstones, respectively. This is interpreted as glacial preconsolidation by subsequently grounded ice sheets under subpolar to polar, followed by colder polar types of glaciations. Information on Miocene consolidation is sparse due to alteration by diagenesis.

The Early Mesozoic Cordilleran arc and Late Triassic paleotopography: The detrital record in Upper Triassic sedimentary successions on and off the Colorado Plateau
N.R. Riggs et al., School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011, USA. First published on 7 May 2013,

A volcanic arc grew along the southwest coast of North America in Permian-Triassic time, between about 280 and 200 million years ago. One of the best ways to understand how this arc developed is to look at the sedimentary rocks that were deposited in river systems as it eroded, especially the durable grains that carry a record of the volcanic material that originally incorporated them. This paper by N.R. Riggs and colleagues provides results from a study of zircon grains from three Triassic sedimentary units, one each in northern and southern Arizona and one in eastern California, which together provide a Late Triassic snapshot of the rivers that drained off this volcanic arc. The chemical composition of the zircons can also be used to show how groups of the grains are likely related.

Late to post-Appalachian strain partitioning and extension in the Blue Ridge of Alabama and Georgia
Mark G. Steltenpohl et al., Dept. of Geology and Geography, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA. First published on 7 May 2013,

Kinematic analysis of the Goodwater-Enitachopco and Alexander City faults document that dextral strains in the Alabama and western Georgia Blue Ridge are partitioned much farther toward the foreland than is reported to the northeast, likely as a consequence of the southern Appalachian master décollement having passed obliquely across a several kilometer step up along the Cartersville transform. The top-to-the-south-southeast normal-slip component of movement along the Goodwater-Enitachopco fault is unusual, considering its position far toward the foreland. Loose timing constraints for this extensional event (late Carboniferous to Early Jurassic) leave room for several tectonic explanations, but Mark G. Steltenpohl and colleagues favor the following: (1) Late Pennsylvanian to Early Permian crustal thickening created a wedge of Blue Ridge rocks bound above by the Goodwater-Enitachopco, below by the décollement, and to the northwest (present-day direction) by a topographically steep mountain front; (2) further convergence and crustal thickening caused this wedge to gravitationally collapse with southward-driven motion; and (3) Mesozoic rifting reactivated some of the faults as the Gulf of Mexico began to open.

Spatial and temporal trends in pre-caldera Jemez Mountains volcanic and fault activity
Shari A. Kelley et al., New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA. First published on 7 May 2013,

Nearly continuous eruption of lavas and tuffs over the last 10 Ma in the Jemez Mountains volcanic field (JMVF) on the western margin of the Rio Grande rift provide a unique opportunity to examine the interplay between faulting and volcanism along a rift margin. New 40Ar/39Ar dates on JMVF lavas and tuffs are coupled with the first comprehensive evaluation of the history of fault activity between 10 and 2 million years ago in this region to document a complex east to west to east pattern of faulting and volcanism through time in the northern JMVF. This pattern requires a reorientation of volcanic center alignment from a NE to a more northerly-striking trend, an episode of rift widening, and reactivation of previously unmapped Laramide structures. In addition, the new ages, combined with detailed mapping of both volcanic rocks and the Santa Fe Group, document significant pulses of faulting, erosion, and deposition during middle Miocene time and during late Miocene time along the Cañones fault zone, a significant rift bounding structure that is exposed in the northern wall of the Valles caldera.



New study suggests candy consumption frequency not linked to obesity or heart disease

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 20, 2013 – At a time when the spotlight is focused on obesity more than ever, new research suggests that frequency of candy consumption is not associated with weight or certain adverse health risks. According to a recent data analysis published in the April 30th issue of Nutrition Journal, adults who consume candy at least every other day are no more likely to be overweight nor have greater risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) than moderate consumers (about once a week) or even less frequent candy eaters (less than 3 times per month).1 Almost ...

Disney researchers develop fast, economical method for high-definition video compositing

ZURICH - Video compositing to create special effects, replace backgrounds or combine multiple takes of an actor's performance is an integral, but highly labor-intensive, part of modern film making. Researchers at Disney Research, Zürich, however, have found an innovative way to create these composite videos that is simple, fast, and easy to use. Rather than perform a painstaking segmentation of elements that are to be added or subtracted from a video, the Disney system, called DuctTake, uses computer algorithms to find a spatiotemporal "seam" through the video frame that ...

Robots learn to take a proper handoff by following digitized human examples

A humanoid robot can receive an object handed to it by a person with something approaching natural, human-like motion thanks to a new method developed by scientists at Disney Research, Pittsburgh in a project partially funded by the International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies (interACT) at Carnegie Mellon University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Recognizing that a person is handing something and predicting where the human plans to make the handoff is difficult for a robot, but the researchers from Disney and KIT solved the problem by using ...

Genetic screening could reveal hidden high risk for coronary heart disease

The study comprised over 24,000 Finnish subjects and was led by Professor Samuli Ripatti. The results revealed that a panel of 28 genetic markers improved detection of individuals with high risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) (10-year risk ≥20%) over traditional risk factors. Identification of high-risk individuals is an important preventive strategy for CHD, because the current guidelines recommend statin treatment for the high-risk group. "The results indicate that genetic markers could be useful in CHD prevention, when used in addition to traditional risk factor ...

Study of young Israelis emphasizes need for avoidance of sun exposure

Jerusalem, May 20, 2013 –A new study conducted using extensive medical records of over one million Israeli adolescents before military service shows clearly how exposure to the Israeli sun of young, light-skinned children increases substantially the risk of cutaneous melanoma (a serious form of skin cancer). The incidence of cutaneous melanoma is on the rise in all parts of the world where light-skinned people live. Rates have tripled over the last decades in the United States, and the rise was even steeper in Europe. What about in Israel? What segments of the population ...

Predicting infectious influenza

A new computer model could help scientists predict when a particular strain of avian influenza might become infectious from bird to human, according to a report to be published in the International Journal Data Mining and Bioinformatics. Chuang Ma of the University of Arizona, Tucson, and colleagues at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, explain that since 1997 several strains of avian influenza A virus (AIV), commonly known as "bird flu" have infected people directly from their natural bird hosts leading to numerous ...

Fossil brain teaser

A new study conducted at the University of Bristol and published online today in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology sheds light on how the brain and inner ear developed in dinosaurs. Stephan Lautenschlager from Bristol's School of Earth Sciences, together with Tom Hübner from the Niedersächsische Landesmuseum in Hannover, Germany, picked the brains of 150 million year old dinosaurs. The two palaeontologists studied different fossils of the Jurassic dinosaur Dysalotosaurus lettowvorbecki: a very young (juvenile) individual of approximately three years of age and ...

Anabolic steroids may affect future mental health

There is a link between use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and reduced mental health later in life. This is the main conclusion of a new study on elite male strength athletes that researchers from the University of Gothenburg recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Twenty per cent of the subjects in the study admitted steroid use. The study is published by CERA, which is the University of Gothenburg's centre for education and research on addiction. Together with colleagues from Sahlgrenska University Hospital, they found a connection between abuse ...

Germ-fighting vaccine system makes great strides in delivery

SAN DIEGO (May 20, 2013) - A novel vaccine study from South Dakota State University (SDSU) will headline the groundbreaking research that will be unveiled at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' (AAPS) National Biotechnology Conference (NBC). The meeting takes place Monday, May 20 - Wednesday, May 22 at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. "The main goal of a vaccine is to stimulate the immune system to fight against a pathogen that causes the disease", explained Dr. Hemachand Tummala, assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at SDSU. "We ...

Atherosclerotic disease heredity mapped in nationwide study

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have mapped the significance of heredity for common forms of atherosclerotic disease. No studies have previously examined whether different forms of the disease share heredity. The study looked at coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, peripheral arterial disease and atherosclerosis of the aorta in individuals whose siblings and parents have suffered different types of cardiovascular disease. The results showed that heredity is highest for atherosclerosis of the aorta followed by peripheral arterial disease, coronary heart disease ...


SSA: Semantic Structure Aware Inference for Weakly Pixel-Wise Dense Predictions without Cost

New test helps doctors predict a dangerous side effect of cancer treatment

UC Study: Long sentences for juveniles make reentry into society more difficult

Death by feral cat: DNA shows cats to be culprits in killing of native animals

Plant Physiology is Searching for its Next Editor-in-Chief

Clothes dryers and the bottom line: Switching to air drying can save hundreds

New insights into tRNA-derived small RNAs offer hope for digestive tract disease diagnosis and treatment

Emotive marketing for sustainable consumption?

Prostate cancer is not a death knell, study shows

Unveiling the role of tumor-infiltrating immune cells in endometrial carcinoma

Traditional Chinese medicine unlocks new potential in treating diseases through ferroptosis regulation

MSU study pinpoints the impact of prenatal stress across 27 weeks of pregnancy

Biochemist’s impact on science and students honored

ELF4: A key transcription factor shaping immunity and cancer progression

Updated chronic kidney disease management guidelines recommend SGLT2 inhibitors regardless of diabetes or kidney disease type

New research explores how AI can build trust in knowledge work

Compound found in common herbs inspires potential anti-inflammatory drug for Alzheimer’s disease

Inhaled COVID vaccine begins recruitment for phase-2 human trials

What’s in a label? It’s different for boys vs. girls, new study of parents finds

Genes combined with immune response to Epstein-Barr virus increase MS risk

Proximity and prejudice: Gay discrimination in the gig economy

New paper suggests cold temperatures trigger shapeshifting proteins

Reproductive justice–driven pregnancy interventions can improve mental health

Intranasal herpes infection may produce neurobehavioral symptoms, UIC study finds

Developing treatment strategies for an understudied bladder disease

Investigating how decision-making and behavioral control develop

Rutgers researchers revive decades-old pregnancy cohort with modern scientific potential

Rising CO2 likely to speed decrease in ‘space sustainability’ 

Study: Climate change will reduce the number of satellites that can safely orbit in space

Mysterious phenomenon at center of galaxy could reveal new kind of dark matter

[] New GEOSPHERE science online covers Himalaya, Colorado River, McMurdo Sound, and more