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Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris

Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris
( The 25th International Conference on Redox Medicine 2023 which will be held in Paris on June 1-2 will welcome 61 communications (major, short and poster presentations), and gather international in-person and virtual participants from 31 countries.

Redox Medicine 2023: What are the recent advances and perspectives?

On its 25th anniversary, Redox Medicine 2023 will be held to bring together academic and industry experts in redox to discuss advances and recent innovation in this vast field.

The new president of the Redox Medicine Society, Dr. Carole Nicco, Université de Paris, France, stated, “In an era of increasing health challenges, it is imperative that we seriously consider the innovative alternatives offered by organic and inorganic redox-active compounds. The translation of many disciplines in which the fields of redox biology and free radical research have brought important scientific advances to society, the clinic, and industry will help strengthen our field.”


Redox Medicine 2023 Speakers

Keynote Speech: Hallmarks of aging and Redox medicine: An expanding universe – Guido Kroemer, Université de Paris Cité, Hôpital Européen George Pompidou - AP-HP, France

Redox Medicine in the Anthropocene – How do we make it work? – Martin Feelisch, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

A Redox Theory of Biological Regulation – Jérôme Santolini, Laboratoire Stress Oxydant et Détoxication, France

Awakening Adult Retinal Stem Cells: A New Function of NOX Signaling in the Xenopus Retina – Morgane Locker, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Cross-talk Chronobiology: The Reactive Species Interactome-Mitochondria Axis, the Hands of the Circadian Clock? – Laurent Chatre, Normandie University, UNICAEN Cyceron, CNRS, France

Antibacterial Strategies Based on Reactive Oxygen Species – Wee Han Ang, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Ferroptosis: A Decade Before and After the Coining – Marcus Conrad, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany

Ferroptosis 2023: New Insights & Discoveries – Raphael Rodriguez, Institut Curie, France

The Determination of Intracellular Labile Ironome for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Iron Related Disorders: The Example of Friedreich’s Ataxia – Charareh Pourzand, University of Bath, United Kingdom

Mitochondrial Involvement in Different Model Systems of Ferroptosis – Melanie Merkel, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Targeting Mitochondrial Copper: Therapeutic Strategies – Raphael Rodriguez, Institut Curie, France

Arsenic-Copper: A Double-Edged Sword against Immunological Disorders – Carole Nicco, Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France

Effects of Reactive Sulfur Species in Macrophage Activation and Regulation of Apoptosis/Necrosis Pathways in Cancer Cells – Moran Benhar, Technion University, Israel

Friedreich's Ataxia: The Pathological Iron-redox Axis Revisited – Benoit D'Autréaux, Paris-Saclay University, France

Redox Medicine & Signaling: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Muscle Decline – Robert A Heaton, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Skin Redoxome: Perspectives in Photodamage and Sun Care – Mauricio S. Baptista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Precision Redox: The Key for Antioxidant Pharmacology – Chang Chen, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Redox Homeostasis and Sarcopenia: Targeting Mitochondria – Francesco Bellanti, University of Foggia, Italy

Redox Medicine, Mitochondria & Aging: The Underestimated Link – Amalia M. Dolga, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Redox Balance as a Biomarker: Towards Personalized Interventions for Health – Dong-Yun Shi, Fudan University, China

Concluding remarks: Redox Medicine 2023: What’s Next? – Chandan K. Sen, Indiana University, USA

Access the full conference agenda.


Agilent: Exhibitor at Redox Medicine 2023

Agilent will showcase their innovations, devices, and strategies to evaluate redox.

Dr. Christophe Iochem, Cell Analysis Product Specialist at Agilent Technologies, France will present a short oral talk entitled “Mitochondrial assays in your hands by Agilent".

If you wish to showcase your latest innovations during Redox Medicine 2023, please contact us.


Who is Attending Redox Medicine 2023?

Agilent (sponsor), Bilix Co., Ltd., BIOQUOCHEM SL, Adventist School of Medicine of East-Central Africa (ASOME), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, ENS de Lyon, Federal Research and Clinic Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology, Fondazione Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia, Fudan University, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Houston Methodist Research Institute, IBCH PAS, Indiana University, INRAE UMR PEGASE, INSERM, UI1183, IRMB Montpellier, Institut Curie, Institut de la Vision, Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay - NeuroPSI CNRS, Institute of Cytology RAS, Instituto IQUIBICEN- CONICET, Israel Society for Oxygen and Free Radical Research, ISTCT – CNRS, King's College London, Laboratoire Stress Oxydant et Détoxication, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Maastricht University, McGill University, National University of Singapore, Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, Oregon State University, and others…


Antioxidants & Redox Signaling Journal is a Contributing Partner of Redox Medicine 2023:

Editor in Chief of the journal Prof. Chandan K. Sen, Indiana University, USA will be presenting a talk entitled "Redox Medicine 2023: What’s Next?". All the conference proceedings will be published in the journal, that is indexed in Medline and of impact factor 7.468.


More about Redox Medicine Society (RSM or formerly ISANH):

ISANH was established 25 years ago to discuss research on free radicals and their implications in various human pathologies. During the Paris Redox 2022 Conference, the Scientific Committee discussed how to transform ISANH, how to face new challenges and how to redesign the strategies as it is now time to update its aims and targets.

Today, the Redox Medicine field's importance is further increasing with new knowledge in redox biochemistry, translational strategies could lead to new innovative diagnostic and preventive tools as well as therapeutic approaches in life sciences and medicine. Our efforts aim to facilitate the translation of basic knowledge of redox biology into molecular medicine and to discover innovative new approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment.


[Attachments] See images for this press release:
Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris 2 Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris 3


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[] Paris will host the 25th International Conference of the Redox Medicine Society with 61 communications this June in Paris