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COSPAR welcomes launch of International Space Innovation Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus

( The COSPAR Panel on Innovative Solutions (PoIS) charter aims to bring state-of-the-art technology to address the hardest problems facing COSPAR researchers. PoIS first focused on predicting adverse events from solar activity and applying innovative technologies and sophisticated tools to atmospheric modelling of Mars, Earth, and Venus. This effort led to the creation of the Cyprus Space Research and Innovation Center (C-SpaRC), co-funded by the European Union (EU) in December 2023 as a new infrastructure with related research, with the cooperation of COSPAR. C-SpaRC is now under the auspices of COSPAR, and is designated the COSPAR International Space Innovation Centre, in partnership with the Cyprus Space Exploration Organization.

Joint funding from EU, RIF and TRISH

The COSPAR International Space Innovation Centre, the first of its kind, is jointly funded by the EU, the Research and Innovation Foundation, Cyprus, and the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), an institute funded by NASA’s Human Research Program to address the health challenges of human deep space exploration. The Centre aims to foster cooperation between leading international space organizations and research institutions.

‘‘This partnership with TRISH is a significant step forward in our quest to understand and mitigate the risks associated with human spaceflight,’’ said George A. Danos, President of CSEO. ‘‘By working together, we can develop innovative solutions that will not only benefit astronauts but also have potential applications for healthcare on Earth.’’

State-of-the-art facilities

The core focus areas of the COSPAR International Space Innovation Centre include space weather research, understanding its impact on human biology, and the development of cutting-edge space technologies. The centre’s state-of-the-art facilities, including laboratories for small space asset development and testing, and a space weather monitoring station, will enable cutting-edge research and technological advancements. It will also house AI infrastructure dedicated to space weather modelling and analysis, and serve as a hub for the Mars Upper Atmosphere Network (MUAN), facilitating international collaboration in studying the Martian atmosphere and its implications for Earth’s climate.

Five-day inaugural summit

The inaugural summit, spanning five days, has brought together distinguished scientists, researchers, and policymakers from around the world. Keynote speakers from the C-SpaRC Consortium highlighted the critical importance of international cooperation in addressing the complex challenges of space exploration and research. Workshops and panel discussions delved into various aspects of space weather, its effects on human health, and the latest technological advancements. The summit culminated with a high-level event at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Dr. George Danos, President of the Cyprus Space Exploration Center (CSEO), emphasized the pivotal role of the new centre: ‘‘The COSPAR International Space Innovation Centre is a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of space research. This collaborative hub will facilitate ground-breaking discoveries and technological innovations that are crucial for the future of space exploration.’’

By bringing together experts from various disciplines, the COSPAR International Space Innovation Centre aims to accelerate the development of advanced space technologies, improve our understanding of space weather phenomena, and explore their implications for human space-flight and long-term space missions.

Issued by COSPAR Communications, Ms Leigh FERGUS

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Note to Editors

COSPAR, the largest international scientific society dedicated to promoting global cooperation in space research, was established in 1958. It serves as a neutral platform for scientific dialogue among scientists from around the world. Today, COSPAR comprises 46 national scientific institutions and 13 international scientific unions, with 13,000 space scientists actively participating in its activities, including attending assemblies, contributing to panels and roadmaps, and publishing in its journals.

COSPAR’s core mission is to facilitate dialogue and encourage international collaboration among space stakeholders across the globe. It operates through scientific commissions, panels and task groups that encompass all disciplines of space science, from Earth and atmospheric sciences to planetary science, astrophysics, solar and space plasma physics, and life and microgravity sciences.

A recent focus has been on strengthening ties between science and industry. This was achieved by forming the Committee on Industry Relations, which includes 18 leading aerospace companies worldwide. The Committee advises COSPAR on integrating industry capabilities into its activities, ensuring mutual benefits for both science and industry.

About CSEO

The Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation (CSEO) is the prime space institution of Cyprus, a non-profit organisation of public benefit. CSEO is the official representative of Cyprus to the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the Copernicus Academy Network, the Moon Village Association, and Mars Society. It promotes and advances space exploration and astronomy in Cyprus and around the world. Its main scope of work is RTDI, education & outreach, advocacy, and international cooperation in the field of space exploration, astronautics and astronomy.

CSEO runs the National Space Research Committee of Cyprus, affiliated to COSPAR and the IAU, which has appointed representatives from all Cypriot universities and space industry, and involves all domestic eminent scientists in space engineering, space science and astrophysics. It is governed by a National and an International Council which comprises some of the world’s most distinguished individuals that are highly decorated globally for their contribution to space exploration and astronomy. CSEO is the international host of the Mars Upper Atmosphere Network and was selected by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as host of one of four International Astronomy Education Centres of the IAU.




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[] COSPAR welcomes launch of International Space Innovation Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus