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Nurses play key role in addressing mental well-being for people after a stroke

Regular screening is vital for early detection and treatment of psychosocial health conditions among stroke survivors, according to a new scientific statement from the American Stroke Association

( Statement Highlights:

The latest research indicates that 16% to 85% of people recovering from a stroke experience at least one psychosocial symptom, including depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue and/or decreased quality of life. Critical nursing interventions, such as regular mental health screenings, education, symptom management and follow-up care, are key to reducing the negative effects on a patient’s mental well-being after a stroke, yet only a small proportion of patients receive treatment.   More research is needed to develop stroke-specific mental health screening tools and evidence-based interventions to improve psychosocial health for stroke survivors. Embargoed until 4 am CT/5 am ET Monday, August 19, 2024

DALLAS, August 19, 2024 — Nurses play a key role in helping patients manage emotional and social health challenges, or psychosocial health, after a stroke, and improved screening and assessment for psychosocial needs are essential to provide optimal patient care. These findings are highlighted in a new statement from the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, titled “Nursing’s Role in Psychosocial Health Management After a Stroke Event,” published today in the Association’s peer-reviewed scientific journal Stroke.

While there have been significant advances in stroke prevention and treatment, stroke remains the second leading cause of death globally and a major cause of disability. The latest research indicates that 16% to 85% of stroke survivors experience psychosocial symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue and/or a decreased quality of life during their recovery.

“Stigma often surrounds discussions about psychosocial health. Therefore, it is crucial for nurses and all health care professionals to create a safe and therapeutic environment for patients and offer hope and comprehensive education on the topic,” said Chair of the scientific statement’s writing group Patricia A. Zrelak, Ph.D., R.N., FAHA, a regional stroke program quality nurse consultant for Kaiser Permanente Northern California and a member of the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing.  

The scientific statement details a comprehensive review of the latest evidence published from 2018-2023 about psychological health in patients who experienced a stroke. The statement addresses the effects, underlying causes, screening, diagnosis and treatment for five key emotional and social health factors, including depression, stress, anxiety, fatigue and quality of life. The scientific statement aims to establish a guide for nursing care throughout a patient’s recovery after a stroke, from prevention of adverse psychosocial health conditions to identifying and managing symptoms.

“Emotional, cognitive, behavioral and/or personality changes may occur after a stroke,” Zrelak said. “These conditions can emerge immediately after a stroke or have a delayed onset, sometimes occurring more than a year later, and they may also fluctuate in intensity over time. In addition, psychosocial symptoms are interrelated, and patients who experience one are at higher risk of developing other mental health conditions. Effective and regular screening are vital for early detection and treatment.”


Depression affects about 30% of stroke survivors and is particularly common within the first three months after a stroke. Symptoms of depression may include persistent sadness, anxious or “empty” mood; restlessness and irritability; loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities; difficulty in concentrating and thinking; increased or decreased sleep; changes in appetite; and weight gain or loss. Post-stroke depression worsens cognitive and functional recovery and increases the risks of death and/or another stroke.

The AHA/ASA Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke recommend routine depression screening for all patients after a stroke. Nurses can help educate stroke survivors and their families on symptom recognition, prevention and treatment options, such as medication management and/or cognitive behavioral therapy.


A 2022 study found that post-stroke stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects about one in six (about 16.5%) stroke survivors. These conditions may increase the risk of additional health issues, including anxiety and poor medication adherence. Screening stroke patients for stress and PTSD should occur when they are hospitalized and continue during rehabilitation and outpatient visits after hospital discharge.

Nursing interventions that may help lower patients’ distress include stroke education and self-management strategies, such as mindfulness and meditation. Nurses may also consider stroke survivors’ coping styles. People with high-anxious coping styles face a significantly higher risk of experiencing PTSD after a stroke in comparison to people with low-anxious coping styles.


The frequency of anxiety ranges from 20%-25% in the first months after stroke, increasing to 32% as the year progresses, with a five-year prevalence of 34%. Factors such as younger age at the time of the stroke, lower income, inability to work, social isolation, previous mental health conditions and/or severity of the stroke are factors that increase the risk of developing anxiety. Anxiety is also linked to a higher risk and severity of depression.

Standard screening for anxiety and prompt detection may lead to early treatment, greater patient engagement and improved recovery for stroke survivors. Although established clinical guidelines for treating general anxiety exist, more research is needed on anxiety interventions after different types of strokes.


Post-stroke fatigue may develop anytime, however, it is most common within the first six months after a stroke. Symptoms of fatigue may include reduced physical and mental energy levels that interfere with daily activities and difficulty with self-control, emotions and memory. Women and people with depression, sleep problems, anxiety and/or multiple health conditions are at higher risk for developing post-stroke fatigue.

More research is needed for effective management strategies for post-stroke fatigue, as there are currently no proven treatments. However, interventions focused on improving general physical fitness may help prevent, reduce or treat post-stroke fatigue and other components of psychosocial health.

Quality of Life

Returning to the same quality of life after a stroke is challenging and even more so after a severe stroke. Physical strength, speech, depression, anxiety and the ability to return to work and social activities are factors that contribute to a stroke survivor’s quality of life. However, conditions such as chronic pain can negatively impact recovery and return to independent living.

Physical activities that also include interpersonal engagement, such as yoga and tai chi, have shown positive effects on patients’ quality of life. Nurses can help stroke survivors improve their post-stroke quality of life by linking patients to social services in their local area, such as post-stroke support groups and community-based organizations.

 “Mental and emotional well-being are crucial for recovery, and nurses play an important role in supporting patients after a stroke,” Zrelak said. “It’s important to engage stroke survivors and their caregivers so they are aware of these psychosocial conditions and ways they can help. Early detection of symptoms and treatment have the potential to improve post-stroke recovery.”

The statement also highlights existing research that shows stroke outcomes vary significantly among people in different racial and ethnic groups. Social determinants of health, such as structural racism, socioeconomic status, inadequate housing and/or limited access to health care including mental health services, may all influence a stroke survivor’s recovery.

Zrelak added, “The stroke care team is crucial in addressing these health inequities, using targeted interventions and customized treatments to improve mental health support and overall care coordination for those most at risk. More research is needed to help us understand how best to support psychosocial well-being for people after a stroke, so they are better able to return to their routine daily activities and have a better quality of life.”

This scientific statement was prepared by the volunteer writing group on behalf of the American Heart Association’s Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing and the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health. American Heart Association scientific statements promote greater awareness about cardiovascular diseases and stroke issues and help facilitate informed health care decisions. Scientific statements outline what is currently known about a topic and what areas need additional research. While scientific statements inform the development of guidelines, they do not make treatment recommendations. American Heart Association guidelines provide the Association’s official clinical practice recommendations.

Additional co-authors and members of the writing committee are Vice Chair Karen B. Seagraves, Ph.D., M.P.H., FAHA; Samir Belagaje, M.D.; Wendy Dusenbury, Ph.D., D.N.P., FAHA; James J. García, M.S., Ph.D.; Niloufar Hadidi, Ph.D., FAHA; Kiffon M. Keigher, D.N.P., M.S.N., FAHA; Mary Love, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N.; Gianluca Pucciarelli, Ph.D., FAHA; Erica Schorr, Ph.D., R.N., FAHA; and Cesar Velasco, B.S.N., R.N.

The Association receives funding primarily from individuals. Foundations and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make donations and fund specific Association programs and events. The Association has strict policies to prevent these relationships from influencing the science content. Revenues from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers, and the Association’s overall financial information are available here.

Additional Resources:

Available multimedia is on right column of release link After August 19, 2024, view the manuscript online. ASA Scientific Statement: Exploring the Inclusion of Person-Centered Care Domains in Stroke Transitions of Care Interventions: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association (April 2024) Mental wellness is important for a healthy heart and brain (May 2023) Comprehensive primary care is vital to holistic care and optimal recovery after a stroke (July 2021) 2021 Guideline for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: A Guideline From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (May 2021) ASA health information: Life After a Stroke ASA health information: Stroke Help and Support Follow news from Stroke, the ASA/AHA journal, @StrokeAHA_ASA Follow AHA/ASA news on X @HeartNews The American Stroke Association is a relentless force for a world with fewer strokes and longer, healthier lives. We team with millions of volunteers and donors to ensure equitable health and stroke care in all communities. We work to prevent, treat and beat stroke by funding innovative research, fighting for the public’s health, and providing lifesaving resources. The Dallas-based association was created in 1998 as a division of the American Heart Association. To learn more or to get involved, call 1-888-4STROKE or visit Follow us on Facebook and X. 




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[] Nurses play key role in addressing mental well-being for people after a stroke
Regular screening is vital for early detection and treatment of psychosocial health conditions among stroke survivors, according to a new scientific statement from the American Stroke Association