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Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine

Annals of Internal Medicine tip sheet for September 7, 2010, issue

( 1. A Low-carb Diet Based on Animal Protein May Increase Death Risk

Evidence shows that a low-carbohydrate diet produces weight loss and improves some cardiovascular risk factors. However, health effects of a low-carbohydrate diet may depend on the type of protein and fat consumed. Researchers followed 85,168 women and 44,548 men on a low-carbohydrate diet for 26 and 20 years respectively. The patients ate either an animal-based (emphasizing animal sources of fat and protein) low-carbohydrate diet, or a vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet. The researchers found that diets that emphasized animal sources of fat and protein were associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men and women. A vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality rates. The researchers conclude that while major macronutrient content may be similar in both diets, the source of the macronutrients can result in large differences in dietary components that may affect mortality such as specific fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and phytochemicals.

2. Patients Overestimate the Benefits of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Angioplasty)

Compared with medical therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention, or PCI (commonly known as angioplasty) reduces angina symptoms, but does not reduce risk of myocardial infarction or death. However, it is not known whether patients understand the limits of what PCI procedures can offer. Researchers surveyed 153 patients who consented to elective cardiac catheterization with PCI if indicated by catheterization results and 27 cardiologists about the expected benefits of the procedure. Cardiologists' beliefs paralleled the available evidence. Conversely, most patients thought that PCI would prevent infarction or death. The researchers conclude that physicians and patients may need to discuss anticipated benefits prior to PCI to provide a clearer understanding of what these types of procedures can and cannot do.

3. Radiation-free MRA Provides Accurate Diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease in the Lower Extremities

Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, affects about 10 percent of adults older than 60. An accurate diagnosis is important because PAD increases risk for coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and mini stroke. However, common diagnostic tests such as CTA and DSA are radiation-based. Researchers sought to determine how well radiation-free contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) identifies or excludes arterial steno-occlusions in adults with PAD symptoms. The researchers reviewed 32 studies that compared MRA with intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. They found that contrast-enhanced MRA has both a high sensitivity (about 94.7 percent) for identifying and a high specificity (about 95.6 percent) for excluding arterial steno-occlusions in adults with PAD symptoms. The researchers conclude that MRA is an important diagnostic alternative to CTA and DSA.




Memory problems more common in men?

ST. PAUL, Minn. –A new study shows that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may affect more men than women. The research is published in the September 7, 2010, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Mild cognitive impairment is a condition in which people have problems with memory or thinking beyond that explained by the normal rate of aging. The study found that MCI was 1.5 times higher in men compared to women. MCI often leads to Alzheimer's disease. "This is the first study conducted among community-dwelling persons to find ...

Mayo Clinic study finds mild cognitive impairment is more common in men

ROCHESTER, Minn. -- A new Mayo Clinic study found that the prevalence of mild cognitive impairment was 1.5 times higher in men than in women. The research, part of the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, also showed a prevalence rate of 16 percent in the population-based study of individuals aged 70-89 without dementia who live in Olmsted County, Minn. The study will be published in the September issue of Neurology. "The finding that the frequency of mild cognitive impairment is greater in men was unexpected, since the frequency of Alzheimer's disease is actually greater in women. ...

Interrupting death messages to treat bone disease

A surface molecule on bacteria that instructs bone cells to die could be the target for new treatments for bone disease, says a scientist speaking at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting today. Blocking the death signal from bacteria could be a way of treating painful bone infections that are resistant to antibiotics, such as those caused by Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Bone disease, or osteomyelitis, affects 1 in 5,000 people around the world. It can occur at any stage in life and attack any bone in the body, where it leads to ...

Insect brains are rich stores of new antibiotics

Cockroaches could be more of a health benefit than a health hazard according to scientists from the University of Nottingham, who have discovered powerful antibiotic properties in the brains of cockroaches and locusts. Simon Lee, a postgraduate researcher who is presenting his work at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting in Nottingham, describes how the group identified up to nine different molecules in the insect tissues that were toxic to bacteria. These substances could lead to novel treatments for multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. The group ...

Blood signatures to diagnose infection

Coughing and wheezing patients could someday benefit from quicker, more accurate diagnosis and treatment for respiratory infections such as flu, through a simple blood test, according to scientists. Dr. Aimee Zaas, presenting her work at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting in Nottingham describes how simply looking at an individuals blood 'signature' can be used to quickly diagnose and treat ill patients and could even predict the onset of a pandemic. The team, from the Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy and Duke University Medical Center ...

LA BioMed research finds hallucinogen can safely ease anxiety in advanced-stage cancer patients

LA BioMed research finds hallucinogen can safely ease   anxiety in advanced-stage cancer patients
LOS ANGELES (Sept. 6, 2010) – In the first human study of its kind to be published in more than 35 years, researchers found psilocybin, an hallucinogen which occurs naturally in "magic mushrooms," can safely improve the moods of patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety, according to an article published online today in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Patients enrolled in the study at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (LA BioMed) demonstrated improvement of mood and reduction of anxiety up to six months after undergoing ...

Are white homosexual men still taking too many HIV risks?

Risky sexual behavior among members of a subset of the gay community is still adding to the spread of HIV. Research published in the open access journal BMC Infectious Diseases has found that young white homosexual men have an important contribution in the local spread of HIV. Despite increased education and awareness of HIV in the Western world, the number of new infections continues to rise each year. To try and understand this phenomenon, researchers from Ghent University in Belgium compared the genetic information of viruses isolated from more than 500 patients – ...

Some children with autism show a preference for geometric patterns at an early age

A fixation on geometric patterns may be associated with autism in children as young as 14 months, according to a report published online today that will appear in the January 2011 print issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "It is undeniable that early treatment can have a significant positive impact on the long-term outcome for children with an autism spectrum disorder," the authors write as background information in the article. "Early treatment, however, generally relies on the age at which a diagnosis can be made, thus pushing ...

Hallucinogen appears safe, may improve mood among patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety

A pilot study suggests the hallucinogen psilocybin may be feasible and safe to administer to patients with advanced-stage cancer and anxiety, with promising effects on mood, according to a report published online today that will appear in the January 2011 print issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that the psychological, spiritual and existential crises often encountered by patients with cancer and their families need to be addressed more vigorously," the authors write as background ...

Study examines association between urban living and psychotic disorders

The association between psychotic disorders and living in urban areas appears to be a reflection of increased social fragmentation present within cities, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. "There is a substantial worldwide variation in incidence rates of schizophrenia," the authors write as background in the article. "The clearest geographic pattern within this distribution of rates is that urban areas have a higher incidence of schizophrenia than rural areas." Characteristics of neighborhoods ...


UC Riverside medical school develops new curriculum to address substance use crisis

Food fussiness a largely genetic trait from toddlerhood to adolescence

Celebrating a century of scholarship: Isis examines the HSS at 100

Key biomarkers identified for predicting disability progression in multiple sclerosis

Study: AI could lead to inconsistent outcomes in home surveillance

Study: Networks of Beliefs theory integrates internal & external dynamics

Vegans’ intake of protein and essential amino acids is adequate but ultra-processed products are also needed

Major $21 million Australian philanthropic investment to bring future science into disease diagnosis

Innovating alloy production: A single step from ores to sustainable metals

New combination treatment brings hope to patients with advanced bladder cancer

Grants for $3.5M from TARCC fund new Alzheimer’s disease research at UTHealth Houston

UTIA researchers win grant for automation technology for nursery industry

Can captive tigers be part of the effort to save wild populations?

The Ocean Corporation collaborates with UTHealth Houston on Space Medicine Fellowship program

Mysteries of the bizarre ‘pseudogap’ in quantum physics finally untangled

Study: Proteins in tooth enamel offer window into human wellness

New cancer cachexia treatment boosts weight gain and patient activity

Rensselaer researcher receives $3 million grant to explore gut health

Elam named as a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society

Study reveals gaps in access to long-term contraceptive supplies

Shining a light on the roots of plant “intelligence”

Scientists identify a unique combination of bacterial strains that could treat antibiotic-resistant gut infections

Pushing kidney-stone fragments reduces stones’ recurrence

Sweet success: genomic insights into the wax apple's flavor and fertility

New study charts how Earth’s global temperature has drastically changed over the past 485 million years, driven by carbon dioxide

Scientists say we have enough evidence to agree global action on microplastics

485 million-year temperature record of Earth reveals Phanerozoic climate variability

Atmospheric blocking slows ocean-driven glacier melt in Greenland

Study: Over nearly half a billion years, Earth’s global temperature has changed drastically, driven by carbon dioxide

Clinical trial could move the needle in traumatic brain injury

[] Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine
Annals of Internal Medicine tip sheet for September 7, 2010, issue