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Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology

( Frog Skin May Provide Antimicrobial Peptides Effective Against Multidrug-Resistant Infections

Antimicrobial peptides from the skin of frogs may protect against life-threatening, multidrug-resistant infections such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa say researchers from Italy. They detail their findings in the September 2010 issue of the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that causes some of the most prevalent life-threatening infections such as eye and ear infections, burn wound infections and lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Strains of the bacterium resistant to almost all antibiotics have already emerged causing researchers to seek new drug therapies.

"Unlike other organisms, P. aeruginosa is a pathogen endowed with high intrinsic drug resistance, due in part to many elaborate virulence factors and the formation of a biofilm matrix, which makes it difficult for antibiotics and immune cells to attack," say the researchers.

Membrane-active cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) are a new class of antibiotics produced by almost all forms of life, however, amphibian skin is one of the richest sources. Although prior studies have shown that these peptides possess potent antimicrobial activity against multidrug-resistant pathogens in a controlled environment, little is known of their effects within a living organism.

Researchers evaluated the antimicrobial activities of different CAMPs from frog skin using the worm model, Caenorhabditis elegans, in which bacterial species such as P. aeruginosa can pass through the mouth, invade the gut and ultimately kill the animal. The process by which the bacterium infects and kills C. elegans is comparable to the infection process in mammals making it an ideal model for observation. Results showed that all of the peptides studied, with the exception of one, increased the survival rate of P. aeruginosa-infected worms compared with those not receiving peptide treatments.

"Besides shedding light on a plausible mode of action in vivo of amphibian CAMPs, our data suggest that esculentin and temporin peptides can serve as attractive molecules for the development of new therapeutic strategies to fight life-threatening infectious diseases," say the researchers.

(D. Uccelletti, E. Zanni, L. Marcellini, C. Palleschi, D. Barra, M.L. Mangoni. 2010. Anti-Pseudomonas activity of frog skin antimicrobial peptides in a Caenorhabditis elegans infection model: a plausible mode of action in vitro and in vivo. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54. 9: 3853-3860.)

Self-Administered Vaccine Patch May Protect Against Potentially Pandemic Flu Viruses

A self-administered patch containing tiny microneedles may effectively deliver influenza virus-like particles through the skin and protect against potentially pandemic flu viruses such as H5N1. Researchers from the U.S. and abroad report their findings in the September 2010 issue of the journal Clinical Vaccine and Immunology.

In the United States, seasonal flu epidemics often result in over 200,000 hospitalizations and 36,000 deaths each year. New pandemic flu strains continue to emerge, such as the 2009 H1N1 virus that resulted in the first pandemic influenza outbreak in the 21st century. Conventional vaccination programs require a painful injection administered by medical personnel and can take months to develop, emphasizing the need for vaccines that can be rapidly produced at low cost and distributed within weeks.

Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) are potentially promising vaccine candidates as they are non-infectious and have been shown to induce long-lasting immunity against pandemic influenza viruses. An abundance of dermal dendritic cells, important members of the skins' immune system, make the skin an appealing route for vaccine delivery.

In the study researchers vaccinated mice with microneedle patches containing influenza H5 VLPs derived from the H5N1 virus and found the resulting protective immunity to be equal to or higher than that induced from intramuscular inoculation. Significantly, human skin cells also responded to the influenza VLP vaccine delivered by the microneedle patch.

"Microneedle vaccination in the skin with H5 VLPs represents a promising approach for a self-administered vaccine against viruses with pandemic potential," say the researchers.

(J.M. Song, Y.C. Kim, A.S. Lipatov, M. Pearton, C.T. Davis, D.G. Yoo, K.M. Park, L.M. Chen, F.S. Quan, J.C. Birchall, R.O. Donis, M.R. Prausnitz, R.W. Compans, S.M. Kang. 2010. Microneedle delivery of H5N1 influenza virus-like particles to the skin induces long-lasting B- and T-cell responses in mice. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 17. 9: 1381-1389.)

New Class of Peptides May Protect Against Septic Shock

A new class of peptides may neutralize the endotoxin that causes sepsis, offering a new therapeutic strategy against an often lethal systemic bacterial infection. The researchers from Germany and Spain detail their findings in the September 2010 issue of the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Septic shock, caused by systemic bacterial infections, kills more than 200,000 people each year in the U.S. alone despite intensive antibiotic treatment. Researchers are now looking to other resources such as natural proteins and peptides to neutralize the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin that causes sepsis, however, prior studies required such high peptide/LPS ratios that the peptide concentrations were deemed too toxic for human use.

Here, researchers designed a completely new class of peptides, synthetic anti-LPS peptides (SALPs), and preclinical studies in a mouse model showed high LPS neutralizing activity and significant protection against septic shock. Additionally, low toxicity levels potentially safe for humans were observed.

"Our results delineate a novel therapeutic strategy for the clinical management of patients with septic shock," say the researchers.

(T. Gutsmann, I. Razquin-Olazaran, I. Kowalski, Y. Kaconis, J. Howe, R. Bartels, M. Hornef, T. Schurholz, M. Rossle, S. Sanchez-Gomez, I. Moriyon, G. Martinez de Tejada, K. Brandenburg. 2010. New antiseptic peptides to protect against endotoxin-mediated shock. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54. 9: 3817-3824.)




Study shows nano-architectured aluminum has steely strength

A North Carolina State University researcher and colleagues have figured out a way to make an aluminum alloy, or a mixture of aluminum and other elements, just as strong as steel. That's important, says Dr. Yuntian Zhu, professor of materials science and the NC State researcher involved in the project, because the search for ever lighter – yet stronger – materials is crucial to devising everything from more fuel-efficient cars to safer airplanes. In a paper published in the journal Nature Communications, Zhu and his colleagues describe the new nanoscale ...

USDA scientists, cooperators create the first genomic map of the domesticated turkey

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers and their university colleagues have sequenced the majority of the genome of Meleagris gallopavo, the domesticated turkey, creating the first-ever turkey genome map. The nearly complete map could help growers to more efficiently produce bigger, meatier turkeys. The research is reported today in PLoS Biology, an online journal of the Public Library of Science. Americans consume about 17.6 pounds of turkey per capita every year, and the U.S. produces nearly 6 billion pounds of turkey meat annually. "Turkey is the fourth ...

Turning a new page on antibiotics

For 70 years the world has mismanaged the common good of antibiotics. The result is a growing global burden of antibiotic resistance, threatening to take health care back to an era where ordinary infections might once again become fatal. At a historic three day conference at Uppsala University, Sweden, 190 delegates representing 45 countries and many leading stake holders – civil society, academia, industry, governments, authorities, supranational organizations – agreed on Wednesday to turn a new page and move towards concerted action on antibiotic resistance. "This ...

Cloud computing method greatly increases gene analysis

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have developed new software that greatly improves the speed at which scientists can analyze RNA sequencing data. RNA sequencing is used to compare differences in gene expression to identify those genes that switched on or off when, for instance, a particular disease is present. However, sequencing instruments can produce billions of sequences per day, which can be time-consuming and costly to analyze. The software, known as Myrna, uses "cloud computing," an Internet-based method of sharing computer resources. ...

Stanford land-use expert brings satellite data down to Earth

Stanford land-use expert brings satellite data down to Earth
By integrating remote satellite imagery with revelations from door-to-door interviews, Stanford University geographer Eric Lambin and his colleagues are exploring the complex conditions that give rise to a broad range of land-use challenges – from the reforestation of Vietnam to the spread of Lyme disease in Belgium. For decades, orbiting satellites have peered downward to gather information about the surface of the Earth, giving scientists an unprecedented view of the planet. Using this data, researchers have created maps of deforestation and other land-use changes over ...

Questioning the safety of certain 'healthful' plant-based antioxidants

Scientists are calling for more research on the possibility that some supposedly healthful plant-based antioxidants — including those renowned for their apparent ability to prevent cancer — may actually aggravate or even cause cancer in some individuals. Their recommendation follows a study in which two such antioxidants — quercetin and ferulic acid — appeared to aggravate kidney cancer in severely diabetic laboratory rats. The study appears in ACS' bi-weekly Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Kuan-Chou Chen, Robert Peng, and colleagues note that vegetables, ...

Reading food labels, combined with exercise, can lead to weight loss

Pullman, WA—September 8, 2010— Nutritional science and food marketing has become so sophisticated in recent decades that a trip to the supermarket can require a complete nutritional re-education. The average consumer needs to be on guard against preservatives, added fat, colorings, and calories, false advertising, and sophisticated but misleading labels. Although guidelines for the information of food labels have gotten a bad rap in recent years a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs suggests that observing them may lead to weight loss, especially for ...

Worldwide shortage of isotopes for medical imaging could threaten quality of patient care

Twenty million medical scans and treatments are done each year that require radioactive isotopes, and scientists today described a global shortage of these life-saving materials that could jeopardize patient care and drive-up health care costs. They spoke at a symposium at one of the opening sessions of the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Medical isotopes are minute amounts of radioactive substances used to diagnose and treat a variety of diseases. Isotopes injected into the body can enable doctors to determine whether the heart has adequate ...

Education more important than knowledge in stopping spread of HIV in Africa

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Simply teaching people the facts about how to protect themselves from HIV may not be enough to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa, a new study suggests. Researchers found that villagers in Ghana who had higher levels of cognitive and decision-making abilities – not just the most knowledge -- were the ones who were most likely to take steps to protect themselves from HIV infection. These cognitive abilities are what people develop through formal education, said Ellen Peters, lead author of the study and associate professor of psychology at Ohio State ...

'Soyscreen': Sunscreen for fungus to expand biological control of crop pests

Scientists today described development and successful initial tests on a substance that acts as a sunscreen for the microscopic spores of a fungus, brightening prospects for wider use of the fungus as a means of wiping out insect pests that attack food crops. "Our finding is especially important for the environment because improving the effectiveness of biological control treatments like this will help to reduce dependence on chemical pesticides," said team leader Robert W. Behle, Ph.D. Behle explained that the fungus –– Beauveria bassiana –– shows great promise as a ...


Rugged Falklands landscape was once a lush rainforest

Dizziness in older adults is linked to higher risk of future falls

Triptans more effective than newer, more expensive migraine drugs

Iron given through the vein corrects iron deficiency anaemia in pregnant women faster and better than iron taken by mouth

The Lancet Neurology: Air pollution, high temperatures, and metabolic risk factors driving global increases in stroke, with latest figures estimating 12 million cases and over 7 million deaths from st

Incidence of neuroleptic malignant syndrome during antipsychotic treatment in children and youth

Levels of protection from different cycle helmets revealed by new ratings

Pupils with SEND continue to fall behind their peers

Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking habits

Study first to link operating room design to shorter surgery

New study uncovers therapeutic inertia in the treatment of women with multiple sclerosis

Cancer Cooperative Group leaders propose a re-engineering of the nation’s correlative science program for cancer

Nawaz named ASME Fellow

U2opia signs license to commercialize anomaly-detection technology for cybersecurity

Explaining dramatic planetwide changes after world’s last ‘Snowball Earth’ event

Cleveland Clinic study is first to show success in treating rare blood disorder

Bone marrow cancer drug shows success in treatment of rare blood disorder

Clinical trial successfully repurposes cancer drug for hereditary bleeding disorder

UVA Engineering professor awarded $1.6M EPA grant to reduce PFAS accumulation in crops

UVA professor receives OpenAI grant to inform next-generation AI systems

New website helps researchers overcome peer reviewers’ preference for animal experiments

Can the MIND diet lower the risk of memory problems later in life?

Some diabetes drugs tied to lower risk of dementia, Parkinson’s disease

Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heatwave of 2023

South African rock art possibly inspired by long-extinct species

Even marine animals in untouched habitats are at risk from human impacts

Hexagonal electrohydraulic modules shape-shift into versatile robots

Flexible circuits made with silk and graphene on the horizon

Scott Emr and Wesley Sundquist awarded 2024 Horwitz Prize for discovering the ESCRT pathway

Versatile knee exo for safer lifting

[] Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology