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KIT presents innovations at the 2011 Hannover Messe

Porsche racing car as a laboratory, battery research, printable electronics, KIC InnoEnergy

KIT presents innovations at the 2011 Hannover Messe
( This release is available in German.

Innovations relating to mobility, energy, bionics, and nano- and microtechnologies will be presented by KIT at the 2011 Hannover Messe from April 4 – 8. At its stand (Hall 2, stand C18), KIT will present a hybrid Porsche racing car, developments in battery research, materials and processes for printable electronics, the KIC InnoEnergy for a European energy supply system, and the Energy Solution Center (EnSoC) competence network. Moreover, KIT contributes to other stands and special exhibitions.

KIT main stand, hall 2, (Research & Technology), stand C18:

Porsche GT3 R Hybrid. A purebred racing car acts as a laboratory, which is why it is also referred to as Race Lab. The combustion engine in the rear of the 911 GT3 R Hybrid was taken over from the 911 GT3 R. The second power train on the front axle is the so-called portal axle with two integrated electric machines. During braking, they work in the generator mode, produce electricity, and store it in an electric flywheel. In the boosting mode, the driver can use this energy as additional propulsion energy. Hence, the 911 GT3 R Hybrid is equipped with a temporary, partly electric four-wheel drive. The drive trains interact via the hybrid manager and a systems control unit using intelligent control algorithms. The high energy efficiency of the vehicle decreases the number of refueling stops and ensures shorter lap times. KIT scientists contributed decisively to this high-performance hybrid vehicle developed within eleven months only. In 2010, the Porsche GT3 R Hybrid participated in several international long-distance races, among others in the 24-hour-race on the Nürburgring, one of the hardest races in the world. At the 1000 km race in Zhuhai, China, it ranked first of all GT vehicles.

Battery research. KIT scientists create the basis for batteries of high storage capacity, reliability, and service life. Work comprises the specific synthesis, characterization, and functionalization of nanoscaled materials as well as the setup and application of the corresponding process technology. Early this year, KIT founded the new Ulm Helmholtz Institute – Electrochemical Energy Storage in cooperation with Ulm University. Associated partners are the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW). In addition, the BELLA (Batteries and Electrochemistry Laboratory) joint laboratory was established recently, in which KIT and BASF SE will jointly develop new battery materials.

Electronics from the printer. Printed electronics is an example of how nanotechnology modifies existing products and opens up future markets. It is based on the production of electronic components by means of standard printing methods, such as inkjet printing, screen printing, offset printing, or gravure printing. Scientists of KIT focus on the synthesis of new printable organic and inorganic materials, on their electronic functionalities, and the formulation and production of printing inks. Other main activities are the manufacture of organic solar cells and light-emitting diodes as well as the development of industrial coating and drying processes. Laboratory findings are transferred to mass production. Organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) and printed solar cells, luminescent nanomaterials, and a roll used for gravure printing will be presented at the stand. Another exhibit will be a printer of foils acting like a transistor.

KIC InnoEnergy. The European Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) InnoEnergy is a network of excellent actors – enterprises, research institutions, universities, and business schools – to more rapidly commercialize new energy technologies and create a sustainable energy system in Europe. The network funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) provides for dynamic relations between industry and science and supports entrepreneurial thinking and acting. KIT coordinates the establishment of KIC InnoEnergy.

German-French Cooperation. Within the framework of KIC InnoEnergy, KIT cooperates with the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) in various fields of energy research. In 2011, KIT and CEA intend to extend their cooperation in the fields of biomass, nanotechnology, and technology acceptance and to join the program of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). This reflects the importance that is assigned by KIT to German-French cooperation also in the field of teaching: The border-crossing activities, such as double diplomas and double Ph. D.s, are bundled by KIT-DeFI, the German-French Initiative.

EnSoC. The Energy Solution Center, among the founding members of which is KIT, pools competences from science and industry. It is aimed at reaching a top position in the development of numerical simulation and optimization. For this purpose, it supports work on methods and programs for the use of high-performance computing in the energy sector. EnSoC is one of four HPC Solution Centers planned in Baden-Württemberg.

Other Topics Presented by KIT at the 2011 Hannover Messe:

Bionics (Hall 2, stand A01). KIT participates in the special exhibition on "Bionics – Engineering Powered by Nature". A tension triangle method developed by KIT allows for increasing the lifetime of technical components by an optimization of the notch shape without sophisticated computer analysis. Deformation images determined by simple load testing of elastic specimens facilitate and extend the use of this method.

MeRegioMobil (Hall 2, stand D30). At the joint stand of E-Energy for the integration of modern information and communication technologies in electricity supply, KIT will present the MeRegioMobil project that is aimed at designing, establishing, and testing the infrastructure for a large number of electric vehicle users. A Smart Home laboratory serves as a prototype of the future energy-efficient household that integrates electric cars as electricity stores and consumers.

Nano- and Microtechnologies (Hall 6, stand H18). KIT will present the Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF) at the special exhibition "German Pavilion – IVAM Product Market "Micro, Nano, & Materials" together with the IVAM Association for Microtechnology. The KNMF is a high-tech platform for the structurization and characterization of various functional materials on the nano- and microscales. It is available to users from national and international enterprises and research institutions.

High-temperature Superconductivity (Hall 13, stand C51). At the special exhibition "Superconducting City", KIT will present developments and applications of high-temperature superconductivity. The focus will be placed on high-current leads for alternating current applications in energy technology, on components, such as superconducting current limiters, and current-limiting transformers, as well as on magnets for fusion reactors, spectroscopy, space technology, and special applications.

EIFER (Hall 13, stand D10). More than eight years ago, EDF and KIT (then: Universität Karlsruhe) decided to found EIFER. As a joint research institute focusing on the topics of energy and the environment, EIFER intensifies scientific cooperation of both partners by joint projects on industry-relevant topics. Under EIFER, more than 110 scientists acquire interdisciplinary know-how in the fields of energy efficiency and sustainable development of cities and regions and develop innovative solutions for decentralized energy production.

bioliq® (Hall 27, stand N71). At the stand of the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR e. V.), KIT will present the bioliq® process: On the KIT campus, a pilot plant is being built for the production of biomass-based fuel of the second generation. Biogenous and mainly dry residues from agriculture and forestry are refined by multi-stage thermochemical processes to high-quality BTL (biomass-to-liquid) fuels and basic chemical substances.

NanoMat (Hall 2, stand D30). The Network for Nanotechnology Materials, NanoMat, with the office at KIT, consists of renowned enterprises and research institutions. Since 2000, it has been among the competence networks in Germany and the mouthpiece of the Association of Nano Centers (AGeNT). At the Hannover Messe, NanoMat will present exhibits relating to surface treatment and a live experiment to illustrate the new salvinia effect between lotus and gecko.


A conversation with the Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Messe AG, Dr. Wolfram von Fritsch, about the 2011 Hannover Messe can be found in the current issue of lookKIT at:

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a public corporation and state institution of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It fulfills the mission of a university and the mission of a national research center of the Helmholtz Association. KIT focuses on a knowledge triangle that links the tasks of research, teaching, and innovation.

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KIT presents innovations at the 2011 Hannover Messe


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[] KIT presents innovations at the 2011 Hannover Messe
Porsche racing car as a laboratory, battery research, printable electronics, KIC InnoEnergy