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Birth after cancer treatment with removal and storage of ovary

( For the first time in Germany, a woman has given birth to a child after removal and preservation of tissue from one of her ovaries. This course of action was necessary to avoid infertility owing to chemo- and radiotherapy. Andreas Müller and his colleagues report the case in the current issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012; 109[1-2]: 8-13).

The majority of young female patients who need radio- or chemotherapy for treatment of a tumor express concerns about fertility. The retransplantation of frozen (cryopreserved) ovarian tissue is an experimental technique for restoration of fertility that has led to 15 live births worldwide.

The woman in question was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2003, at the age of 25. She was treated with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, but in 2005 the disease recurred and further treatment was required. To protect her fertility, ovarian tissue was removed via laparoscopy and cryopreserved. She was then treated with high-dose chemotherapy and remained free of disease for 5 years.

Because she still wanted to have a child, the preserved ovarian tissue was retransplanted into her right abdominal wall in 2010. After hormone treatment to stimulate follicular maturation and ovulation, she conceived by natural means. On 10 October 2011 she was delivered of a healthy child by cesarean section.




New therapeutic target to combat liver cancer discovered

Researchers at CIC Biogune, the Cooperative Centre for Research into Biosciences and led by Dr. Maria Luz Martinez Chantar, have found a strong relationship between high levels of Hu antigen R (HuR) protein and the malignancy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma, through a novel molecular process in the investigation of this pathology and known as neddylation. The project provides new opportunities for making advances in the quest for personalised therapeutic applications in the treatment for Hepatocarcinoma. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the cause of most liver cancers, the ...

Study: Diabetes affects hearing loss, especially in women

DETROIT – Having diabetes may cause women to experience a greater degree of hearing loss as they age, especially if the metabolic disorder is not well controlled with medication, according to a new study from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Women between the ages of 60 and 75 with well-controlled diabetes had better hearing than women with poorly controlled diabetes, with similar hearing levels to those of non-diabetic women of the same age. The study also shows significantly worse hearing in all women younger than 60 with diabetes, even if it is well controlled. Men, ...

System to deliver organ transplant drug -- without harmful side effects

System to deliver organ transplant drug -- without harmful side effects
A new system for delivering a drug to organ transplant patients, which could avoid the risk of harmful side effects, is being developed by scientists at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The drug, cyclosporine (CsA), is widely used in transplant operations and helps prevent the patient's body rejecting the organ but it can cause adverse drug reactions, of which the most serious problems are kidney and liver damage, in the doses which are currently administered in the long term. The gap between a safe, effective dose of the treatment and a toxic dose is extremely ...

Muscling in on MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a neurodegenerative disease, causes periodic attacks of neurologic symptoms such as limb weakness and mobility defects. And while MS patients' walking abilities and muscle strength are examined on a regular basis, doctors have yet to determine when the lower limb muscles begin to deteriorate. That's important because with earlier identification of mobility problems, doctors would be able to implement early intervention programs that could make all the difference for those with MS. Now, Dr. Alon Kalron and his fellow researchers from Tel Aviv ...

Cosmology in a Petri dish

Cosmology in a Petri dish
Scientists have found that micron-size particles which are trapped at fluid interfaces exhibit a collective dynamic that is subject to seemingly unrelated governing laws. These laws show a smooth transitioning from long-ranged cosmological-style gravitational attraction down to short-range attractive and repulsive forces. The study by Johannes Bleibel from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, and his colleagues has just been published in the journal EPJ E¹ . The authors used so-called colloidal particles that are larger than molecules ...

ASH opposes mandatory sickle cell trait screening for athletics, recommends training interventions

(WASHINGTON, January 26, 2012) – The American Society of Hematology (ASH), the world's largest professional society concerned with the causes and treatment of blood disorders, today issued a policy statement opposing mandatory screening of athletes for sickle cell trait as a prerequisite to athletic participation and urging athletics programs to adopt universal preventive interventions in their training programs to protect athletes from exertion-related illness and death. ASH's position is in direct contrast to a policy enacted in 2010 by the National Collegiate Athletic ...

Mutated Kras spins a molecular loop that launches pancreatic cancer

Mutated Kras spins a molecular loop that launches pancreatic cancer
HOUSTON — Scientists have connected two signature characteristics of pancreatic cancer, identifying a self-perpetuating "vicious cycle" of molecular activity and a new potential target for drugs to treat one of the most lehal forms of cancer. The research, reported in the journal Cancer Cell and led by scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, connected the molecular dots between: Mutated versions of Kras, a gene that acts as a molecular on-off switch but gets stuck in the "on" position when mutated. Heightened activity of a protein complex called ...

Survey suggests family history of psychiatric disorders shapes intellectual interests

A hallmark of the individual is the cultivation of personal interests, but for some people, their intellectual pursuits might actually be genetically predetermined. Survey results published by Princeton University researchers in the journal PLoS ONE suggest that a family history of psychiatric conditions such as autism and depression could influence the subjects a person finds engaging. Although preliminary, the findings provide a new look at the oft-studied link between psychiatric conditions and aptitude in the arts or sciences. While previous studies have explored ...

Physician's weight may influence obesity diagnosis and care

A patient's body mass index (BMI) may not be the only factor at play when a physician diagnoses a patient as obese. According to a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the diagnosis could also depend on the weight of your physician. Researchers examined the impact of physician BMI on obesity care and found that physicians with a normal BMI, as compared to overweight and obese physicians, were more likely to engage their obese patients in weight loss discussions (30 percent vs. 18 percent) and more likely to diagnose a patient ...

CT scans for dizziness in the ER: Worth the cost?

DETROIT – Performing CT scans in the emergency department for patients experiencing dizziness may not be worth the expense – an important finding from Henry Ford Hospital researchers as hospitals across the country look for ways to cut costs without sacrificing patient care. According to the Henry Ford study, less than 1 percent of the CT scans performed in the emergency department revealed a more serious underlying cause for dizziness – intracranial bleeding or stroke – that required intervention. The findings suggest that it may be more cost effective for hospitals ...


UK study shows there is less stigma against LGBTQ people than you might think, but people with mental health problems continue to experience higher levels of stigma

Bringing lost proteins back home

Better than blood tests? Nanoparticle potential found for assessing kidneys

Texas A&M and partner USAging awarded 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award

UTEP establishes collaboration with DoD, NSA to help enhance U.S. semiconductor workforce

Study finds family members are most common perpetrators of infant and child homicides in the U.S.

Researchers secure funds to create a digital mental health tool for Spanish-speaking Latino families

UAB startup Endomimetics receives $2.8 million Small Business Innovation Research grant

Scientists turn to human skeletons to explore origins of horseback riding

UCF receives prestigious Keck Foundation Award to advance spintronics technology

Cleveland Clinic study shows bariatric surgery outperforms GLP-1 diabetes drugs for kidney protection

Study reveals large ocean heat storage efficiency during the last deglaciation

Fever drives enhanced activity, mitochondrial damage in immune cells

A two-dose schedule could make HIV vaccines more effective

Wastewater monitoring can detect foodborne illness, researchers find

Kowalski, Salonvaara receive ASHRAE Distinguished Service Awards

SkAI launched to further explore universe

SLU researchers identify sex-based differences in immune responses against tumors

Evolved in the lab, found in nature: uncovering hidden pH sensing abilities

Unlocking the potential of patient-derived organoids for personalized sarcoma treatment

New drug molecule could lead to new treatments for Parkinson’s disease in younger patients

Deforestation in the Amazon is driven more by domestic demand than by the export market

Demand-side actions could help construction sector deliver on net-zero targets

Research team discovers molecular mechanism for a bacterial infection

What role does a tailwind play in cycling’s ‘Everesting’?

Projections of extreme temperature–related deaths in the US

Wearable device–based intervention for promoting patient physical activity after lung cancer surgery

Self-compassion is related to better mental health among Syrian refugees

Microplastics found in coral skeletons

Stroke rates increasing in individuals living with SCD despite treatment guidelines

[] Birth after cancer treatment with removal and storage of ovary