RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ, August 01, 2012 (Press-News.org) We put under the microscope of science all available knowledge on wisdom, from science, philosophy and religion. We studied wisdom from every possible angle and every possible source and we found the scriptures to be the biggest credible source for all the clues to wisdom.
Why are we defining wisdom from the insights of the scriptures? The biggest clues to wisdom are right here in the Bible. When it comes to wisdom, the Bible is way ahead of philosophy and science. It was religion that first recognized the need and importance for wisdom. It was religion that put up laws for man to follow the wisdom path by encouraging man to stay on the wise course through carrots and sticks. Governments on the advice of science and philosophy more or less followed the ways of religion by creating their own laws to ensure a wise society. The only law the governments changed was they created punishment here and now to stop people from carrying out evil. Other scriptures have similar insights but to us the Bible has the most exact science of wisdom.
The first and foremost scientific insight that gave us the clue to wisdom comes from John 1:1:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God."
(This means that the foremost task before man is to get man's word/idea/concept/belief/faith/understanding of life as close to the truth as humanly possible. Getting the Word of the Bible right is critical as God's Word is as important as God Himself.)
Wisdom as described by the Bible means, Wisdom is God! Which is different from God having wisdom. God is his Attributes which boils down to God is Wisdom and God is Pure, God is Good. Thus wisdom is good (as in good and evil) and pure.
John 1:1 also makes clear the very nature of wisdom education. Wisdom education is not about having the knowledge of wisdom it is about becoming wisdom!
No wonder the current wisdom education is a failure because all we do is teach wisdom, which boils down to man having the knowledge of wisdom while to become pure man has to become wisdom.
The second clue comes from Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in his own image..."
Again Wisdom is an innate character trait of God and as man is made in God's image it means God's Attributes have to be an innate character trait of man too. Thus the real wise man is good and pure; just like God; to the extent humanly possible. So wisdom = All the Attributes of God = all the attributes of the humanly possible good/pure man/self.
So for man to become wise, man must become pure/good. First man was pure Word. Satan came along and through Satan's word man became impure/evil/ignorant. The sole purpose of the Bible is to show how man can become pure again. All the Bible is saying is for man to become emotionally in the image of God. What does it mean to become in the image of God? It means to become just like God made us - pure/good/wise. The question is how does one become pure again?
Even the clue for how to become wise comes from John 3:3
"...no man can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again..."
The Bible is telling us that we can become pure again by 'being born again'. What does 'being born again' mean in science terms? It virtually means deconstructing and reconstructing the neural network of the brain to make the brain emotionally-super-mature/pure/good/wise. Thus making the self pure again.
Now lets examine the pure self from the point of view of science.
There are roughly four levels of the mind and so there are four levels of human beings as follows:
a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature. At this stage of the mind the child considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. One's own self is all that counts. Others don't count at all as they don't even exist. Those at this mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing one and all. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional minds and its consequences. In fact those who grow up chronologically but are emotionally stuck at this post birth stage manifest as dictators, tyrants, murderers, thugs etc. or are totally emotionally challenged. This level mind is pure evil (or totally emotionally sick) and impure just as the Bible says, "Surely I was sinful at birth..." - Psalm 51:1
b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come as he deserves the best. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with committing illegal acts. These minds are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third world countries have this level mind leaders. This level mind is partly evil and impure.
c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his own self. He works for his own family first and then even helps others. This level mind is a more or less pure self with the impurity of a trophy self image.
d) Super mature mind (+2)...an altruistic, selfless human nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom/pure/good/selfless. The person considers himself as part of the whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. People who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help others. They treat all alike with the same selfless respect. At this stage man is his pure self with no impurities/evil/emotional-baggage. Such minds are truly altruistic, humble, wise and pure. This mind level is powered by super mature emotional intelligence which has the same attributes as wisdom. Thus super mature emotional intelligence is wisdom.
So we learn:
From John 1:1 we know that God is Wisdom and Wisdom is God. We also learn from understanding the very nature of the relationship between God and Wisdom; Wisdom and God are integral parts/essences of each other.
From Genesis 1:27 we know that man was created in God's image.
Combining the lessons from John 1:1 and Genesis 1:27 we learn that man too has (to have) the same relationship with wisdom; as man is made in the image of God. Wisdom is man and man is wisdom and both man and wisdom are integral parts/essences of each other. So wisdom is an innate part of the pure man. At least this is how the good/pure man is supposed to be.
1) Man was originally created with the same character traits as God. Man was created wise/pure/good/emotionally-super-intelligent without any impurity/evil/emotional-baggage.
2) Wisdom = All the Attributes of God = good/pure man/self = free of all evil/impurity = super mature emotional intelligence = free of all emotional baggage.
3) Wisdom education is not about man having the knowledge of wisdom it is about man becoming wisdom! Thus wisdom education is brain therapy that physically/emotionally removes the emotional baggage from the brain. Thus wisdom education in science terms means deconstructing and reconstructing the neural network of the brain to make the brain emotionally super mature; by removing the evil/impurity/emotional-baggage from the brain.
4) As wisdom is super mature emotional intelligence and because emotional intelligence is a science term it means pure/good/wisdom is also a science term.
Please check out our YouTube videos here:
"Message to President Obama..."
"If you are thinking of a divorce"
"Who am I"
"Practical application of quantification of the Mind"
"A Message for Bill Gates"
Please email this Press Release to our President, your Senator, Congressman, Education Secretary and All Those Connected With Education. Pleas Spread the Word That it is now up to our Leaders to fix the Mess in Education and in all Life.
When will our education leaders wake up to the fact that wisdom is a function of an emotional baggage free brain. It is the parent's behavior toward their child that determines the wisdom level in the child. Wisdom is integrated through a healthy upbringing. Those with emotional baggage can also be made wise.
The question is will our education policy leaders even consider our proposal to introduce an extra subject that teaches emotional intelligence/wisdom?
The 4th R Foundation is a non-profit education research foundation that researches informal/emotional intelligence education, human nature, brain, mind, conscientiousness, self, wisdom, life coaching, adult reeducation, shyness, self image, emotional brain baggage etc.
4th R Foundation: How We Figured Out Wisdom and What is Wisdom Education
We figured out Wisdom = All the Attributes of God = good/pure/man/self = free of all evil/impurity = super mature emotional intelligence = free of all emotional baggage; from the insights of the Bible.
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[Press-News.org] 4th R Foundation: How We Figured Out Wisdom and What is Wisdom EducationWe figured out Wisdom = All the Attributes of God = good/pure/man/self = free of all evil/impurity = super mature emotional intelligence = free of all emotional baggage; from the insights of the Bible.