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Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup for the Week of January 28, 2013

Book Marketing, The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, serves as a community of authors and allows authors to actively engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. Authors can upload author photos, bios, book covers, video and book videos

SHALLOTTE, NC, January 29, 2013 ( Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson of, founders of Book Marketing, announced today The Authors Show radio and TV weekly broadcast schedule.

Book Marketing, branded as 'The Authors Marketing Powerhouse', allows authors and publishers the opportunity to upload photos, bios, book covers, video and book videos. The site also offers discussion forums, segmented special interest groups and allows for event listings. Each author can develop a personalized page. In addition the site allows for integration with Facebook and Twitter. The site is a joint collaboration, developed by Don McCauley of the Free Publicity Focus Group and Danielle Hampson, CEO of

"We believe this site offers a real opportunity for authors, publishers, self published authors and publishing companies," stated Mr. McCauley, "as the site offers so many options, opportunities and possibilities. It can be treated as a place to create awareness of one's work while, at the same time, the site allows the author to network with like-minded individuals. No cost video training is provided to members at the site. The segmented groups allow for the exchange of book marketing ideas, while the discussion forums can serve as an educational resource for those who may have a need to increase their own knowledge in regards to creating marketing and publicity plans that produce real results. All of this can be integrated with social networking technologies. The site can serve as a centralized hub for book marketing activity, education and networking."

Group discussions include website design and search engine optimization, marketing and publicity, audio and video, writing fiction and writing non-fiction. There are segmented group discussion for children's authors and Christian authors. Forum discussions include book marketing strategies and website optimization strategies. Groups and discussions can be created by participants, subject to moderator approval. Help A Publisher Publish You (HAPPY), offered through, is a weekly listing of publishers and agents sent to participants of the list service.

Appearances on The Authors Show, Internet radio and tv versions, are produced by Danielle Hampson of The shows offer professionally produced radio and TV interviews that are broadcast worldwide. This upcoming scheduled radio lineups include:

Week January 28, 2013 On The Book Marketing Show

Eric DelaBarre
John Meacham
Richard Godwin
Leyland Hazlewood

Week January 28, 2013 On The Radio Version

Chris James
Jacob Singer
Russell Warnberg
Stephen Schochet
Jerry Pollock PhD
Janet Ruth Heller - The Childrens Authors Show
Ess-Jee Rautenbach - The Christian Authors Show
Lynn Hobbs - The Christian Authors Show
Kristi Burchfiel - The Christian Authors Show

"Our goal with this site," said Ms. Hampson, "is to create a one stop resource that covers all the bases in regards to creating success for authors in an Internet marketing environment. The collaboration between us allows authors to take advantage of getting the word out through Book Marketing, while participating in networking resources, group discussions, publisher information listings, full service audio and video production, publicity and marketing resources and much more, all found at one centralized location. As the site grows and evolves, the value of this resource will only increase."

Don McCauley is a marketing strategist and is the facilitator of the Free Publicity Focus Group, a marketing and publicity firm. He also serves as the host of The Authors Show Radio. Danielle Hampson is the Executive Producer of The Authors Show radio group of programs, The Authors Show TV version and is the CEO of

More information is available by visiting the Book Marketing site. Questions about Book Marketing can be addressed to Don McCauley by email at don (at) Questions about The Authors Show, radio and tv versions can be addressed to Danielle Hampson at danielle (at)


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[] Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show Lineup for the Week of January 28, 2013
Book Marketing, The Authors Marketing Powerhouse, serves as a community of authors and allows authors to actively engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. Authors can upload author photos, bios, book covers, video and book videos