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Folate deficiency demystified -- why some people may be at a greater risk of disease

( As many expectant mothers know, getting enough folate is key to avoiding neural tube defects in the baby during pregnancy. But for the individuals who carry certain genetic variants, dealing with folate deficiency can be a life-long struggle which can lead to serious neurological and heart problems and even death.

Now a Donnelly Centre study offers clues to how to recognize early those who are most at risk.

Defects in an enzyme called MTHFR, or 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which modifies folate, or vitamin B9 as it is also known, to produce other essential cellular components, can increase a person's need for folate. MTHFR deficiency occurs when a person inherits two defective copies of this gene, one from each parent. Disease severity depends on the exact changes in the composition of the amino-acid residues which make up the protein and which are encoded by the two copies of the gene that a person carries.

"The benefit of recognizing MTHFR deficiency early is that you can start preventative therapy, including a high folate diet, very early in life and prevent or reduce the most severe effects," says Fritz Roth, a professor of molecular genetics in the END


Scientists find genetic cause, underlying mechanisms of new neurodevelopmental syndrome

Scientists find genetic cause, underlying mechanisms of new neurodevelopmental syndrome
CHAPEL HILL, NC - Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and colleagues have demonstrated that variants in the SPTBN1 gene can alter neuronal architecture, dramatically affecting their function and leading to a rare, newly defined neurodevelopmental syndrome in children. Damaris Lorenzo, PhD, assistant professor in the UNC Department of Cell Biology and member of the UNC Neuroscience Center at the UNC School of Medicine, led this research, which was published today in the journal Nature Genetics. Lorenzo, who is also a member of the UNC Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) at the UNC School of Medicine, is the ...

Genetics plays important role in age at first sex and birth

Hundreds of genetic drivers affect sexual and reproductive behaviour Combined with social factors, these can affect longevity and health An Oxford-led team, working with Cambridge and international scholars, has discovered hundreds of genetic markers driving two of life's most momentous milestones - the age at which people first have sex and become parents. In a paper published today in Nature Human Behaviour, the team linked 371 specific areas of our DNA, called genetic variants (known locations on chromosomes), 11 of which were sex-specific, to the timing of first sex and birth. These variants interact with environmental factors, such as socioeconomic status and when you were born, and are predictors of longevity and later life disease. The researchers ...

Healthcare professionals are failing smell loss patients

People who have lost their sense of smell are being failed by healthcare professionals, new research has revealed. A study by Newcastle University, University of East Anglia and charity Fifth Sense, shows poor levels of understanding and care from GPs and specialists about smell and taste loss in patients. This is an issue that has particularly come to the forefront during the Covid-19 pandemic as many people who have contracted the virus report a loss of taste and smell as their main symptoms. Around one in 10 people who experience smell loss as a result of Covid-19 report that their sense of smell has ...

Advances in optical engineering for future telescopes

Advances in optical engineering for future telescopes
In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances; DOI 10.29026/oea.2021.210040, Researchers led by Professor Daewook Kim from The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA consider advances in optical engineering for future telescopes. Astronomical advances are largely coupled with technological improvements - from the invention of the first optical telescope used by Galileo in 1609 and for the foreseeable future, astronomy and optical engineering will be forever linked. This paper summarizes several advances that will enable future telescopes to expand scientific understanding of the universe. Significant optical engineering advances at the University of Arizona are being made for design, fabrication, and construction of next ...

Prenatal exposure to THC, CBD affects offspring's responsiveness to fluoxetine

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Scientists at Indiana University have found that significant amounts of the two main components of cannabis, THC and CBD, enter the embryonic brain of mice in utero and impair the mice's ability as adults to respond to fluoxetine, a drug commonly used to treat anxiety and depression and known by the brand name Prozac. The study suggests that when the developing brain is exposed to THC or CBD, normal interactions between endocannabinoid and serotonin signaling may be diminished as they become adults. "Hemp-derived CBD is a legal substance in the U.S., and we are in a time of increasing state-level legalization of cannabis. ...

Recent technology cost forecasts underestimate the pace of technological change

A team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Oxford, and University of Brescia/RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment carried out the first systematic analysis of the relative performance of probabilistic cost forecasts from expert-based methods and model-based methods. They specifically focused on one expert-based method -- expert elicitations -- and four model-based methods which model costs either as a function of cumulative installed capacity or as a function of time. The results of this ...

Turning yeast cells into labs for studying drivers of gene regulation

Researchers have developed a more efficient platform for studying proteins that play a key role in regulating gene expression. The approach uses engineered yeast cells to produce enzyme and histone proteins, conduct biochemical assays internally, and then display the results. "Biomedical and biotech researchers are interested in the mechanisms that allow histones to regulate gene activity," says Alison Waldman, first author of a paper on the work and a Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University. "But the conventional tools for histone research are unwieldy ...

Good food in a nice setting: wild bees need diverse agricultural landscapes

Good food in a nice setting: wild bees need diverse agricultural landscapes
Mass-flowering crops such as oilseed rape or faba bean (also known as broad bean) provide valuable sources of food for bees, which, in turn, contribute to the pollination of both the crops and nearby wild plants when they visit. But not every arable crop that produces flowers is visited by the same bees. A team from the University of Göttingen and the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) in Braunschweig has investigated how the habitat diversity of the agricultural landscape and the cultivation of different mass-flowering crops affect wild bees. The research shows that diverse agricultural landscapes increase the species richness ...

New ternary hydrides of lanthanum and yttrium join the ranks of high-temperature superconductors

A team led by Skoltech professor Artem R. Oganov studied the structure and properties of ternary hydrides of lanthanum and yttrium and showed that alloying is an effective strategy for stabilizing otherwise unstable phases YH10 and LaH6, expected to be high-temperature superconductors. The research was published in the journal Materials Today. Cuprates had long remained record-setters for high-temperature superconductivity until H3S was predicted in 2014. This unusual sulfur hydride was estimated to have high-temperature superconductivity at 191-204 K and was later obtained experimentally, setting a new record in superconductivity. Following this discovery, many scientists turned to superhydrides, which are abnormally rich in hydrogen, and discovered new compounds that ...

A remote laboratory for performing experiments with real electronic and communications equipment

A remote laboratory for performing experiments with real electronic and communications equipment
Laboratories are an inherent part of technology qualifications, as practical experiments are essential for students to acquire the competencies and skills that they will need during their future professional development. Providing this learning in a virtual format is one of the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic--a challenge that distance universities have been addressing for years. RLAB-UOC is a remote laboratory designed and developed by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) that enables students in the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications to conduct practical experiments with real electronic and communications equipment anywhere, at any time. A new article published in the scientific journal Electronics has described the characteristics ...


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Unleashing the power of generative AI on smart collaborative innovation network platform to empower research and technology innovation

[] Folate deficiency demystified -- why some people may be at a greater risk of disease