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Now is already too late – The European and international endocrine community calls for immediate action on chemicals legislation is the only way forward to address Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

( Brussels, Belgium 7 June 2023 – The call for action reverberated across the halls of the European Parliament as a diverse group of scientists, policy makers and interest organisations gathered in a packed room, to discuss how to address the gaps between science and legislation and "Shape an ambitious legislative framework for endocrine disruptors."

“Through such meetings with experts, we as policy makers can obtain valuable insight into the latest available science and benefit from it in our legislative work” MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland)

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) remain a critical issue at the intersection of health and the environment. With their potentially severe and life-altering effects across almost all life stages, EDCs need strict regulation in order to protect human health and the environment. As of now, the gaps between science and legislation persist – but ongoing reviews of chemicals legislation are an opportunity to change this.

“Children are generally forgotten in this debate while they are much more vulnerable to the exposure of EDCs in comparison to adults.” (Professor Anders Juul, Rigshospitalet & University of Copenhagen)

Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, the panel discussion centrered around EU’s umbrella chemicals regulation REACH and its potential to impact European public health through timely and ambitious revisions. Special attention was given to the impact of EDCs on vulnerable groups in society including children and adults. To cover both science and policy, panel members included Professor Pauliina Damdimopoulu, a senior lecturer in Reproductive and Perinatal Toxicology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, as well as the European Commission and prominent MEPs active on the issue. The event also included industry voices, as chemicals industry association Cefic was present.

“What is typical for our area is that it often takes more than 10 to 15 years, or even longer, before our research findings are translated into effective policies to address the public health risks we identify in our research findings” (Professor Robin Peeters, Erasmus Medical Center)

“EDCs already affect us before we are born and consequently gives all of us an unfair start in life” Dr Pauliina Damdimopoulou (Karolinska Institute)

Following the panel discussion, attendees continued their networking during a cocktail event.

“What we need now is for the Commission and others to listen to the science and publish an ambitious proposals for a REACH revision without delay to protect current and future generations against the risks of exposure to EDCs.” MEP Martin Hojsík (Renew Europe, Slovakia)

The event was organised in partnership with the Endocrine Society, the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, and the European Thyroid Association and is kindly hosted by the Members of the European Parliament, Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland), and Martin Hojsík (Renew Europe, Slovakia).



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[] Now is already too late – The European and international endocrine community calls for immediate action on chemicals legislation is the only way forward to address Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals