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Researchers used a LEGO robotics kit as a cheap, effective way to purify self-assembling DNA origami

Researchers used a LEGO robotics kit as a cheap, effective way to purify self-assembling DNA origami
( Article URL:

Article Title: Gradient-mixing LEGO robots for purifying DNA origami nanostructures of multiple components by rate-zonal centrifugation

Author Countries: USA

Funding: The research in Hariadi lab was supported by the National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award (1DP2AI144247), National Science Foundation SemiSynBio II (2027215), and Arizona Biomedical Research Consortium (ADHS17-00007401). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Researchers used a LEGO robotics kit as a cheap, effective way to purify self-assembling DNA origami Researchers used a LEGO robotics kit as a cheap, effective way to purify self-assembling DNA origami 2


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[] Researchers used a LEGO robotics kit as a cheap, effective way to purify self-assembling DNA origami