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BioOne announces Subscribe to Open Pilot

Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot beginning in January 2026 will offer up to 80 titles beginning in January 2026

( WASHINGTON D.C. – BioOne, the leading nonprofit aggregator in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences, today announces a bold plan to offer up to 80 society titles as part of a Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot beginning in January 2026.

This decision, unanimously endorsed by the BioOne Board of Directors, follows 18 months of careful feasibility analysis and extensive interviews with BioOne’s community of society and library partners in search of an equitable and sustainable path to open.

BioOne will work with its publishing community throughout 2024 to encourage participation in the pilot, enabling a rollout to the library market in 2025 for a 2026 volume year launch. The pilot offering will focus on those titles that are exclusively available to researchers via the aggregation BioOne Complete, representing societies, museums, research organizations, and independent presses across 15 countries. BioOne Complete will remain a mixed-model collection of subscribed, S2O, and gold OA titles.

“Open Access poses a unique challenge for multi-publisher aggregations, but also has the ability to deliver meaningful change at scale,” said Lauren Kane, BioOne President/CEO. “We believe that it is essential to future scholarship and discovery that small, independent societies be able to sustainably participate in the transition to open. We are proud to be agents of this shift.”

About BioOne

BioOne is an innovative nonprofit collaborative and the leading content aggregator in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. More than 150 global scientific societies and nonprofit publishing organizations include their journals in BioOne’s flagship product, BioOne Complete, for the benefit of 3,500 accessing institutions and millions of researchers worldwide. Since 2001, BioOne has returned more than $68 million in royalty sharing back to its participants, with a commitment to share research more broadly, equitably, and sustainably.



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[] BioOne announces Subscribe to Open Pilot
Subscribe to Open (S2O) pilot beginning in January 2026 will offer up to 80 titles beginning in January 2026