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New academic journal on artificial intelligence launched

New academic journal on artificial intelligence launched
( STARKVILLE, Miss. -- Mississippi State University's Department of Computer Science and Engineering has launched a new open-access academic journal focused on advancements in artificial intelligence.

The journal AI Letters aims to fill a gap in peer-reviewed publications covering AI research. Department Head Shahram Rahimi and Assistant Research Professor Noorbakhsh Amiri Golilarz, editors-in-chief of the journal, saw the need for a publication that could quickly share new ideas and insights in AI, a hot topic not just in computer science but the entire scientific community.

“When we looked into establishing an AI journal, we found a gap in the field, particularly in the availability of journals that cater to concise, focused discussions on AI topics,” Amiri Golilarz said. “Many existing journals required long literature reviews and introductions, which could be time-consuming for authors and readers. This led us to create AI Letters, which allows authors to directly discuss their insights and key points in a short, easy-to-consume manner.”

Launching from Mississippi State's Department of Computer Science, AI Letters looks to establish itself as a leading open-access publication advancing artificial intelligence. It provides a platform for rapidly sharing new ideas that can drive progress in AI applications and beyond.

Amiri Golilarz explained they want a broad range of topics covered in the journal, including machine learning, robotics, natural language processing, computer vision, and more. Submissions that push the boundaries of what is possible in AI challenge existing paradigms and offer fresh perspectives are welcomed. Covering a range of AI-related topics from different domains, he said, makes the journal more comprehensive, appealing to an extensive range of audiences, and impactful in driving progress across the field of artificial intelligence.

“AI is such a broad, multidisciplinary field with many applications and subfields,” Amiri Golilarz said. “It made sense to us to cover this diverse range and position the journal as a leading resource to the whole field of AI, not just niche areas.”

He went on to say that including industry applications and prospective broadens the scope beyond academia and makes AI Letters more helpful to professionals applying AI outside of research.

The electronic journal will offer a continuously published model, with rapid double-blind peer review and a maximum two to three-week review timeframe. Authors can submit concise two-page letters discussing their work, making the journal accessible to academics and industry professionals. The two-page limit, Amiri Golilarz said, was chosen because it suits readers in the academic and professional worlds. He said the goal is to concisely present unique ideas and insights, making the content more accessible and easier to digest for a wide range of readers.

Already, AI Letters has received global interest, with professors from Canada, Europe and beyond inquiring about submissions. Amiri Golilarz said he and Rahimi aim to build an international editorial board and readership in the future.

Students, faculty, and industry professionals can all submit their work to the open-access journal. More information and submission guidelines can be found at

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New academic journal on artificial intelligence launched New academic journal on artificial intelligence launched 2


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[] New academic journal on artificial intelligence launched