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What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024

What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024
( WASHINGTON — The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) will feature advanced technologies and research ranging from Earth to space sciences during the 24th Annual American Geophysical Union (AGU) Conference at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., Dec. 9-13.

In addition to more than 70 NRL oral presentations and poster displays and an exhibit hall booth, attendees will have the opportunity to view the premier of the 5-minute CCOR-1 (Compact Coronagraph) film which details the collaborative efforts of the laboratory and NOAA in developing the first-ever operational Compact Coronagraph.

"NRL is committed to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery,” said NRL Commanding Officer Capt. Jesse Black. “By participating in AGU 2024, we're able to share our latest advancements in Earth and space sciences with the global scientific community that will define the future of Naval operations.”

Attendees can visit booth #119 to meet our researchers, hear more about NRL’s revolutionary developments and learn how NRL is contributing to our understanding of cross-domains from Earth to space.

Overview of NRL events at AGU 2024:

Oral Presentations:

Monday, Dec. 9

10:50-11:00 am: Dr. John D Haiducek: JEDI Goes to Space: First steps in applying an atmospheric data assimilation framework to space weather

Marquis 12-13 (Marriott Marquis) during session NG12A - Advances in Data Assimilation, Data Fusion, Machine Learning, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification in the Geosciences II Oral 4:02-4:13 pm: Dr. Mark G Linton: Science Highlights from the Wide-field Imager for Parker Solar Probe (WISPR)

Liberty I-K (Marriott Marquis) during session SH14A Parker Solar Probe’s Furthest Descent into the Sun’s Corona IV  

Tuesday, Dec. 10

12:30-1:30 pm: Jeffrey B Obelcz: Ocean Sciences Section Student and Early Career Panel Discussion

Independence D-E (Grand Hyatt)  5:00-5:10 pm: Jeffrey B Obelcz: Submarine thermokarst and pingo morphology along Arctic Margins: A presence and absence case study

146B (Convention Center) during session EP24A - Arctic Coastal Dynamics: What Are the Emerging Frontiers? II Oral  

Wednesday, Dec. 11

10:40-10:48 am: Dr. Sarah M Trimble: Returned to the Sea: Observations of aeolian transport from the dunes into the nearshore

146 C (Convention Center) during session EP32B - Biophysical and Physical Processes in Coastal Environments: Linking Nearshore to Onshore Processes Through Hydrodynamics, Sedimentary Processes, and Morphodynamics II Oral 4:48-5:00 pm: Dr. Jason K Jolliff: A Preview of Geostationary Ocean Color over the Gulf of Mexico with Color-Enhanced GOES-R/ABI Image Sequences

147B (Convention Center) during session OS34B - Geostationary Ocean Color: Dynamic Measurements to Support Dynamic Ecosystems III Oral  

Thursday, Dec. 12

2:20-2:30 pm: Dr. Douglas (Doug) Allen: Smoke with Induced Rotation and Lofting (SWIRL) Generated by the February 2009 Australian Black Saturday PyroCb Plume

152 B (Convention Center) during session A43X - Megafire and Pyrocumulonimbus in the Climate System II Oral  2:34-2:46 pm: Sofia Grossman: Multilevel remote sensing investigation of Tundra surface variability in Utqiagvik, Alaska

102 A-B (Convention Center) during session C43F - Analyzing Subsurface Processes in Permafrost-Affected Regions and Their Impacts on Infrastructure and Climate III Oral  

Friday, Dec. 13

8:45-8:55 am: Dr. Carolyn Reynolds: Atmospheric Rivers in the Northwestern Pacific: Source Regions and Observation Impact

152 A (Convention Center) during session A51C - Atmospheric Rivers: Processes, Impacts, Observations, and Uncertainties I Oral 8:55-9:05 am: Dr. James (Jim) Doyle: Forecast Sensitivity of High-Impact Atmospheric River Events

152 A (Convention Center) during session A51C - Atmospheric Rivers: Processes, Impacts, Observations, and Uncertainties I Oral 9:00-9:10 am: Dr. Brian E Wood: Applying a Local Toroidal Approximation to Flux Rope Modeling of CMEs

Liberty M (Marriott Marquis) during session SH51B - Understanding the Origins and Evolution of Large-Scale Structures in the Heliosphere with Observations and Modeling I Oral 4:50-5:00 pm: Dr. Cheryl (Cheryl Ann) A Blain: Development of a New Global Climatological River Discharge Database

145 B (Convention Center) during session H54B - Advancing Hydrologic Modeling and Prediction Using Large-Domain Meteorological and Hydrologic Datasets III Oral  

Poster Sessions:

Monday, Dec. 9

8:30 am-12:20 pm: Dr. Robert Forney: OS11D-0698 Self-organizing maps reveal features of tropical cyclone-eddy-Loop Current interactions

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)  1:40-5:30 pm: William Bounds: C13C-0559 Observations and Modeling of Sea Ice at Grazing Angles using Passive Microwave Radiometry

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)  1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Trina L. Merrick: GC13C: Advancing Remote Sensing of Arctic Dynamics Under a Rapidly Changing Climate

Hall D (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: NREIP Student, Maya Maciel-Seidman: GC13B-0193 Analysis of Active Layer Thickness and Climate Data at Utqiagvik, Alaska with Random Forest and Multiple Linear Regression Algorithms

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)   

Tuesday, Dec. 10

8:30-10:00 am: Dr. Leonard Strachan, Jr: SH21B-08 New Tools for Using Recalibrated SOHO/UVCS Data for Understanding the Solar Wind Acceleration Region

eLightning Theater 5 (Convention Center) 8:30 am-12:20 pm: Kenneth D Marr: SA21D-2625 Can Space Lasers Detect Small Orbital Debris? Design Concept and Ground-based Results of the Dual Sheet LARADO Instrument

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am-12:20 pm: Andrew C Nicholas: P31B-2801 Laser Optical Visualization of Ejecta from the Lunar Landscape (LOVELL) Instrument Concept

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)   8:30-12:20 am: Dr. Maureen A Levoir Walton: EP21E-1254 Mapping of Arctic submarine permafrost, thermokarst, and potential evidence for paleothermokarst in regional subbottom profile data

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. David F Richards IV: B23G-1637 Remote Sensing of Periglacial Trough Structure Variability and Connections to Ice-Wedge Degradation

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)  

Wednesday, Dec 11

8:30am-12:20 pm: Dr. Dustin A Hickey: SA31E-2483 Multi-instrument observations of MSTIDs

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Damien B Josset: S33B-3301 About Lasers, and HOPE: Lidar/hyperspectral Seafloor type and Shallow water Bathymetry

Halls B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Benjamin Phrampus: OS33D-0678 Ocean Drilling Data Physics-Informed Neural Network (ODD-PINN) to Predict Continuous Geophysical and Geologic Properties

Halls B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)  

Thursday, Dec. 12

8:30 am -12:20 pm: Dr. Peter (Pete) M Finocchio: C41E-0225 Observed Sea-Ice and Upper-Ocean Responses to High Winds During the Arctic Melt Season

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am -12:20 pm: Mike Fromm: A41M-1743 PyroCb-injected Stratospheric Ice: Robust and Illusory Satellite Signals

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am -12:20 pm: Francis A Turney: A41M-1741 Factors Influencing the Formation of Pyrocumulonimbus Clouds Over the 2020 Creek Fire

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am -12:20 pm: Dr. Jie Yu: C41E-0224 Wave attenuation, surface wave boundary layer and wave drift in the marginal ice zone

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Magdalena D Anguelova: A43B-1965 Parameterization of Satellite Whitecap Fraction as a Scaling Factor for Sea Spray Production Flux

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Patrick D Duff: GP43A-3560 Magnetic map-making for advanced applications: Quantitative comparison of frequency dependent features, errors, and uncertainties in gridded magnetic data

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 2:10-3:40 pm: Richard (Rick) A Allard: C43I-05 Evaluation of U.S. Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) v2 Ensemble Prediction of Arctic Landfast Ice During the Period of 2020-2021

eLightning Theater 2 (Convention Center)  

Friday Dec. 13

8:30 am-12:20 pm: Dr. Ami M DuBois: SM51E-2825 MMS observations of non-gyrotropic distribution functions in a compressed current sheet

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am-12:20 pm: Joe Helmboldt: SH51E-2938 Observations of the Sun and Earth’s Ionosphere at 42 MHz in the Path of Totality During the Great American Eclipse of 2024

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 8:30 am-12:20 pm: Dr. Jason E Kooi: SH51C-2918 Faraday Rotation Methods to Detect Coronal Currents and MHD Wave Activity

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Drs. Danny Finn and Mark G Linton: SM53A-2858 Simulating Magnetic Reconnection using the PETSc Particle-In-Cell Framework

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: McArthur Jones Jr: SA53B-2747 Understanding local time variations in thermospheric molecular oxygen observed by GOLD

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center) 1:40-5:30 pm: Dr. Andrew W Stephan: SA53C-2770 Correlated Ionospheric and Thermospheric Changes During an M-Class Solar Flare

Hall B-C (Poster Hall) (Convention Center)  

Visit booth #119 to learn more about NRL technologies, research and capabilities:

Meet the leaders behind the science! Stop by NRL’s booth to discuss the laboratory’s research focus areas throughout Materials Science & Component Technology and Ocean & Atmospheric Science & Technology directorates.

Each year, AGU’s annual meeting, the largest gathering of Earth and space scientists, convenes 25,000+ attendees from 100+ countries to share research and connect with friends and colleagues. Scientists, educators, policymakers, journalists and communicators attend AGU24 to better understand our planet and environment, opening pathways to discovery, opening greater awareness to address climate, opening greater collaborations to lead to solutions and opening the fields and professions of science to a whole new age of justice equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging.

To learn more about AGU or to register the event, visit AGU’s website here.


About the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

NRL is a scientific and engineering command dedicated to research that drives innovative advances for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps from the seafloor to space and in the information domain. NRL is located in Washington, D.C. with major field sites in Stennis Space Center, Mississippi; Key West, Florida; Monterey, California, and employs approximately 3,000 civilian scientists, engineers and support personnel.

For more information, contact NRL Corporate Communications at (202) 480-3746 or Please reference package number at top of press release.



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What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024 What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024 2 What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024 3


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[] What’s next for science: NRL to showcase advanced technology and research at AGU 2024