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Nevada Reconsiders the Use of Red-Light Cameras

The Nevada legislature is considering a bill that would allow the use of red-light cameras to catch traffic violations at intersections.

March 31, 2011 ( In 1999, the Nevada legislature passed a law banning the use of cameras to catch traffic violations at intersections. However, North Las Vegas is now pushing to change that law to allow the use of cameras to go after those running red lights. The current legislative bill to make the change has garnered the support of the Nevada Department of Transportation and the Nevada Sheriff's and Chief's Association. However, it is not without opposition.

The Case For and Against Cameras

Red light cameras work by videoing or photographing cars that do not stop for red lights. Cameras are connected to the traffic signal with sensors that monitor the traffic. If a car fails to stop when the light is red, the camera records the date, time, speed and license plate number of the car. After a review of the photo or video to verify a violation, tickets are typically mailed to the car owner.

Many long-time Las Vegas valley residents have become accustomed to still looking both ways before passing through an intersection on a green light. It is not uncommon to see a car (or cars) speed through an intersection several seconds after the light has turned red. When someone runs a red light, it puts others at risk of car accidents, whether there are cameras at the intersection or not.

Despite the clear danger of red-light collisions, however, many people oppose red light cameras. One of the concerns is that there could be an increase in rear-end collisions due to driver panic and sudden braking. Another concern is an invasion of privacy and the claim that such cameras are merely revenue generators for cities and police departments.

There is also concern about the cameras ticketing innocent car owners for violations, or suspected violations, incurred by someone else who was driving the car.

The core argument for the cameras is increased safety by keeping an all-seeing eye in intersections notorious for red light runners. In February 2011, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety released a report touting the life-saving value of red-light cameras.

In 2009, 676 people in the United States were killed and an estimated 113,000 more were injured by red-light running. What's worse is that almost two-thirds of the 676 deaths were people other than the red-light running drivers. Research has shown that in 14 of the largest U.S. cities, red-light cameras reduced the rate of fatal red-light running accidents by 24 percent. That decrease saved an estimated 83 lives.

Intersection Safety Is Most Important

Whether red light cameras are used or not, intersection safety must be a top priority. Running red lights not only endangers other drivers and passengers, but bicyclists and pedestrians who cross streets trusting all drivers will obey the traffic signals. While people in vehicles have some physical buffer to protect them from injury, bicyclists and pedestrians are usually seriously injured or killed when hit by a car.

Cities, counties, and states must take an aggressive stance on red-light running to protect their citizens. In addition to the fact that most communities lack the necessary resources to put a police officer at every intersection, doing so creates its own set of problems such as increased traffic congestion. Thus, red-light cameras offer a constant presence in intersections without the need for a human being to physically be present.

Cameras Won't Stop All Red Light Running

The reality is that even with the use of red-light cameras and increased police presence, drivers will still run red lights and people will still be injured and killed because of it. Cameras can only deter the dangerous behavior. Nevertheless, cameras provide video or photographic evidence of what happened when red light runners injure or kill other people. In some cases, that evidence could be crucial in bringing violators to justice.

In conjunction with the cameras, lawmakers need to ensure that the penalties for running red lights are stiff enough to get the attention of violators. Additionally, educating the public may help deter red light runners by emphasizing the risk of killing other drivers, bikers or pedestrians.

Regardless of the approach, there is no silver bullet for fixing what has been, and will continue to be, a serious and dangerous problem on our roads. States and municipalities need to employ a combination of approaches that meet their unique circumstances and needs. Citizens need to be supportive of efforts to increase the safety of intersections regardless of whether they personally approve of the means. After all is said and done, lives are at stake and that should trump all other concerns.

Article provided by Harris & Harris Lawyers
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[] Nevada Reconsiders the Use of Red-Light Cameras
The Nevada legislature is considering a bill that would allow the use of red-light cameras to catch traffic violations at intersections.