(Press-News.org) 1. Being Physically Fit Earlier in Life May Lower Risk for Dementia Later in Life
Having a higher fitness level at midlife seems to be associated with lower hazards of developing Alzheimer disease and other types of dementia later in life. Between 1970 and 2009, researchers at a community health clinic utilized an exercise treadmill test to assess the baseline fitness levels of 19,458 non-elderly, community-dwelling adults who were in generally good health. The researchers reviewed Medicare data for the patients who became eligible to receive benefits between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2009 to assess the association between objectively measured midlife fitness levels and development of all-cause dementia in advanced age. A diagnosis of all-cause dementia was defined as at least one inpatient, skilled-nursing facility, home health agency, hospital outpatient, or physician or supplier claim with any diagnosis code corresponding with Alzheimer disease, senile dementia, and presenile dementia among persons having at least three years of Medicare coverage. Four codes corresponding with vascular dementia were also included. The researchers documented the presence or absence of dementia in all living patients at ages 70, 75, 80, and 85. They found that patients who were physically fit earlier in life were much less likely to develop dementia than those who were less fit. The author of an accompanying editorial notes that despite ample evidence that physical activity is associated with many health benefits, it can be difficult to get patients to adhere to an exercise program. The author writes that the association with reduced risk for Alzheimer's – one of the most feared diseases among U.S. adults – may entice patients to increase physical activity.
Note: For an embargoed PDF, please contact Megan Hanks or Angela Collom. To speak with the author, please contact Andrea Kirsten-Coleman at KirstenColeman@cooperinst.org or 972-341-3230.
2. 'Smarter' PSA Testing May Reduce Harms of Testing While Preserving Life-saving Benefits
Using a selective screening strategy for prostate cancer may reduce the harms associated with testing while preserving the number of lives saved. Measuring blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) can help doctors determine which patients may be at risk for prostate cancer. Patients with an elevated PSA level may require a biopsy to determine if cancer is present. However, biopsies are associated with many troublesome side effects and still cannot tell a doctor with certainty which cases of prostate cancer are life-threatening and require treatment. Current prostate cancer screening guidelines have been the source of controversy. While only one guideline recommends against screening altogether, others are less clear, recommending informed decision-making on an individual level. This can be difficult because there is sparse data available to help doctors have nuanced conversations with their patients about whether and how often to have prostate cancer screening. Researchers used a computer model to compare 35 screening strategies that varied in terms of age of first and last screening, screening intervals, and PSA thresholds for biopsy referral. The researchers looked at false-positive results, cancer detected, overdiagnoses (cancers detected that would otherwise never become clinically significant), deaths from prostate cancer, lives saved, and months of life saved. They found that compared with a standard screening strategy, using higher thresholds for biopsy referral for older men and screening men with initially low PSA levels less frequently may be a way to improve the tradeoff between screening and overdiagnosis. The author of an accompanying editorial does not believe this study will do much to quiet the debate on whether to screen for prostate cancer. The author notes the many limitations of the model which does not consider important factors such as race and family history, patient preferences, or potential complication of incontinence or impotence. As the debate rages on, the author suggests that physicians engage in shared decision-making with patients with regard to prostate cancer screening.
Note: For an embargoed PDF, please contact Megan Hanks or Angela Collom. To interview the lead author, please contact Dean Forbes at dforbes@fhcrc.org or 206-667-2896.
### END
Annals of Internal Medicine tip sheet for Feb. 5, 2013
Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine
New study shows that gases work with particles to promote cloud formation
New York, NY—January 30, 2013—Researchers at Columbia Engineering and Georgia Institute of Technology have published a study in the online Early Edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) showing—for the first time—that certain volatile organic gases can promote cloud formation in a way never considered before by atmospheric scientists. The study will be published the week of February 4, 2013.
"This is the first time gases have been shown to affect cloud formation in this way," says V. Faye McNeill, Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at ...
Hoodoos -- key to earthquakes?
Please cite the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) as the source of this information.
In the absence of long-term instrumental data, fragile rock formations, called hoodoos, may be key to understanding seismic hazard risk. In this study, researchers consider two hoodoos in Red Rock Canyon region to put limits on expected intensity of ground motion from earthquakes along the Garlock fault.
Hoodoos can be found in desert regions and are highly susceptible to erosion that makes their age uncertain. Despite that uncertainty, existing unfractured hoodoos, ...
Osaka Basin map: Identifies high-rise buildings at risk from quakes
Please cite the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) as the source of this information.
The Osaka Basin, Japan is home to many high-rise buildings that sit atop its thick soft sediments, vulnerable to long-period strong ground motions that last minutes. A new map created by Japanese researchers is intended to guide engineers and city planners in new construction and identifies existing buildings with the potential of resonance vibration.
The Osaka Basin in western Japan is surrounded by short mountain ranges, affected by large (M 8+) interplate earthquakes ...
Grooming helps insects keep their senses sharpened
Like a self-absorbed teenager, insects spend a lot of time grooming.
In a study that delves into the mechanisms behind this common function, North Carolina State University researchers show that insect grooming – specifically, antennal cleaning – removes both environmental pollutants and chemicals produced by the insects themselves.
The findings, published online this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that grooming helps insects maintain acute olfactory senses that are responsible for a host of functions, including finding food, ...
Antibody hinders growth of Gleevec-resistant gastrointestinal tumors in lab tests
STANFORD, Calif. - An antibody that binds to a molecule on the surface of a rare but deadly tumor of the gastrointestinal tract inhibits the growth of the cancer cells in mice, according to researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
The effect remains even when the cancer cells have become resistant to other treatments, and the findings may one day provide a glimmer of hope for people with the cancer, known as gastrointestinal stromal tumor, or GIST. The scientists hope to move into human clinical trials of the antibody within two years.
The antibody's ...
USC scientists design mouse with more human-like immune response
LOS ANGELES — Medical scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) have bred a first-of-its-kind mouse model that possesses an immune response system more like a human's. The discovery makes way for quicker and more cost-effective development of next-generation drugs to treat human diseases like cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis.
Medical researchers have long used mice and rats to help formulate new drugs and vaccines, in part because their genetic and biological characteristics closely parallel human physiology. But mice are not humans, and many experimental ...
Cells predict onset of graft-versus-host disease in men receiving BMTs from female donors
STANFORD, Calif. — Stanford University School of Medicine investigators have identified a clutch of cells that — if seen in a male patient's blood after receiving a brand-new immune system in the form of a bone-marrow transplant from a female donor — herald the onset of chronic graft-versus-host disease, or cGVHD. In this devastating syndrome, the patient's tissues come under a vicious and enduring assault by the transplanted cells.
"The overwhelming majority of patients who have these cells in their blood either have or will develop cGVHD within one to three months," ...
3D printing breakthrough with human embryonic stem cells
A team of researchers from Scotland has used a novel 3D printing technique to arrange human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for the very first time.
It is hoped that this breakthrough, which has been published today, 5 February, in the journal Biofabrication, will allow three-dimensional tissues and structures to be created using hESCs, which could, amongst other things, speed up and improve the process of drug testing.
In the field of biofabrication, great advances have been made in recent years towards fabricating three-dimensional tissues and organs by combining artificial ...
'Default' options influence patient choices in advance care directives, Penn study shows
PHILADELPHIA – Advance care directives allow patients to provide instructions about their preferences for the care they would like to receive if they develop an illness or a life-threatening injury and lose the capacity to make decisions for themselves. While many people may assume that patients have strong preferences for the type and aggressiveness of care they wish to receive near life's end, a new study by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that for many patients, preferences for end-of-life care are constructed ...
Experimental therapy crosses blood-brain barrier to treat neurological disease
CINCINNATI – Researchers have overcome a major challenge to treating brain diseases by engineering an experimental molecular therapy that crosses the blood-brain barrier to reverse neurological lysosomal storage disease in mice.
Posted online in PNAS Early Edition on Feb. 4, the study was led by scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
"This study provides a non-invasive procedure that targets the blood-brain barrier and delivers large-molecule therapeutic agents to treat neurological lysosomal storage disorders," said Dao Pan, PhD, principal investigator ...
Groundbreaking study finds AI-driven interviews with children may boost accuracy in witness accounts
New framework to measure economic well-being considers new and free goods and services; addition of digital goods boosts growth
Augmented reality guidance for placing intracranial drains now clinically validated
How feathers develop in chickens
Insomniac fruit fly mutants show enhanced memory despite severe sleep loss
Seals can sense their own circulating blood oxygen and it keeps them from drowning
Infants encode short-lived hippocampal memories
Mountain uplift and dynamic topography shapes biodiversity over deep time
Majority of carbon sequestered on land is locked in nonliving carbon reservoirs
From dinosaurs to birds: the origins of feather formation
Why don’t we remember being a baby? New study provides clues
The cell’s powerhouses: Molecular machines enable efficient energy production
Most of the carbon sequestered on land is stored in soil and water
New US Academic Alliance for the IPCC opens critical nomination access
Breakthrough molecular movie reveals DNA’s unzipping mechanism with implications for viral and cancer treatments
New function discovered for protein important in leukemia
Tiny component for record-breaking bandwidth
In police recruitment efforts, humanizing officers can boost interest
Fully AI driven weather prediction system could start revolution in forecasting
Tuberculosis in children and adolescents: EU/EEA observes a rise in 2023
How family background can help lead to athletic success
Peatlands' potential to capture carbon upgraded as temperatures rise
New AI tool generates high-quality images faster than state-of-the-art approaches
Xylazine detected in U.S.-Mexico border drug supply, study finds
Producing nuclear fusion fuel is banned in the US for being too toxic, but these researchers found an alternative
Adaptive defenses against malicious jumping genes
Cancer antigen 125 levels at time of ovarian cancer diagnosis by race and ethnicity
Prevalence and severity of astigmatism in children after COVID-19
Study: new guidelines expanded access to lung cancer screening, but gaps remain in reaching rural and uninsured populations
Analysis of new colorectal cancer immunotherapy shows more treatment options
[Press-News.org] Annals of Internal Medicine tip sheet for Feb. 5, 2013Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine