- Press Release Distribution

One ReverbNation Musician Will be Chosen to Perform at the Race for the Cure

One ReverbNation Musician Will be Chosen to Perform at the Race for the Cure
The last submission is in and over 1,000 bands are waiting to hear if they've been chosen to perform at the 2013 'Race for the Cure'. Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County and ReverbNation, partnered to give independent bands the opportunity to become a part of the new concert series, inviting their fans and perhaps gaining a few more as they perform in front of the expected 15,000 people taking part in the 'Race for the Cure'. The 17th annual family friendly event will take place at Dodger Stadium on March 23, 2013 with their 5K, their Kids Fun Run and for the more serious ...

Depression in kids linked to cardiac risks in teens

Depression in kids linked to cardiac risks in teens
AUDIO: Cardiologists and mental health professionals know that there's a link between depression and heart disease. Depressed adults are more likely to have heart attacks, and if they do have a... Click here for more information. Teens who were depressed as children are far more likely than their peers to be obese, smoke cigarettes and lead sedentary lives, even if they no longer suffer from depression. The research, by scientists at Washington University School of Medicine ...

Earth-directed coronal mass ejection from the sun

Earth-directed coronal mass ejection from the sun
On March 15, 2013, at 2:54 a.m. EDT, the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), a solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of solar particles into space and can reach Earth one to three days later and affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground. Experimental NASA research models, based on observations from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and ESA/NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, show that the CME left the sun at speeds of around 900 miles per second, which is a fairly fast speed for CMEs. Historically, ...

NASA's Swift, Chandra explore a youthful 'star wreck'

NASAs Swift, Chandra explore a youthful star wreck
While performing an extensive X-ray survey of our galaxy's central regions, NASA's Swift satellite has uncovered the previously unknown remains of a shattered star. Designated G306.3.9 after the coordinates of its sky position, the new object ranks among the youngest-known supernova remnants in our Milky Way galaxy. "Astronomers have previously cataloged more than 300 supernova remnants in the galaxy," said lead scientist Mark Reynolds, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. "Our analysis indicates that G306.3.9 is likely less than 2,500 ...

NASA's Webb Telescope gets its wings

NASAs Webb Telescope gets its wings
A massive backplane that will hold the primary mirror of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope nearly motionless while it peers into space is another step closer to completion with the recent assembly of the support structure's wings. The wings enable the mirror, made of 18 pieces of beryllium, to fold up and fit inside a 16.4-foot (5-meter) fairing on a rocket, and then unfold to 21 feet in diameter after the telescope is delivered to space. All that is left to build is the support fixture that will house an integrated science instrument module, and technicians will connect ...

Drug-resistant MRSA bacteria -- here to stay in both hospital and community

The drug-resistant bacteria known as MRSA, once confined to hospitals but now widespread in communities, will likely continue to exist in both settings as separate strains, according to a new study. The prediction that both strains will coexist is reassuring because previous projections indicated that the more invasive and fast-growing community strains would overtake and eliminate hospital strains, possibly posing a threat to public health. Researchers at Princeton University used mathematical models to explore what will happen to community and hospital MRSA strains, ...

Unhealthy eating can make a bad mood worse

Taking part in unhealthy eating behaviors may cause women who are concerned about their diet and self-image to experience a worsening of their moods, according to Penn State researchers. In a study, college-age women who were concerned about their eating behaviors reported that moods worsened after bouts of disordered eating, said Kristin Heron, research associate at the Survey Research Center. "There was little in the way of mood changes right before the unhealthy eating behaviors," said Heron. "However, negative mood was significantly higher after these behaviors." According ...

The basics of the New Jersey workers' compensation system

The basics of the New Jersey workers' compensation system Article provided by Sheffet & Dvorin, PC Visit us at New Jersey was one of the first states to establish a system of workers' compensation wherein work injury and occupational diseases are automatically covered financially by employers regardless of fault. Employers no longer needed to worry about being hauled into court repeatedly. Likewise, employees were relieved of the expense and difficult burden of suing their employers, often impossible for average workers. Valid ...

Ignition interlocks for anyone convicted of DUI in Tennessee?

Ignition interlocks for anyone convicted of DUI in Tennessee? Article provided by McLendon & Milligan Visit us at State and local government officials take a strong stance against drunk driving. Legislators increase the potential penalties that are in place for a conviction, and local law enforcement agencies aggressively target drunk drivers in their communities. When a motorist is pulled over by law enforcement in Tennessee, he or she may not have any idea why police decided to make a traffic stop. When the officer approaches the ...

Missouri bill would ban texting while driving, with few exceptions

Missouri bill would ban texting while driving, with few exceptions Article provided by Robert J. Albair, P.C. Visit us at Not so long ago, the only form of distracted driving that motorists had to worry about was other drivers changing the radio station while speeding along the highway. How times have changed! Now, in the age of the smartphone, people can stay in contact with each other and access a library of information in a split second. A negative side effect of this connectivity is that social norms have evolved with the technology. ...

North Carolina's automobile insurance

North Carolina's automobile insurance Article provided by Maynard & Harris Attorneys at Law, PLLC Visit us at North Carolina motorists have some of the lowest insurance rates in the nation. In 2012, on average, North Carolina motorists paid $707 for liability, collision and comprehensive coverage. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, this was the second lowest insurance rate on the East Coast (Maine had the lowest) and the eighth lowest in the nation. The national average annual price for automobile insurance ...

Crash accountability rules under fire from trucking groups

Crash accountability rules under fire from trucking groups Article provided by Dano ? Gilbert PS Visit us at The trucking industry has often experienced challenges in developing new safety initiatives that effectively cut down the number of deaths and serious injuries caused by trucking accidents. For decades, officials were able to reduce fatalities caused in regular passenger vehicle accidents, but deaths in trucking accidents remained consistent, according to National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) accident ...

Idaho authorities reporting surge in marijuana trafficking

Idaho authorities reporting surge in marijuana trafficking Article provided by Dowdy Law Office Visit us at In some form or another, the use and sale of marijuana have always been present in Idaho. However, now that many Western states have legalized the recreational or medicinal use of the drug, authorities report that Idaho is increasingly becoming a hotbed for marijuana trafficking. A representative from the Idaho State Police recently told KIVI News 6 that marijuanatrafficking in the state has risen by 2,000 percent since 2011. Much ...

Federal regulators tap banks to review own foreclosures for misconduct

Federal regulators tap banks to review own foreclosures for misconduct Article provided by Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C. Visit us at After 14 months of a veritable "train wreck" of an analysis performed by independent consultants was finally halted by the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency (USCC), homeowners across the country struggling to keep their homes from being foreclosed upon breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, the government wouldn't extend their anxiety any longer, right? Especially not after running through $2 billion ...

Distracted Driving Presents Serious Dangers

Distracted Driving Presents Serious Dangers Article provided by Schauermann, Thayer, Jacobs & Staples Visit us at The recent emergence of cell phone technology has changed the way that we drive in the United States. Cell phones allow us to keep in touch with loved ones on the road, while Global Positioning System (GPS) devices help us to arrive at our destinations safe and on-time. While these technologies offer numerous benefits, they have also contributed to an increase in the deadly practice of distracted driving. According to the ...

Business Succession Planning for the Family Business

Business Succession Planning for the Family Business Article provided by Donnelly Ritigstein LLC Law Offices Visit us at Successful businesses handle a variety of changes. One of the most difficult can be the change of ownership that occurs when the original owner decides to retire or otherwise leaves the business. Unfortunately, many businesses do not take the time to develop a succession plan. Taking some time to put the right plan in place can help reduce many of the risks associated with this transition. Business succession planning ...

New Jersey's Death Tax May Soon Be a Thing of the Past

New Jersey's Death Tax May Soon Be a Thing of the Past Article provided by Donnelly Ritigstein LLC Law Offices Visit us at Generally, the old adage that no press is bad press rings true, but a recent Forbes article highlighting New Jersey may be a rare exception. In the article, the magazine listed the state as one of the worst places in the nation to die. The rating was based on the fact that New Jersey and Maryland are the only states in the nation to impose two types of death taxes: a transfer tax on inheritance and an estate tax ...

Avoiding Ponzi Schemes, Protecting Your Investments

Avoiding Ponzi Schemes, Protecting Your Investments Article provided by Girardi Keese Visit us at In December 2008, Bernie Madoff reminded the world about the devastation Ponzi schemes can cause for victims of financial crimes. In order to protect their financial interests, investors should learn how to identify a Ponzi scheme; those who have already been swindled should be aware that it may be possible to hold fraudulent actors responsible through a class action lawsuit. What is a Ponzi scheme? The Securities and Exchange ...

North Carolina divorce: The equitable distribution of property

North Carolina divorce: The equitable distribution of property Article provided by Caldwell, Helder, Helms & Robison, P.A. Visit us at If you are getting divorced, you should understand the property division laws of your particular state. Based on your specific jurisdiction, the distribution of assets could differ immensely from what would likely happen in neighboring states. In North Carolina, divorcing couples are subject to equitable distribution principles. Under this technique, marital property is divided in a way that is fair. However, ...

Colorado lawmakers poised to regulate stoned driving

Colorado lawmakers poised to regulate stoned driving Article provided by Moorhead & Griffin, LLP Visit us at Last November, voters in Colorado passed a ballot measure that legalized the use of recreational marijuana in the state. Adults in Colorado are now allowed to possess and grow small amounts of marijuana for personal use. Once the state figures out a regulatory framework, Coloradans may also be able to buy and sell marijuana at retail establishments. Sales aren't the only issue that needs to be worked out, though. ...

Misconduct in Massachusetts crime labs compromise defendants' cases

Misconduct in Massachusetts crime labs compromise defendants' cases Article provided by John E. DeVito ESQ. of DeVito and Visconti, P.A. Visit us at Several Massachusetts criminal laboratories are currently under the microscope due to the misconduct of a few chemists. The actions of these workers have potentially compromised the integrity of evidence evaluations in a number of criminal cases. The news brings a serious catastrophe to Massachusetts crime labs as criminal convictions turn on the presentation and scientific authentication ...

10th Circuit: Social networking profiles can be 'trade secrets'

10th Circuit: Social networking profiles can be 'trade secrets' Article provided by The Reha Law Firm LLC Visit us at Protecting trade secrets has always been a valuable part of any business strategy. In order to thrive, businesses need to guard the products, ideas and processes that make them unique. As it has with many other aspects of the business world, the digital age has brought new complications to the world of trade secrets. Many companies find themselves wondering if and when their digital assets will be protected. This is especially ...

State-specific non-competes a wise move for businesses

State-specific non-competes a wise move for businesses Article provided by Kerkman & Dunn Visit us at Increasingly, companies that might have once been local are doing business all throughout the United States. It is not uncommon for companies to have headquarters in one state and branch offices or employee outposts in others. In response to this trend, many companies are trying to save time and money by crafting "one size fits all" legal documents. However, while this strategy may seem more efficient, it usually leads ...

What to consider, if divorcing after age 50

What to consider, if divorcing after age 50 Article provided by The Pilkington Law Firm, PLLC Visit us at The number of couples divorcing in their 50s and 60s has more than doubled in the last 20 years, according to a study by the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University. The term 'gray divorce' has come to describe the new trend. Bowling Green State University Professor of Sociology Susan Brown said they found that "back in 1990 fewer that one in 10 people who got divorced were over ...

The Guardian Angels Launch Reality TV Series on Network

The Alliance of the Guardian Angels has announced a new reality/documentary television series that will follow the activities of its volunteer safety patrol teams as they provide peaceful solutions to safeguarding neighborhoods, schools and streets. With chapters in 14 countries and 144 cities, the new series, Angels In Action!, will depict the ways in which the Guardian Angel patrol teams respond to calls from individuals pleading for help to overcome violence and crime in their communities. Production of Angels In Action! has begun in the New York area, and will be broadcast ...
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