- Press Release Distribution

Report reveals key concerns of UK's aging society

One in six people in England aged over 50 are socially isolated. They have few socially orientated hobbies, little civic or cultural engagement with society, and may have very limited social networks. This was a key finding from the most recent report of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), a comprehensive study that aims to understand the economic, social, psychological and health concerns of an ageing society. The multidisciplinary ELSA research team showed that the least wealthy over-fifties suffer the most social isolation, with the wealthier over 50's half ...

Adding up autism risks

The causes of autism and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are complex, and contain elements of both nature (genes) and the environment. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Molecular Autism shows that common genetic polymorphisms (genetic variation) can add up to an increased risk of ASD. The contribution of inheritance and genetic mutation versus environmental factors to the risk of ASD is hotly debated. Most twin studies show the contribution heavily tilted toward inheritance, but the exact amount of involvement of genes in ASD risk is less apparent. ...

Making a layer cake with atomic precision

In a report published in Nature Physics, a group led Dr Leonid Ponomarenko and Nobel prize-winner Professor Andre Geim has assembled individual atomic layers on top of each other in a desired sequence. The team used individual one-atom-thick crystals to construct a multilayer cake that works as a nanoscale electric transformer. Graphene, isolated for the first time at The University of Manchester in 2004, has the potential to revolutionise diverse applications from smartphones and ultrafast broadband to drug delivery and computer chips. It has the potential to replace ...

Breakthrough could help sufferers of fatal lung disease

Pioneering research conducted by the University of Sheffield is paving the way for new treatments which could benefit patients suffering from the fatal lung disease pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). For the first time scientists have found an antibody treatment that not only stops PAH getting worse, but also reverses the condition in mice and rats. The research was funded by the British Heart Foundation and the Medical Research Council (MRC) and is published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. PAH – high pressure in the blood vessels supplying the lungs – ...

Applied physics as art

Applied physics as art
Cambridge, Mass. – October 14, 2012 – In Harvard's Pierce Hall, the surface of a small germanium-coated gold sheet shines vividly in crimson. A centimeter to the right, where the same metallic coating is literally only about 20 atoms thicker, the surface is a dark blue, almost black. The colors form the logo of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), where researchers have demonstrated a new way to customize the color of metal surfaces by exploiting a completely overlooked optical phenomenon. For centuries it was thought that thin-film interference ...

Too much of a good thing can be bad for corals

Too much of a good thing can be bad for corals
MIAMI -- A new study by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science shows that corals may be more severely impacted by climate warming when they contain too many symbiotic algae. The single-celled algae living inside corals are usually the key to coral success, providing the energy needed to build massive reef frameworks. However, when temperatures become too warm, these algae are expelled from corals during episodes of coral 'bleaching' that can lead to widespread death of corals. Until now, it was thought that corals with ...

Solar wind particles likely source of water locked inside lunar soils

ANN ARBOR—The most likely source of the water locked inside soils on the moon's surface is the constant stream of charged particles from the sun known as the solar wind, a University of Michigan researcher and his colleagues have concluded. Over the last five years, spacecraft observations and new lab measurements of Apollo lunar samples have overturned the long-held belief that the moon is bone-dry. In 2009, NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing satellite, known as LCROSS, slammed into a permanently shadowed lunar crater and ejected a plume of material that was ...

Researchers present new targets for treating depression at Neuroscience Annual Meeting

Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine are presenting important discoveries on the involvement of the immune system and dopamine cells in the onset of depression at Neuroscience 2012, the Society for Neuroscience's 42nd annual meeting on October 13 -17 in New Orleans, and are available for interviews. In addition to scientists presenting at the conference, Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, is available to speak about depression ...

HPV vaccination not associated with increased sexual activity among girls

ATLANTA, October 15, 2012 – The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine known as Gardasil is not associated with an increase in pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, or contraceptive counseling, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published online today in the journal Pediatrics. Since 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that girls ages 11 receive three doses of the vaccine to protect them from HPV, which is transmitted through sexual activity and can cause genital warts and cervical, penile, vaginal, and head and neck cancers. The ...

IU Kelley School study: CEO and chair roles shouldn't be split unless completely necessary

In a challenge to prevailing wisdom that CEO and board chair positions should be held by two different people as "best practice," new research indicates that the roles should be split only when there is a performance problem, and then only through a "demotion strategy" that keeps the CEO but brings in an independent chair, as an overt signal to reverse course. This is the primary finding of a study from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business that is the first to identify the distinct performance consequences of three approaches to CEO-chair separation: apprentice, ...

United Nations Association Joins 2012 Tennessee Human Rights Day Planning Committee

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights originated from the United Nations in 1948. So it is fitting that the United Nations Association has now joined in the planning for the Tennessee Human Rights Day celebration this year. Chair of the Planning Committee, Rev. Brian Fesler said, "We are so happy to welcome the United Nations Association, Nashville Cordell Hull Chapter, to the table again this year. This event is only possible because of the United Nations decision to create the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after World War II." International ...

Lead Generation Strategies For Struggling Companies

Lead Gen Weekend is a two day training event to show local businesses how to generate a flood of leads on autopilot using social media and online marketing strategies. It will be held in Schaumburg between October 20, 2012 thru October 21, 2012. Chaffee-Thanh Nguyen, Founder of Key Concept Coaching and a local business and success coach will be teaching local businesses the techniques and strategies that he uses for lead generation online which runs automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will be a live, hands-on training where Chaffee-Thanh will show real life ...

Team Success Celebrates Rise From "F" School to "A" School

In keeping with its mission to celebrate academics like America celebrates sports, Team Success charter school held an academic pep rally recently to commemorate its rise from an "F" school to an "A" school in just two years. Serving about 300 students from kindergarten through 8th grade, Team Success was the only one of the 21 Title 1 schools in Manatee County to earn an "A" grade from the Florida Department of Education. "We are making history right here in Bradenton, Florida," said Fredrick Spence, CEO and principal of ...

Metanoia, Inc. Spearheads Network-Centric Performance Management Initiative with Cisco, ADVA, TATA, LinkedIn, OPNET, and Others

Dr. Vishal Sharma, Principal, Metanoia, Inc. said from his Silicon Valley office, "For any operator today, it is not enough to be able to manage just their segment of the network (access, middle-mile or last-mile). Rather, with the diversity of applications and services, and the growth in mobile broadband in the first mile and data centers in the last mile, it is imperative for an operator to have cross-domain insights. Thus, an operator must not only know the performance of the network (latency, jitter, delay, loss, throughput/bandwidth, and availability) locally, ...

Dr. Richard Ruhling Announces Release Of New Book, Some Say Financial Collapse In 2012 With A Focus On The U.S. Debt; Many Believe America Is In Decline

Dr. Richard Ruhling announced today the release of his latest book, 'Wake Up America: How To Survive Change And Obama Without Guns, Money or Rapture'. The new book has been written to help Americans understand that both the Constitution and The 10 Commandments encourage all people to find the courage to do the right thing and to govern themselves - without the intervention of big government. Many Americans wonder about a financial collapse in 2012. Many are worried about the United States debt level. Many believe America is in decline. Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired ...

Paycheck Processing and Direct Depositing Made Easy With ezPaycheck From

Small business payroll software ezPaycheck from is designed to automates payroll tax processing, paycheck printing and tax form returning. In response to payroll software users¡¯ request for fast paycheck deposit, developing team released the new ezACH Deposit application, which can be used together with ezPaycheck application to speed up the deposit of funds for paychecks, employee expense reimbursement, government benefits, tax and other refunds. ¡°More and more employers are offering direct deposit options for employee paychecks,¡± ...

Nano Technology Breakthrough in the Field of Oil Recycling Offers Stakeholders Big Advantages

The world's manufacturers of finished lubricating oil deliver 1.14 billion litres to the market per day. The USA alone creates over 1.3 billion gallons of used oil every year. Almost one half (0.6 billion gallons) is improperly disposed of with huge environmental and human health hazards. Without treatment, one gallon of used oil can contaminate one million gallons of water with surface oil, heavy metals, sulfur and other potentially toxic contaminants. Recovery of this waste stream is extremely valuable if recycled to stringent standards of cleanliness. The newest ...

CustomerCount Becomes The Latest Sponsor of Timeshare and Fractional Conference GNEX 2013

Perspective Magazine announces that CustomerCount, the leading online enterprise system designed specifically for the vacation ownership industry, will become a Contributing Sponsor for GNEX 2013 - The Global Meeting of Minds in Beverly Hills, California. "Our feedback system supports over 30 languages so the global nature of GNEX makes it a perfect fit for our marketing efforts," said Robert Kobek, RRP and President. Operated by business process company Mobius Vendor Partners, CustomerCount is a flexible customer feedback solution providing intuitive real ...

AlphaDogs Post Curbs The Shopping Addiction

Shopping sprees. We've all been guilty at one point or another of overspending and making impulsive purchases. But what happens when shopping becomes a main source of escape and entertainment to the point of causing financial distress and problems in one's personal relationships? Oniomania, or otherwise known as shopping addiction has become a common problem in America today. On Monday, October 15 at 11/10c The Oxygen Network will premiere a new docu-series titled My Shopping Addiction that takes a closer look at this disorder. Each hour-long episode will profile two different ...

SeaCrest OceanFront Hotel in Pismo Beach, CA Receives CLIA's 2012 Award for Excellence in Lodging and Hospitality

SeaCrest OceanFront Hotel in Pismo Beach, CA Receives CLIAs 2012 Award for Excellence in Lodging and Hospitality
On September 25, 2012 the SeaCrest OceanFront Hotel in Pismo Beach, CA was awarded the 2012 Award for Excellence in Lodging and Hospitality by the California Lodging Industry Association (CLIA) at the association's annual California Lodging Expo and Conference. Organized by CLIA in conjunction with the American Hotel Register, the one-day event brought together many of the state's independent lodging owners and operators and connected them to valuable resources and seminars. With several hundred travel industry professionals in attendance at the event, the SeaCrest ...

Build Maps on the Fly From Excel Spreadsheets With's Free Mapping Application

Build Maps on the Fly From Excel Spreadsheets With Topo.lys Free Mapping Application
2012-10-15 provides exceptional mapping and geocoding services that can be applied to different industries. Using only their Excel spreadsheets data, these industries can easily build maps for free. Both Fortune 500 corporations and small businesses enhance their business planning and decision-making with the help of by visualizing their sales, marketing, real estate, or logistics data in a map.'s mission is to "make mapping simple," which is especially appropriate given the threats of our time in this Big Data Era. Business experts are eager ...

Software AG Named in the Leaders Quadrant for Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Platforms

Software AG Named in the Leaders Quadrant for Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Platforms
Software AG ( today announced it was positioned by Gartner, Inc., a leading industry analyst firm, in the Leaders Quadrant of the recently published Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Governance, Risk and Compliance Platforms. Software AG's GRC solution combines Business Process Analysis (BPA) with audit-proof workflows, turning risk and compliance management into a strategic management tool. It helps enterprises comprehensively manage their compliance activities and analyze/assess operational risks. "We appreciate Gartner's recognition by naming ...

First-Time Buyers Given Additional Help to Buy New Homes

First-Time Buyers Given Additional Help to Buy New Homes
The Housing Minister for the Government has announced that there will be GBP280 million further funding that will be targeted to the Government's FirstBuy scheme and is hoped will help 16,500 first-time buyers. The FirstBuy Scheme has helped 3000 new home buyers since its launch up to March 2012, and a further 8000 reservations for houses for sale have been made up to August 2012. The economic climate has made it very challenging for first-time buyers to buy new homes because of the restricted access to mortgages, the high deposit amounts that are required to buy a property ...

Le Tigre Enterprises Employs Competitive Strategy as Per 'Sun Tzu and the Art of Business'

Author of the book 'Sun Tzu and the Art of Business' Mark McNeilly has highlighted that a key strategy from Sun Tzu's classic book the Art of War is winning the battle before it is fought. Le Tigre Enterprises believes this is best illustrated in the movie The Princess Bride during the 'battle of wits' scene between the villain Vizzini and the hero Wesley. Wesley had previously made himself immune to iocane poison through constant exposure. He then sets the terms of the contest between himself and Vizzini to include it, and unknown to Vizzini places the iocane powder in ...

Mahon Enterprises Ltd. Call for Irish Businesses to Assist Economic Recovery

Mahon Enterprises Ltd. Call for Irish Businesses to Assist Economic Recovery
Recent reports have stating that 65% of adults 18 - 25 have emigrated out of Ireland in 2012. Managing Director of Mahon Enterprises Ltd. Darren Mahon believes that due to the recession in Ireland the Irish are no longer going to travel. Instead, they are setting up home and seeking work in an economy that is at full employment in countries such as Australia, America and New Zealand. With thousands of Irish looking for a better quality of life, they are emigrating in their thousands. Darren Mahon comments, "With the government under pressure to revive the country ...
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