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Dara O'Briain presenta su gira "Craic Dealer" en el Hammersmith Apollo

El humorista irlandes Dara O'Briain presentara en Londres este otono su original show de ingenio y verborrea en Londres. Su ultimo show, el galardonado "Craic Dealer", marca el regreso de Dara a los teatros del Reino Unido despues de que su gira del 2010 tuviera un lleno completo. Y para ayudar a los fans del humorista a encontrar alojamiento tras el show esta la web, que ha anunciado un amplio numero de hoteles con descuento en Londres durante octubre, muchos cercanos al Hammersmith Apollo. Dara ya cuenta con el exito de varios shows, incluidos ...

International Space Station Education Inspiration

International Space Station Education Inspiration
In the 1960s, the innovators responsible for missions to the moon inspired homemade space helmets and backyard bottle rockets that sent toy soldiers a bit shy of low-Earth orbit. The innovations of the International Space Station, however, provide a more direct approach to opportunities for the next generation as they watch, learn and even participate in today's missions. For more than a decade, the space station has provided hands-on educational opportunities that encourage students to go beyond passive learning, engaging them as interactive participants. The recently ...

Thermafiber Releases FixtureShield Kits

Thermafiber Releases FixtureShield Kits
Thermafiber has released a new light fixture protection kit for the commercial building market. FixtureShield kits are made from rigid Thermafiber mineral wool boards. The new, patented light-weight design reduces installation time, offers energy saving R-value and improved sound control. FixtureShield is UL approved and listed in several fire-rated floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling assemblies. "The new FixtureShield kits are a much better design than historical approaches," says Michael Williams, Executive Vice President. "The new kits install faster and ...

Wikilitho Restores the Integrity of the Art Industry

Wikilitho innovates with a new resource for the protection of buyers, collectors and artists. Most people buy and collect art because of their appreciation for aesthetically beautiful pieces, whether a painting, a sculpture or a photograph. In today's climate of big business and economic uncertainty, however, many art aficionados are becoming increasingly conscious of the monetary value of their artworks, and the investment that their collections may represent, even without their knowledge. The growing financial significance of the art world has naturally led to a dramatic ...

Mexican Aerospace Industry is Viewed from a European Perspective in Offshore Group Podcast

Mexican Aerospace Industry is Viewed from a European Perspective in Offshore Group Podcast
The latest in a continuing series of Offshore Group podcasts on topics related to manufacturing in Mexico examines the Mexican aerospace industry from a European perspective. Jean Claude Bouche, a dual Mexican and French citizen currently working to develop connections between the Mexican aerospace industry and the aerospace cluster of Toulouse, France, recently sat down to share his experiences and insights in a discussion centered on the subject of linkages between the Mexican and European aerospace industries. Throughout the approximately thirty minute-long interview, ...

NYU study finds that fathers matter when it comes to their teenager's sexual behavior

A new study by New York University professor Vincent Guilamo-Ramos and colleagues from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that fathers' parenting behavior influences the sexual behavior of their adolescent children. However, to date most parent-based research on adolescent sexual risk behavior has neglected the role of fathers, a missed opportunity to contribute to their adolescent children's health and well-being. While it is well-established that parenting is closely linked with a teenager's sexual health and reproductive outcomes, it is mothers ...

Physicists crack another piece of the glass puzzle

When it comes to physics, glass lacks transparency. No one has been able to see what's happening at the molecular level as a super-cooled liquid approaches the glass state – until now. Emory University physicists have made a movie of particle motion during this mysterious transition. Their findings, showing how the rotation of the particles becomes decoupled from their movement through space, are being published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. "Cooling a glass from a liquid into a highly viscous state fundamentally changes the nature of ...

UCLA researchers reveal how 'cleaving' protein drives tumor growth in prostate, other cancers

Researchers led by Tanya Stoyanova and Dr. Owen Witte of UCLA's Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research have determined how a protein known as Trop2 drives the growth of tumor cells in prostate and other epithelial cancers. This discovery is important because it may prove essential for creating new therapies that stop the growth of cancer, the researchers said. The study is featured on the cover of the Oct. 15 issue of the journal Genes and Development. The Trop2 protein is expressed on the surface of many types of epithelial ...

Young people driving epidemic of prescription drug abuse

DENVER (Oct. 16, 2012) – A new study by the University of Colorado Denver reveals that today's adolescents are abusing prescription pain medications like vicodin, valium and oxycontin at a rate 40 percent higher than previous generations. That makes it the second most common form of illegal drug use in the U.S. after marijuana, according to Richard Miech, Ph.D., lead author of the study and professor of sociology at CU Denver. "Prescription drug use is the next big epidemic," Miech said. "Everyone in this field has recognized that there is a big increase in the abuse ...

Evidence does not support 3-strikes law as crime deterrent

Evidence does not support 3-strikes law as crime deterrent
RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Contrary to what police, politicians and the public believe about the effectiveness of California's three-strikes law, research by a University of California, Riverside criminologist has found that the get-tough-on-criminals policy voters approved in 1994 has done nothing to reduce the crime rate. In a rigorous analysis of crime in California and the nation, sociology professor Robert Nash Parker determined that crime has been decreasing at about the same rate in every state for 20 years, regardless of whether three-strikes policies are in place or ...

New radiation treatment significantly increases survival rate

Arlington, Va. — A novel drug that mimics a naturally occurring molecule found in coffee and blueberries has been developed to treat radiation exposure. Charles R. Yates, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and colleagues Duane Miller, Ph.D., and Waleed Gaber, Ph.D., from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Baylor College of Medicine, show that application of this drug, starting 24 hours after radiation exposure, increases survival in animal models by three-fold compared to placebo. Their work, which is funded through an NIH grant from the National Institute for Allergy ...

New dissolvable oral strip provides instant pain relief for burns

Arlington, Va. — A dissolvable oral strip has been developed to immediately relieve pain from burns caused by ingestion of hot foods and liquids, such as coffee, pizza, and soup. This research is being presented at the 2012 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition, the world's largest pharmaceutical sciences meeting, in Chicago, Ill., on Oct. 14 – 18. Lead researcher Jason McConville, Ph.D., and colleagues from University of Texas at Austin, designed the strip for controlled delivery of a local anesthetic, benzocaine, and ...

Great apes, small numbers

Great apes, small numbers
Sumatran orangutans have undergone a substantial recent population decline, according to a new genetic study, but the same research revealed the existence of critical corridors for dispersal migrations that, if protected, can help maintain genetic diversity and aid in the species' conservation. One of two species of orangutans, the Sumatran orangutan is classified as "critically endangered" by the IUCN Red List. Once widespread on the island of Sumatra, only an estimated 6,600 individuals remain, restricted to small forest patches on the northern tip of the island. Recent ...

Novel insights into the physical basis of sickle cell disease could lead to better treatments

Sickle cell disease—the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States—causes red blood cells to distort into a crescent shape and block small blood vessels. New insights into how these abnormal cells disrupt circulation could lead to more effective treatment strategies, as revealed by a study published by Cell Press in the October 17th issue of Biophysical Journal. "Sickle cell disease entails a central mechanical component, since the circulation gets blocked," explains senior study author Frank Ferrone of Drexel University. "We now finally understand how ...

Prion protein hints at role in aiding learning and memory

Scientists from the University of Leeds have found that the protein called prion helps our brains to absorb zinc, which is believed to be crucial to our ability to learn and the wellbeing of our memory. The findings published today (Tuesday 16 October) in Nature Communications show that prion protein regulates the amount of zinc in the brain by helping cells absorb it through channels in the cell surface. It is already known that high levels of zinc between brain cells are linked with diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Professor Nigel Hooper from the University's ...

Boreal forest bends to development but there is a breaking point

(Edmonton) Northern Alberta's boreal forest shows a surprising resiliency to human intrusion, but University of Alberta researchers warn the landscape has a definite breaking point. The U of A research team led by graduate student Stephen Mayor found that up to a certain point plant life in the boreal forest responded to intrusions such as roadways and farm fields by actually increasing its biodiversity. The researchers, counted plant species in sites across the whole of northern Alberta, an area larger than Germany. Then satellite and aerial photos were used to ...

Study advances understanding of volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions vary from common, small eruptions that have little impact on humans and the environment to rare, large-to-gigantic eruptions so massive they can threaten civilizations. While scientists don't yet fully understand the mechanisms that control whether an eruption is large or small, they do know that eruptions are driven by the rapid expansion of bubbles formed from water and other volatile substances trapped in molten rock as it rises beneath a volcano. The mechanism is much the same as that involved in shaking a bottle of a carbonated drink and then ...

2-gene test predicts which patients with heart failure respond best to beta-blocker drug

2-gene test predicts which patients with heart failure respond best to beta-blocker drug
Tampa, FL (Oct. 16, 2012) -- A landmark paper identifying genetic signatures that predict which patients will respond to a life-saving drug for treating congestive heart failure has been published by a research team co-led by Stephen B. Liggett, MD, of the University of South Florida. The study, drawing upon a randomized placebo-controlled trial for the beta blocker bucindolol, apprears this month in the online international journal PLoS ONE. In addition to Dr. Liggett, whose laboratory discovered and characterized the two genetic variations, Christopher O'Connor, ...

Green leaf volatiles increase plant fitness via biocontrol

Green leaf volatiles increase plant fitness via biocontrol
This press release is available in German. To solve the acute, global problem of securing food resources for a continuously growing population, we must work constantly to increase the sustainability and effectiveness of modern agricultural techniques. These efforts depend on new insights from plant ecology, particularly from work on native plants that grow in the primordial agricultural niche. Based on field studies on wild tobacco plants in the Great Basin Desert, Utah, USA, researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, demonstrated that ...

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano 41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during this period, during the last ice age, a compass at the Black Sea would have pointed to the south instead of north. Moreover, data obtained by the research team formed around GFZ researchers Dr. Norbert Nowaczyk and Prof. Helge Arz, together with additional data from other studies ...

Link between creativity and mental illness confirmed

People in creative professions are treated more often for mental illness than the general population, there being a particularly salient connection between writing and schizophrenia. This according to researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, whose large-scale registry study is the most comprehensive ever in its field. Last year, the team showed that artists and scientists were more common amongst families where bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is present, compared to the population at large. They subsequently expanded their study to many more psychiatric diagnoses ...

Non-coding antisense RNA can be used to stimulate protein production

Non-coding antisense RNA can be used to stimulate protein production
While studying Parkinson's disease, an international research group made a discovery which can improve industrial protein synthesis for therapeutic use. They managed to understand a novel function of non-protein coding RNA: the protein synthesis activity of coding genes can be enhanced by the activity of the non-coding one called "antisense." To synthesize proteins, the DNA needs RNA molecules serving as short "transcriptions" of the genetic information. The set of all these RNA molecules is called "transcriptome." In the human transcriptome, along with around 25 thousand ...

Genetic protection against arsenic

Evolution has not only controlled human development over millions of years, it also has an impact on modern man. This is one of the conclusions of a study of Argentinian villagers in the Andes, where the water contains high levels of arsenic. A gene variant that produces efficient and less toxic metabolism of arsenic in the body was much more common among the villagers than among other indigenous groups in South or Central America. The study was a collaborative effort by Karin Broberg from Lund University and Carina Schlebusch and Mattias Jakobsson from Uppsala University ...

Dark matter filament studied in 3-D for the first time

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have studied a giant filament of dark matter in 3D for the first time. Extending 60 million light-years from one of the most massive galaxy clusters known, the filament is part of the cosmic web that constitutes the large-scale structure of the Universe, and is a leftover of the very first moments after the Big Bang. If the high mass measured for the filament is representative of the rest of the Universe, then these structures may contain more than half of all the mass in the Universe. The theory of the Big Bang predicts ...

The sound in Saturn's rings: RUB-Physicists explain nonlinear dust acoustic waves in dusty plasmas

Dusty plasmas can be found in many places both in space and in the laboratory. Due to their special properties, dust acoustic waves can propagate inside these plasmas like sound waves in air, and can be studied with the naked eye or with standard video cameras. The RUB physicists Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Padma Kant Shukla and Dr. Bengt Eliasson from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy have published a model with which they describe how large amplitude dust acoustic waves in dusty plasmas behave. The researchers report their new findings in the journal Physical Review E. Different ...
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