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Alternatives to Divorce Litigation in Texas

In a recent, tentative ruling, a superior court judge in Los Angeles County voided the disputed marital property agreement between Frank and Jamie McCourt -- an agreement Frank McCourt claimed made him the sole owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The 100-page ruling by Judge Scott Gordon not only opens the door to a possible sale of the franchise, but also warns of additional and protracted litigation on the horizon. The contentious divorce is reportedly one of the most expensive in California history; it included a trial lasting 11 days in September. Protracted litigation ...

Safety Concerns Related to Elderly Drivers

By 2025, the elderly (those over age 65) will account for 20 percent of drivers on the road. Although it is promising that life expectancies are increasing, there are safety concerns about the rising number of elderly drivers on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), older people accounted for 8 percent (183,000) of the individuals injured in traffic crashes and for about 15 percent of traffic fatalities in 2008. In Kansas, elderly drivers accounted for 66 of the state's nearly 500 fatal crashes, and in Missouri, older drivers ...

Proposed Regulations Would Limit Cell Phone Use by Truck and Bus Drivers

In a bold move, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has taken a stance against behind-the-wheel use of mobile phones by commercial bus and truck drivers. Proposed regulations -- which some see as a huge step in the direction of increasing safety on the road -- would prohibit use of handheld mobile phones as well as preventing the driver from dialing, holding a cell phone or reaching for a phone while the vehicle is in motion. This particular proposal is seen as the middle ground between several proposals on opposite ends of the debate around using ...

Fetal Monitor Strips and Obstetrical Malpractice Cases

During labor and delivery, obstetricians, nurses and hospital staff involved in the birth are responsible for taking every reasonable step to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. One of the ways they can do this is by properly monitoring the vital signs of mother and baby during labor and delivery and taking appropriate actions when signs of distress are present. Improper monitoring often leads to serious birth injuries. The obstetrics team has several options for monitoring the health of mother and baby. For example, some hospitals use external monitors ...

Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Your Legal Options

What is Stevens Johnson Syndrome? Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare disorder that occurs when the body has an intense allergic reaction, usually to a medication or drug; however, the reaction also can be brought on by an illness or infection. The allergic reaction affects the skin and mucous membranes, especially around the mouth, eyes and nose. Those who have SJS usually will experience flu-like symptoms first, including a sore throat, fever, cough and burning eyes. As the disorder progresses, a fast spreading red to purple rash will appear and blister on ...

Planning for Divorce? Make Sure You've Considered All of The Issues

The decision to get divorced is a major one, but in some ways, the decision is the easy part. After the decision comes the division of two intertwined lives, which is challenging even in the best of circumstances. When considering divorce, it's important to consider the significant ways in which your life will change. Where will your children live? Although Florida once heavily favored mothers as primary caregivers, these practices are gradually changing and laws increasingly recognize the roles that both parents play in a child's upbringing. Rather than offering ...

Father of Four Killed in Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accident

The tragic death of a bicyclist in Monroe last month has put the spotlight on the plight of bike riders throughout North Carolina. Everyone has heard that bicyclists and pedestrians have the right of way, but not every driver yields. When the driver is intoxicated -- like the driver who has been charged with second-degree homicide for allegedly killing the bicyclist while driving under the influence of alcohol -- rules of the road are ignored and serious injuries occur. Bicycle Accidents Don't Just Happen in the Summer This accident proves that bicycling along a major ...

More Parents Staying in Touch With Virtual Visitation

Divorce can be an emotional experience for both spouses. For children, it can be one of the most difficult periods in their life. When one parent moves away from the other and children are involved, however, the process becomes even more complex. Whether a job opportunity or another relationship drives one parent to relocate with the children, the non-custodial parent often finds himself or herself struggling to stay part of each child's life. But with the rise of technology, some divorced parents are finding it easier to stay in touch with their children and keep their ...

Seeking an I-601 Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Even if a fiance(e) or spousal visa petition is approved (i.e., the foreign spouse/fiance(e) receives the right to sit for an immigration interview), that does not necessarily ensure that a visa will be issued. In fact, there are several reasons why a petitioner will be deemed inadmissible to the U.S. These include a petitioner who: - Has a communicable disease - Has been convicted of certain crimes - Is addicted to drugs or alcohol - Is likely to become a public charge (i.e., need physical, mental or financial support through social service programs) - Has a two-foreign-residency ...

Employment Accommodations for Employees With Cancer

Oftentimes individuals with mental or physical disabilities want to work despite their limitations. Federal laws seek to empower those who wish to work and prevent employers from discriminating against individuals with disabilities or who are perceived to have disabilities. California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) provides even greater levels of protection from discrimination. Federal and California laws go further than simply preventing discrimination; they also require employers to make certain accommodations to allow individuals with disabilities to work. ...

IRS Audits on the Rise: Likely Increase in Austin Tax Litigation

It's that time of the year again: tax-return season. However, this year the stakes are even higher than usual. The IRS announced that it plans to audit 11 percent more tax returns in 2011 than it did last year. IRS audits are not pleasant. Not only do they require extensive documentation while placing a great deal of mental stress upon a person or business, but audits cause tax law issues to arise. These legal tax issues are best handled by a tax attorney. An audit does not mean that the filer did anything wrong, yet it should always be taken seriously. Of course, ...

The Future of Florida? A Database of Domestic Violence Offenders

Those convicted of domestic violence already face severe consequences in Florida. However, the consequences may be raised a notch in the next few years. Some states, such as Texas, have proposed laws for the creation of a free online database that would list the name, date of birth and photograph of individuals convicted of domestic violence or dating violence. Texas State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer filed the House Bill. Fischer says the proposed law would promote safer dating, because men and women could search for their prospective date's name before agreeing ...

New York Premises Liability: Questions and Answers

The blanket legal term "premises liability" encompasses a wide range of personal injuries occurring on property belonging to another person. The property can be owned by a small business, family, giant corporation or municipality, but regardless, each property owner has a duty to keep his land in reasonably safe condition to protect people who might enter it. What is Premises Liability? As stated, the term "premises liability" can be used to describe a number of different legal causes of action arising from personal injuries sustained on another's land. If ...

M&S Pet Insurance Reveals 45% of Brits Would Choose Dog or Car Over Partner

M&S Pet Insurance has revealed that if it came down to "it's me or the pet", 42% of people would always choose their cat or dog over their partner, according to a recent survey it conducted. The survey found that almost 42% of cat and dog owners would cancel a date if their pet was ill. So people who find themselves without a date this Valentine's Day may want to blame the dog instead of their partner. Yet despite the nation's love for their dogs and cats, take-up of pet insurance is still relatively low. Only 42% of dog owners and 26% of cat owners have insurance ...

Escapade Reveals Rise in Valentine's Day Costume Sales

Escapade fancy dress has announced it has seen a booster year in sales of sexy Valentine's Day fancy dress costumes. Starting at the end of January, the fancy dress company has recorded a steep increase in the orders of risque and sexy fancy dress costumes. The quantity of sales for these costumes is unusual for the season with Escapade selling more sexy fancy dress costumes since the start of this year than they did in during the entirety of the previous year. The company has attributed the increase in orders of sexy fancy dress to the fast approaching Valentine's Day. ...

Jumeirah Carlton Tower Knightsbridge Celebrates Building's 50th Birthday

Jumeriah is celebrating the 50th birthday of Knightsbridge landmark, the Carlton Tower. The building has stood the test of time in a neighborhood renowned for its glamour and glitz and is home to the luxury five-star Jumeirah Carlton Tower hotel. This milestone was marked with an employee party and birthday cake by renowned Patissier Eric Lanlard. Derek Picot, regional vice-president Europe, Jumeirah cut the cake along with doorman, Miroslav Mileusnic surrounded by hotel employees. The birthday celebrations are also being extended through the year as the luxury hotel ...

Topshop Releases Fashion Film for SS11

Topshop has joined forces with up-and-coming film maker Tyrone Le Bon and stylist Beth Fenton to create a fashion film which will showcase its trends for SS11. The film features two models, Kat and Esme, as they show off this season's hottest trends. The film is designed to encapsulate the overriding feeling that spring is all about dressing up and having fun with fashion. It was shot on a mix of normal film and cinefilm and features an impressive soundtrack. The video features styles that will be prominent in this season's collection and were selected by Beth Fenton ...

ProfitKey International Launches Blog to Complete Social Media Push

ProfitKey International, a leader in ERP software for discrete manufacturers for over 30 years, is beginning 2011 with a large scale marketing push, including launching an ERP blog titled "Navigating ERP". Other marketing efforts include all new social media sites and developing a new email campaign program. The social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. "Sharing thoughts and information can benefit all involved on multiple levels. By using social media we can have an honest and straightforward conversation with the market place," explains Lindsey Shinners, ...

LearnSomething Inc. to Showcase LMS at Avectra's 2011 Users Conference

LearnSomething, Inc., is planning their annual trip to the Avectra Users & Developers Conference (AUDC) being held February 27 - March 1, 2011, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida. As a provider of eLearning solutions for national associations, LearnSomething values the opportunity to sponsor and attend the annual AUDC conference. This year the company will showcase Isoph Blue and LearnPro+, their two learning management systems built to support associations and integrate with Avectra's Association Management Systems (AMS). Mark ...

Facebook Promotion Featuring La Bella Brand from Newhall Laboratories Connects with Hispanic Market, with National Targeted Marketing Campaign, Affirms Power Media Group

Facebook Promotion Featuring La Bella Brand from Newhall Laboratories Connects with Hispanic Market, with National Targeted Marketing Campaign, Affirms Power Media Group
A 13-week campaign giving away 25-cent coupons for any La Bella product in Vallarta Supermarkets is coupled with a contest to win a $1000 grocery value gift certificate. The promotion is the latest venture aimed to connect with the Hispanic community, a market segment increasingly attracted to the La Bella brand which represents a message of beauty, quite literally. The natural connection with the brand has proven advantageous to Newhall Laboratories, the creator and producer of the La Bella line, as the latest U.S. Census figures underscore growth of the Hispanic ...

Numbeo's 2011 Cost of Living Index Highlights

In Numbeo's survey (, New York is used as the base city for the index and scores 100 points, with all cities compared against New York and currency movements measured against the US Dollar and EURO. Sydney (Australia) scored 113.14 points, making it nearly three times as costly as La Paz (Bolivia) with an index score of 39.00. At the beginning of 2011, the most expensive cities (excluding rent) are: - Oslo, Norway (CPI 149.26) - Stavanger, Norway (145.65) - Zurich, Switzerland (143.93) - Geneva, Switzerland (143.71) - Bergen, Norway (142.46) - ...

The deVere Group Announces Partnership with Online Trading Specialist Saxo Bank

The deVere Group, the world's largest group in financial consultancy, is pleased to announce that it has signed a new partnership with the online trading specialist Saxo Bank, giving deVere clients worldwide the opportunity to buy and sell stocks in an efficient and cost-effective manner. deVere clients can now make use of a user-friendly online stock trading that is customisable and can be accessed via the web or downloaded on a PC. The Saxo Web Trader allows clients to easily find comparable companies, and compare investments to peer averages with complex trading techniques. ...

Stroke takes 'enormous toll' on Hollywood stars

A study by researchers at the UCLA Stroke Center found that stroke and cardiovascular disease have exacted an enormous toll on Hollywood stars. The findings were presented at the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference (ISC) in Los Angeles on Feb. 10. "Since this is the first time the ISC is being held in Los Angeles, we thought it was an appropriate occasion to investigate the frequency and impact of stroke among leading Hollywood actors," said Hannah Smith, a staff research associate at the UCLA Stroke Center. ...

UCLA Neurology plays key role in assessing stroke rehabilitation

In the largest stroke rehabilitation study ever conducted in the United States, stroke patients who had physical therapy at home improved their ability to walk just as well as those who were treated in a training program using a body-weight supported treadmill device, followed by walking practice. UCLA's neurologic rehabilitation program was one of six U.S. sites that conducted the study, which also found that patients continued to improve up to one year after stroke, defying conventional wisdom that recovery occurs early and tops out at six months. In fact, even patients ...

U of Alberta researcher discovers potential cancer therapy target

One of the most important genes in the human genome is called p53 and its function is to suppress tumours, according to Roger Leng, a researcher in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Leng has discovered the mechanism by which p53 is inactivated in cancerous cells, allowing tumours to grow. "Successful completion of the proposed experiments could lead to novel anti-cancer therapies that could potentially improve the prognosis for cancer patients and reduce the public health burden from cancer," said Leng. It has long been known by scientists that another protein, MDM2, ...
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