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Debenhams Issues Lingerie Commandments for Valentine's Day

Debenhams lends a helping hand to hapless men who constantly buy their wives and girlfriends the wrong kind of underwear. In the lead up to Valentines' day the fashion store, Debenhams, has compiled a 10 point "Lingerie Commandments" guide to help men choose lingerie that women want to wear - rather than styles they want them to wear. The first rule which Debenhams stresses for men to bear in mind is to: "Forget Pussycat Dolls - red PVC lingerie might appeal to you, but don't expect it to turn your woman into a minx" Another important commandment is: "Don't ...

Free Stream! Watch Live The Grammy Awards 2011 Online Streaming in HD with Satellite Direct

Watch The Grammy Awards live online as well as the live performances of Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Eminem and Justin Bieber in HD tonight. Looking for the best way to Watch The Grammy Awards 2011 live online tonight? It's simple. Just download the brand new award-winning TV software, Satellite Direct, and watch the 53th The Grammy awards. There are over 850,000 people already using the software to watch The Grammy Awards online live. Just go ahead to connect and watch The Grammy Awards online live which is the biggest music award this year and enjoy all the ...

Advanced macular degeneration is associated with an increased risk

Older people with late-stage, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) appear to be at increased risk of brain hemorrhage (bleeding stroke), but not stroke caused by brain infarction (blood clot), according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011. "Other studies have found there are more strokes in older individuals with late AMD, but ours is the first to look at the specific types of strokes," said Renske G. Wieberdink, M.D., study researcher and epidemiologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. ...

Diet soda may raise odds of vascular events; salt linked to stroke risk

Even if you drink diet soda — instead of the sugar variety — you could still have a much higher risk of vascular events compared to those who don't drink soda, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011. In findings involving 2,564 people in the large, multi-ethnic Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS), scientists said people who drank diet soda every day had a 61 percent higher risk of vascular events than those who reported no soda drinking. "If our results are confirmed with future studies, then it would suggest ...

Ischemic stroke hospitalizations decline in middle-aged, elderly, increases in young

The number of acute ischemic stroke hospitalizations among middle-aged and older men and women fell between 1994 and 2007, but sharply increased among those under age 35 — including teens and children — according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011. Analysts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reviewing hospitalization data by age and gender, identified declining rates of 51 percent in girls 0-4 years and 25 percent in men and 29 percent in women over 45. However, the number of ischemic ...

Drug may improve outcomes in mild stroke patients, save $200 million annually

Treating mild strokes with the clot-busting drug approved for severe stroke could reduce the number of patients left disabled and save $200 million a year in disability costs, according to a study presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011. Researchers analyzed hospital records from 437 patients diagnosed with mild ischemic stroke at 16 sites in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region in 2005. The patients arrived at the hospital within the 3.5 hours, well within the 4.5 hour window for treatment with intravenous tissue ...

Stroke in Mexican-Americans expected to rise 350 percent in next 40 years

Strokes will increase dramatically over the coming decades, with increases being considerably steeper in Mexican-Americans compared with non-Hispanic whites, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011. "The tremendous number of strokes projected has large personal, social and economic consequences for the United States," said Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, M.P.H., an investigator at the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. According to the American Stroke Association, stroke accounts ...

Neural mechanisms linked with vulnerability to anxiety

New research examines the anxious brain during a fear conditioning task and provides insight into why some individuals may be more or less prone to anxiety disorders. The study, published by Cell Press in the February 10 issue of the journal Neuron, reveals neural mechanisms that may contribute to resilience against pathological fear and anxiety. The findings may help to direct therapeutic strategies for individuals who suffer from chronic anxiety as well as strategies that could help "at risk" individuals avoid developing anxiety disorders. Previous studies have implicated ...

Communication breakdown: Early defects in sensory synapses in motor neuron disease

New research using a mouse model of the motor neuron disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) reveals an abnormality in the way that sensory information is relayed to motor neurons in the spinal cord. Importantly, this disruption in communication occurs very early in disease progression and precedes the neuronal death and muscle weakness that are the hallmark of the disease. The study, published by Cell Press in the February 10 issue of the journal Neuron, suggests that therapeutic strategies designed to improve communication at these spinal synapses might help to slow or ...

Treating mild strokes with clot-busting drug could save $200 million annually, study shows

CINCINNATI—Treating mild strokes with the clot-busting drug approved for severe stroke could reduce the number of patients left disabled and save $200 million a year in disability costs, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC). The study led by Pooja Khatri, MD, an associate professor in the department of neurology, examined the public health impact of treating mild strokes with the clot-busting drug intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). It is being presented Wednesday, Feb. 9, in Los Angeles at International Stroke Conference 2011, the ...

Sharp rise in street drug usage among stroke patients, study shows

CINCINNATI—While smoking and alcohol use remained relatively stable over a 13-year study period, street drug use among stroke patients rose more than nine-fold, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC). The findings are being presented Wednesday, Feb. 9, in Los Angeles at International Stroke Conference (ISC) 2011, the annual meeting of the American Stroke Association, by Felipe De los Rios, MD, of the UC Department of Neurology and the UC Neuroscience Institute. De los Rios is a fourth-year resident in the neurology department. The research is ...

Poorer patients have more severe ischemic strokes, study indicates

CINCINNATI—Poorer patients have more severe ischemic strokes, or strokes resulting from blockages in blood vessels in the brain, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC). A study led by Dawn Kleindorfer, MD, an associate professor in the department of neurology, found that increasing poverty in the neighborhood where the stroke patient lived was associated with worse stroke severity at presentation, independent of other known factors associated with stroke outcomes. The study is being presented Wednesday, Feb. 9, in Los Angeles at International ...

Omega 3's -- more evidence for their benefit

Omega-3 fatty acids –fats commonly found in fish oil – were shown several years ago to prevent retinopathy, a major form of blindness, in a mouse model of the disease. A follow-up study, from the same research team at Children's Hospital Boston, now reveals exactly how omega-3's provide protection, and provides reassurance that widely used COX-inhibiting drugs like aspirin and NSAIDs don't negate their benefit. The findings, published in the February 9th issue of Science Translational Medicine, also suggest that omega-3's may be beneficial in diabetes. Retinopathy – an ...

Researchers at Harvard and MITRE produce world's first programmable nanoprocessor

Researchers at Harvard and MITRE produce worlds first programmable nanoprocessor
Cambridge, Mass. – February 9, 2011 – Engineers and scientists collaborating at Harvard University and the MITRE Corporation have developed and demonstrated the world's first programmable nanoprocessor. The groundbreaking prototype computer system, described in a paper appearing today in the journal Nature, represents a significant step forward in the complexity of computer circuits that can be assembled from synthesized nanometer-scale components. It also represents an advance because these ultra-tiny nanocircuits can be programmed electronically to perform a number ...

Searching for the soul of the genome

VIDEO: Kelly Frazer, PhD, describes genome-wide association studies and the new CAD risk findings. Click here for more information. The discovery that a "gene desert" on chromosome 9 was a hotspot for coronary artery disease (CAD) risk was among the highlights of findings produced recently by genome-wide association studies, which compare the genomes of many people for genetic variations and have been broadly used in the past few years to study hundreds of diseases and complex ...

Skin cells help to develop possible heart defect treatment in first-of-its-kind Stanford study

STANFORD, Calif. — Using skin cells from young patients who have a severe genetic heart defect, Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have generated beating heart cells that carry the same genetic mutation. The newly created human heart cells — cardiomyocytes — allowed the researchers for the first time to examine and characterize the disorder at the cellular level. In a study to be published online Feb. 9 in Nature, the investigators also report their identification of a promising drug to reverse the heart malfunction — for which there are currently no decent ...

Human and mouse studies sharpen focus on cause of celiac disease

Blocking a factor that can activate the human immune response against intestinal bacteria or certain foods could prevent the development of celiac disease in those most at risk, researchers report in the journal Nature. The study, to be published early online Feb. 9, points to two chemical signals—interleukin 15 and retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A—as triggers for the inflammatory response to gluten, a protein found in many grains that causes celiac disease. "We found that having elevated levels of IL-15 in the gut could initiate all the early stages of celiac ...

Researchers find public sector research responsible for many new drug discoveries

(Boston) - Researchers from Boston University School's of Medicine (BUSM), Management (SMG) and Law (LAW), along with collaborators from the National Institutes of Health, believe that public-sector research has had a more immediate effect on improving public health than was previously realized. The findings, which appear as a Special Article in the February 10th issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, have economic and policy implications. Historically, public sector research institutions (PSRI) have not participated in any major way in the downstream, applied ...

Scientists discover gene regulation mechanism unique to primates

Scientists have discovered a new way genes are regulated that is unique to primates, including humans and monkeys. Though the human genome – all the genes that an individual possesses – was sequenced 10 years ago, greater understanding of how genes function and are regulated is needed to make advances in medicine, including changing the way we diagnose, treat and prevent a wide range of diseases. "It's extremely valuable that we've sequenced a large bulk of the human genome, but sequence without function doesn't get us very far, which is why our finding is so important," ...

Scripps Research study presents surprising view of brain formation

LA JOLLA, CA – Embargoed by the journal Neuron until February 9, 2011, noon, Eastern time – A study from The Scripps Research Institute has unveiled a surprising mechanism that controls brain formation. The findings have implications for understanding a host of diseases, including some forms of mental retardation, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and autism. The research, led by Scripps Research Professor Ulrich Mueller, was published in the journal Neuron on February 10, 2011. In the new study, Mueller and colleagues focused on a protein called reelin. They found reelin is ...

Fetal surgery, pioneered at UCSF, is more effective than operating after birth

Thirty years ago, the first human fetal surgery was performed at the University of California, San Francisco. Now, a randomized controlled trial has proven definitively that fetal surgery can help certain patients before birth. Babies who undergo an operation to repair the birth defect spina bifida while still in the womb develop better and experience fewer neurologic complications than babies who have corrective surgery after birth, according to findings from a major multicenter trial led by UCSF researchers. The study is the first to systematically evaluate the best ...

New hybrid drug, derived from common spice, may protect, rebuild brain cells after stroke

LOS ANGELES (EMBARGOED UNTIL FEB. 9, 2011 AT 9:15 PM EST) – Whether or not you're fond of Indian, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern food, stroke researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center think you may become a fan of one of their key spices. The scientists created a new molecule from curcumin, a chemical component of the golden-colored spice turmeric, and found in laboratory experiments that it affects mechanisms that protect and help regenerate brain cells after stroke. Research scientist Paul A. Lapchak, Ph.D., director of Translational Research in the Department ...

Simple marine worms distantly related to humans

Two groups of lowly marine worms are related to complex species including vertebrates (such as humans) and starfish, according to new research. Previously thought to be an evolutionary link between simple animals such as jellyfish and the rest of animal life - the worms' surprising promotion implies that they have not always been as simple as they now appear. Although the marine worms Xenoturbella and Acoelomorpha are very simple animals – they lack a developed nervous system or gut – they have been a source of much debate among zoologists. Acoelomorphs were reclassified ...

Memory problems may be sign of stroke risk

ST. PAUL, Minn. – People who have memory problems or other declines in their mental abilities may be at higher risk for stroke, according to a study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 63rd Annual Meeting in Honolulu April 9 to April 16, 2011. "Finding ways to prevent stroke and identify people at risk for stroke are important public health problems," said study author Abraham J. Letter of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "This study shows we might get a better idea of who is at high risk of stroke by including a couple ...

NHGRI charts course for the next phase of genomics research

A new strategic plan from an arm of the National Institutes of Health envisions scientists being able to identify genetic bases of most single-gene disorders and gaining new insights into multi-gene disorders in the next decade. This should lead to more accurate diagnoses, new drug targets and the development of practical treatments for many who today lack therapeutic options, according to the plan from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Molecular pathways that are implicated in single-gene disorders may hold important clues for the diagnosis and treatment ...
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