- Press Release Distribution

My Berkey Water Filter: California Fines Watsonville $200 Per Day For Not Forcefully Medicating Citizens

The city of Watsonville, California is continuing to defy the state's decree that all cities with a population over 10,000 fluoridate their water supply if an outside entity is willing to provide funding for the installation and operation of the facilities necessary. The voters in that city passed a ban on water fluoridation in 2002 and while the ban was narrowly passed by the city council, one of the city's largest employers is considering moving its facility before it would accept using fluoridated water in its products. John Martinelli of S. Martinelli & Co., a ...

E Cigarette Popularity Increases Despite "Quit Or Die" Policy Of Health Organizations

Electronic cigarette sales and popularity continues to increase on a daily basis despite the US Food and Drug Administration's attempts to label the products as unsafe and untested for their intended purpose. Thousands of electronic cigarette reviews online dispute the stance of the FDA, many of them stating that the products have not only been tested, but by and large have been found to be less harmful than traditional cigarettes. The American Cancer Society recently stated in many words that they have a "quit or die" policy concerning the e cigarette versus tobacco ...

Carbon mapping breakthrough

Carbon mapping breakthrough
Palo Alto, CA—By integrating satellite mapping, airborne-laser technology, and ground-based plot surveys, scientists from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, with colleagues from the World Wildlife Fund and in coordination with the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment (MINAM), have revealed the first high-resolution maps of carbon locked up in tropical forest vegetation and emitted by land-use practices. These new maps pave the way for accurate monitoring of carbon storage and emissions for the proposed United Nations initiative on Reduced Emissions ...

Researchers define role of CEP290 in maintaining ciliary function

A new study in the September 6 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology ( helps define the role of an important ciliary protein, CEP290. The results could be applied toward targeted gene therapy in cilia-related diseases. Mutations in human CEP290 cause cilia-related disorders that range in severity from isolated blindness to perinatal death. CEP290 mutations are known to cause Meckel syndrome, Joubert syndrome, and NPHP—the most common syndromic form of cystic kidney disease in childhood—among others. Although the exact role of CEP290 has been unclear, a ...

With HMGB1's help, cells dine in

With HMGB1s help, cells dine in
Like some people, cells eat when they are under pressure—but they consume parts of themselves. A multi-function protein helps control this form of cannibalism, according to a study in the September 6 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology ( Cells often respond to hunger or stress by digesting some of their contents. The process, known as autophagy, helps free nutrients and clean up cytoplasmic trash such as worn-out organelles and misshapen proteins. A team led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute discovered a link between this form ...

These cells will self-destruct in 5...4...

These cells will self-destruct in 5...4...
Cancer is a difficult disease to treat because it's a personal disease. Each case is unique and based on a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Conventional chemotherapy employs treatment with one or more drugs, assuming that these medicines are able to both "diagnose" and "treat" the affected cells. Many of the side effects experienced by chemotherapy patients are due to the fact that the drugs they are taking aren't selective enough. For instance, taking a drug that targets fast-growing tumor cells frequently results in hair loss, because cells in the ...

Union jobs disappearing at local, state and national levels, UCLA study finds

The recession is finally taking its toll on national, state and local unionization rates, according to UCLA's annual report on organized labor. Following an uptick last year, unionization rates fell between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010, by just more than half a percentage point in California and by a full percentage point in the five-county Los Angeles metropolitan area, researchers at UCLA's Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) found. "Given the duration and depth of the recession, it was inevitable that union jobs would be hit," said Lauren ...

'Jailbreak' bacteria can trigger heart disease

Plaque-causing bacteria can jailbreak from the mouth into the bloodstream and increase your risk of heart attack says a scientist at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting in Nottingham. Professor Howard Jenkinson, from the University of Bristol explains how oral bacteria can wreak havoc if they are not kept in check by regular brushing and flossing. "Poor dental hygiene can lead to bleeding gums, providing bacteria with an escape route into the bloodstream, where they can initiate blood clots leading to heart disease," he said. Streptococcus bacteria ...

Backstabbing bacteria: A new treatment for infection?

Selfish bacterial cells that act in their own interests and do not cooperate with their infection-causing colleagues can actually reduce the severity of infection. The selfish behaviour of these uncooperative bacteria could be exploited to treat antibiotic-resistant infections, according to research being presented at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting today. Bacteria work together by using a well-studied communication system called Quorum Sensing (QS). During infection, bacteria talk to each other using QS to coordinate the release of toxins. Researchers ...

Talented bacteria make food poisoning unpredictable

While we are often exposed to bacteria in our food which could cause food poisoning, we don't always become ill - why should this be so? Professor Colin Hill who is presenting his work at the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting in Nottingham today describes how bacteria use different tricks to aid their survival inside the body, helping to explain why food poisoning can be so unpredictable. One of the biggest challenges faced by food-borne bacteria is acid. Acidic conditions, particularly in the stomach and in the gut will kill most microbes found in contaminated ...

Fears of a decline in bee pollination confirmed

Fears of a decline in bee pollination confirmed
TORONTO, ON - Widespread reports of a decline in the population of bees and other flower-visiting animals have aroused fear and speculation that pollination is also likely on the decline. A recent University of Toronto study provides the first long-term evidence of a downward trend in pollination, while also pointing to climate change as a possible contributor. "Bee numbers may have declined at our research site, but we suspect that a climate-driven mismatch between the times when flowers open and when bees emerge from hibernation is a more important factor," says James ...

In a changing climate, erratic rainfall poses growing threat to rural poor, new report says

STOCKHOLM (6 September 2010)—Against a backdrop of extreme weather wreaking havoc around the world, a new report warns that increasingly erratic rainfall related to climate change will pose a major threat to food security and economic growth, especially in Africa and Asia, requiring increased investment in diverse forms of water storage as an effective remedy. "Millions of farmers in communities dependent on rainfed agriculture are at risk from decreasing and erratic availability of water," said Colin Chartres, director general of the Sri Lanka-based International Water ...

MIT researchers create new self-assembling photovoltaic technology that repairs itself

MIT researchers create new self-assembling photovoltaic technology that repairs itself
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Plants are good at doing what scientists and engineers have been struggling to do for decades: converting sunlight into stored energy, and doing so reliably day after day, year after year. Now some MIT scientists have succeeded in mimicking a key aspect of that process. One of the problems with harvesting sunlight is that the sun's rays can be highly destructive to many materials. Sunlight leads to a gradual degradation of many systems developed to harness it. But plants have adopted an interesting strategy to address this issue: They constantly break ...

'Slow light' on a chip holds promise for optical communications

SANTA CRUZ, CA--A tiny optical device built into a silicon chip has achieved the slowest light propagation on a chip to date, reducing the speed of light by a factor of 1,200 in a study reported in Nature Photonics (published online September 5 and in the November print issue). The ability to control light pulses on an integrated chip-based platform is a major step toward the realization of all-optical quantum communication networks, with potentially vast improvements in ultra-low-power performance. Holger Schmidt, professor of electrical engineering in the Baskin School ...

DNA fingerprinting pioneer discovers role of key genetic catalyst for human diversity

DNA fingerprinting pioneer discovers role of key genetic catalyst for human diversity
One of the key drivers of human evolution and diversity, accounting for changes that occur between different generations of people, is explained by new research published today (Sept 5) by world-renowned scientist Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, who discovered DNA fingerprinting at the University of Leicester. Professor Jeffreys has spent over two decades since his landmark discovery in 1984 investigating what he describes as "pretty bizarre bits of DNA" - highly variable repeated parts of DNA called 'minisatellites' - found in the human genome. Sir Alec observed that ...

Biologists find way to reduce stem cell loss during cancer treatment

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have discovered that a gene critical for programmed cell death is also important in the loss of adult stem cells, a finding that could help to improve the health and well-being of patients undergoing cancer treatment. "During chemotherapy or radiation therapy that kills cancer cells by inducing significant DNA damage in their genomes, one of the main side effects for human cancer patients is the depletion of their own adult stem cells, particularly the ones responsible for making new blood and intestine cells. So these ...

New website to assist busy mums MumsDelivery Media Release

A new website providing busy mums with a central point to discover businesses that provide home delivery and in-home services was recently launched. The new website - - is a business directory for mums interested in shopping and arranging in-home services from the comfort of their own home. The website is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find the businesses they are looking for. Mums today are particularly technologically savvy. The 'online mum' demographic is emerging as one of the fastest growing segments ...

The Bornmann Law Group, PLLC, Arizona's bankruptcy attorneys, launches their informative, advisory blog.

The Bornmann Law Group, PLLC, a debt relief agency servicing all of Arizona, has launched their new informational and advisory blog, This bankruptcy themed blog is written by bankruptcy attorneys and bankruptcy lawyers who advise and help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Their blog focuses on bankruptcy planning, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filing options, advice on wage garnishments and repossessions, bankruptcy law and advice for those that are experiencing extreme financial difficulty. Recent articles ...

Montage, Inc Movage Movers Enjoy Summer 2010 Discount

Movage Movers Enjoy Summer 2010 Discount 1 Month Free Storage with Movage Moving & Storage. Our qualified staff of professional movers and fleet of new trucks will meet all of your moving needs. We carefully screen all our employees and regularly train them in the latest packing and moving methods. Our crews utilize state-of-the-art equipment to safely transport and deliver most fragile furniture, machinery, fine arts and pianos. Each vehicle in our fleet is equipped with a Real-Time Vehicle Tracking System, aka GPS (Global Positioning System). Real-time vehicle tracking ...

"STOP THE INSANITY" Charley Miller is Colorado's Unaffiliated on this November's ballot for the US Senate, and this is his blog radio show. Live broadcast every Monday - Thursday at 9a.m. Mountain.

'Stop the Insanity' Your Thoughts Aired on Social Radio Network BlogTalkRadio 'Stop the Insanity' tackles America's Political Problem live on Monday-Thursday, starting September 6th, 2010 at 9 a.m. Mountain Standard time The question on every American' s mind today is how to 'Stop the Insanity' will be the focus of BlogTalkRadio 'Stop the Insanity' ( with host Charley Miller on every Monday - Thursday, starting September 6th, 2010 at 9:00 am Mountain Standard time. The show will feature Charley Miller, who will be on the ...

Alba Spectrum Linux eCommerce Integration to Dynamics GP Scenario

First of all we have to say, that it is not about Magento shopping cart. This publication is about real implementation of Microsoft Dynamics GP version 10.0, integrated in quasi real time with custom PHP/MySQL ecommerce website. Ecommerce application itself was coded in PHP by in-house programmers. In initial discussions developers were interested to know Dynamics GP table structure and how master records (customers, items) and transactions (SOP Order with customer deposit) could be pushed down to Great Plains tables. We also discussed such integration methods as eConnect. ...

Designer Lauren Elaine brings Couture and Swimwear to Crystal

Los Angeles based, celebrity fashion designer Lauren Elaine continues to bring high fashion to the Mediterranean with the second of two fashion-themed voyages presented by Crystal Cruises. Handpicked by Crystal as the designer of choice, Lauren Elaine follows up the success of the first on-board runway show in June, by presenting an encore presentation of the SS2010 Black Label Siren Collection and adding a second poolside show featuring the international debut of the Black Label Swim Cruise Collection, from September 29-October 8th, 2010. With a mission to reinvent ...

Cougar Marriage Contest for Cougars & Cubs Seeking Matrimony, co-sponsored by and Hedonism II Resort.

COUGAR MARRIAGE CONTEST FOR COUGARS & CUBS SEEKING MATRIMONY The first-ever Cougar Marriage Contest & Mixer takes place on Saturday, October 2, 2010, at Maharani Restaurant, 1122 Post Street, San Francisco CA 94109. "Cougars and Cubs are unfairly stereotyped as only wanting casual relationships," says Rich Gosse, Executive Director of "We will refute this myth at this event, which invites Cougars and Cubs who seek marriage." Psychology Today (Nov 28, 2009) reports "a recent survey of 100 self-proclaimed cougars sheds light: more than 90% of these ...

Career Step Named Among Utah's Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies

Career Step, a leading online healthcare education company, has been named as one of the fastest growing companies in the state for the second consecutive year by Utah Business magazine's Fast 50 awards program. "Career Step has enjoyed continued success over the last year, and we're very pleased with the Company's recognition in the Utah Fast 50 for the second year in a row," said John Hiatt, Career Step CFO. "Utah has a very diverse economy, and, even with our national audience, it's valuable to see how we compare with other strong, local companies." Career Step ...

Boston Pop/Rock Sensation One Step Away releases new full length studio album: "For The Broken".

It has been a busy summer for the Boston Pop/Rock sensation One Step Away with many days spent away from home in the recording studio and on their promotional tour. Their new full length studio album: "For the Broken" is the result of several prior months of songwriting, juggled amidst demanding schedules which included school, sports, jobs , practices and performances. One Step Away is comprised of Terence Healy (Lead Guitar), Adam Carrington (Lead Vocals), Mike Nuzzolo, (Bass & Vocals) and newest member: Ben Trudeau (Drums). Most of the songs on the album are brand ...
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