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The WWII shipwreck of the SS Thistlegorm, now a popular Red Sea dive site, has formed an artificial coral reef for a diverse community of fish, according to data gathered by volunteer divers

The WWII shipwreck of the SS Thistlegorm, now a popular Red Sea dive site, has formed an artificial coral reef for a diverse community of fish, according to data gathered by volunteer divers
( Article URL:

Article Title: Eight years of community structure monitoring through recreational citizen science at the “SS Thistlegorm” wreck (Red Sea)

Author Countries: Italy

Funding: STE project was funded by Project AWARE Foundation, ASTOI Association, Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Settemari S.p.A Tour Operator, Scuba Nitrox Safety International, Viaggio nel Blu Diving Center. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


[Attachments] See images for this press release:
The WWII shipwreck of the SS Thistlegorm, now a popular Red Sea dive site, has formed an artificial coral reef for a diverse community of fish, according to data gathered by volunteer divers


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[] The WWII shipwreck of the SS Thistlegorm, now a popular Red Sea dive site, has formed an artificial coral reef for a diverse community of fish, according to data gathered by volunteer divers