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UCSF scientist wins Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research

Prof. Sergio Baranzini set to be honored for applying Big Data to understand the origins of multiple sclerosis

UCSF scientist wins Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research
( [New York, January 30, 2024] – Sergio E. Baranzini, PhD, a geneticist, neuroimmunologist and data scientist at the University of California, San Francisco, is the winner of this year’s Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research. Dr. Baranzini is being recognized for his pioneering efforts to integrate vast pools of information to understand complex mechanisms that cause MS and to develop more precise approaches to stop the disease and end it by prevention.

Baranzini is a Distinguished Professor and holds the Heidrich Friends and Family endowed chair in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He is also a member of the Graduate Program in Bioinformatics, the Institute for Human Genetics, the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, ImmunoX, and the Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine.

He is part of a new generation of scientists in the field of MS who are integrating massive amounts of data being generated by advanced technologies and gaining deeper understanding of factors that are driving the disease.

Key to these endeavors are global collaborations. Baranzini established the international MS microbiome study (iMSMS), a consortium of investigators in the field of MS and microbiome to discover the role that gut bacteria play in the triggering, progression, and response to treatment for people with MS. They have enrolled more than 2,000 participants, making it the largest microbiome study in MS and in any other autoimmune condition. Through the analysis of this wealth of data, they are starting to see emerging patterns of specific bacteria that may trigger or perpetuate disease, as well as bacteria with potential beneficial properties. This offers hope for new approaches such as probiotics or diet to eliminate or enhance key species to improve the course of MS.

Another important collaborative project is Baranzini’s decade-long development of SPOKE, a massive knowledge graph database that aims at integrating the entire body of biomedical information established over the past five decades of research and medical practice. In one application, SPOKE can be integrated with medical records and harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to find patterns that could detect potential signs of MS years before clinical diagnosis. These patterns can lead to the development of new therapies and the, implementation of precision medicine and possibly strategies for the prevention of MS.

Professors Baranzini and Stephen Sawcer (Cambridge University) recently broke new ground by leading the work of the long-standing International MS Genetics Consortium. The team published a landmark paper in 2023 on the largest study ever to understand the genetic basis of MS progression. This study of more than 20,000 people with MS identified gene variants linked to faster MS progression. The study also confirmed the role of tobacco smoke in worsening MS, and educational attainment to less severe outcomes. The study provides new clues to developing therapies to stop MS and more evidence for actions to take that may reduce disease progression.  

“Professor Baranzini has the vision and creativity to appy the power of global collaborations and big data to tackle complex questions surrounding multiple sclerosis,” said Bruce Bebo, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Research Programs at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which administers the award. “He is truly a trailblazer whose important contributions are driving progress in understanding multiple sclerosis and translating them to advance pathways to MS cures.”

“I am deeply honored by this distinction, a testament to the collective achievements of numerous individuals over many years of dedicated work,” commented Baranzini. “Tackling a multifaceted disease like MS demands that we exhibit audacity, aspiration, and innovative thinking in our scientific endeavors, encapsulating the inherent spirit of ‘big science.’ Crucially, ’big science’ is a symbol of collaborative efforts, as it thrives on the diversity of disciplines, a plethora of ideas, and the innovative dynamism borne out of scientists’ joint efforts. I fervently hope that this accolade will inspire a fresh wave of collaborative researchers in the MS field to take on the remaining crucial challenges in our quest to stop, restore, and end MS.”

Baranzini earned his degrees in clinical biochemistry and PhD in human molecular genetics from the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina. He then moved to UCSF to specialize in the analysis of complex hereditary diseases and focused on multiple sclerosis. He completed postdoctoral research in immunology and was involved with the genome-wide analysis to identify MS susceptibility genes. He added to this experience training in computer programming and bioinformatics (UC Berkeley Extension) and mathematical modeling and complexity theory (Santa Fe Institute and New England Complex Systems Institute). His early faculty position was supported by a prestigious Harry Weaver Scholar Award from the National MS Society. Baranzini has published his research on MS in top-tier journals like Science, Nature, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. He is a member of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium, the American Association of Immunologists, and an elected member of the American Neurological Association and the International Society of Neuroimmunology. He serves on editorial boards for several journals and has been a mentor to many young scientists. 

Baranzini will be honored and deliver the Prize lecture at the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS) Forum on March 1, 2024.   

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About the Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research The Barancik Prize seeks to recognize and encourage exceptional innovation and originality in scientific research relevant to multiple sclerosis, with emphasis on impact and potential of the research to lead to pathways for the treatment and cure for MS, and scientific accomplishments that merit recognition as a future leader in MS research. The international prize is administered through the National MS Society (U.S.) and made possible by the generosity of the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation.   

About the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (U.S.) The National MS Society, founded in 1946, is the global leader of a growing movement dedicated to creating a world free of MS. The Society funds cutting-edge research for a cure, drives change through advocacy and provides programs and services to help people affected by MS live their best lives. Connect to learn more and get involved:, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube or 1-800-344-4867.

About Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable disease of the central nervous system. Currently there is no cure. Symptoms vary from person to person and may include disabling fatigue, mobility challenges, cognitive changes, and vision issues. An estimated 1 million people live with MS in the United States. Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to minimize disability. Significant progress is being made to achieve a world free of MS.    


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[] UCSF scientist wins Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research
Prof. Sergio Baranzini set to be honored for applying Big Data to understand the origins of multiple sclerosis