New York, NY — The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), is pleased to announce the 2025 recipients of three of its annual Scientific Awards of Distinction: David B. Allison, PhD, will receive the Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction; Daniel W. Belsky, PhD, will receive the Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research; and Arlan Richardson, PhD, will receive the George M. Martin Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award.
The Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction is named in honor of AFAR’s founder and recognizes exceptional contributions to basic or clinical research in the field of aging. Established in 1982, the award is a framed citation and carries a cash prize of $5,000. David B. Allison, PhD, is the dean and Distinguished Professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington. Continuously NIH-funded as a PI for over 25 years, he has authored more than 700 scientific publications. An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine of the National Academies and leader in obesity, nutrition and aging research. He is recognized for his unique contributions to biomedical aging research through statistical methods, research rigor, and collaboration. Learn more about his research here.
The Vincent Cristofalo Rising Star Award in Aging Research is named in honor of the late Dr. Cristofalo, who dedicated his career to aging research and encouraged young scientists to investigate important issues in the biology of aging. Established in 2008, the award is a framed citation and carries a cash prize of $5,000. Daniel W. Belsky, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology in the Mailman School of Public Health (Department of Epidemiology and Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC). Sitting at the intersection of public health, population and behavioral science, and genomics, his research aims to reduce social inequalities in aging outcomes in the US and elsewhere. He is recognized for advancing the development of biomarkers in aging. Learn more about his research here.
The George M. Martin Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award is named in honor of George M. Martin, MD (1927-2022), a pioneer in the field of aging research and AFAR’s Scientific Director for more than a decade, who devoted his long, distinguished career to growing the field of aging research while fostering the careers of junior colleagues. The Award recognizes individuals who during their careers demonstrated extraordinary mentorship in the field of aging research. It carries a cash prize of $5,000. Arlan Richardson, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Physiology and the Donald W. Reynolds Endowed Chair of Aging Research at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences. Dr. Richardson’s research focuses on the effect of dietary restriction on gene expression, testing the oxidative stress theory of aging, and most recently, studying the effect of necroptosis on aging and age-related diseases. He has mentored and directed the research of more than 100 MS and PhD graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty and is recognized for his clear vision and his sense of caring and support for his trainees. Learn more about his research here.
"AFAR's Scientific Awards of Distinction are named after individuals whose dedication and discoveries have made incomparable contributions to field of aging research and have inspired generations of investigators," notes Stephanie Lederman, EdM, AFAR Executive Director. "The 2025 recipients of these awards continue their namesakes' legacies while forging new and important advances in the biology of aging. AFAR is honored to recognize David B. Allison, PhD, Daniel W. Belsky, PhD, and Arlan Richardson, PhD, and we look forward to their continued contributions to the research that will help us all live healthier, longer."
The 2025 Cristofalo Award will be presented on Monday, May 12, 2025 at the American Aging Association (AGE) 53rd Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. The 2025 Wright and Martin Awards will be presented on Thursday, November 13, 2025 at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.
AFAR’s Scientific Awards of Distinction, which also includes the Terrie Fox Wetle Rising Star Award in Health Services and Aging Research to be announced in late Spring 2025, are nominated by peers and selected by a panel of leading aging researchers. Learn more about the history of the awards and past honorees here.
About AFAR - The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) is a national non-profit organization that supports and advances pioneering biomedical research that is revolutionizing how we live healthier and longer. For more than four decades, AFAR has served as the field’s talent incubator, providing $212,500,000 to 4,460 investigators at premier research institutions to date—and growing. A trusted leader and strategist, AFAR also works with public and private funders to steer high quality grant programs and inter-disciplinary research networks. AFAR-funded researchers are finding that modifying basic cellular processes can delay—or even prevent—many chronic diseases, often at the same time. They are discovering that it is never too late—or too early—to improve health. This groundbreaking science is paving the way for innovative new therapies that promise to improve and extend our quality of life—at any age. Learn more at www.afar.org.
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In brief
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