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Interview With Christopher Mundie, A Young Author Who Published His First Book At Age 20:

Interview With Christopher Mundie, A Young Author Who Published His First Book At Age 20:

NEW YORK, NY, July 19, 2011 ( Young Frankenmuth writer Christopher Mundie has written a funny, up-beat book about the life of a special kind of guy; the kind of guy you wouldn't want to have at your party or end up owing any favors to. You know the type, the cynical, sarcastic, self-centered, lying and conniving—he's The Jerk. Being a Jerk isn't so bad though, it can get you free coffee, wads of cash and a gigantic fish (if you're lucky). You can definitely hate him, but there's one thing you can't blame him for, and that's for bumping into him in the first place.

I spoke with Christopher Mundie recently about the making of the book and his own personal story:

Can you tell the readers about yourself?

I am currently working towards my Communication degree at Central Michigan University. I enjoy hunting, fishing, exploring Northern Michigan, swing dancing, photography, and watching movies. At CMU, I am part of Swing Kids and Communication Association. I was twenty-years old when my first book was published.

What inspired you to start writing this book?

I actually never intended to write a book. Going back a ways, I was purchasing textbooks when I was at Delta College getting my Associates of Science. As I was standing in line, I saw this little notepad. It seemed more welcoming to use compared to the large planner I was given for free, so I gave some long, careful though and decided to spend the extra dollar and nine cents on the notepad. I didn't use it. Later, I decided to jot down the funny things that happened to and around me and funny thoughts that popped up in my head in the notepad.

Skip ahead after my community college graduation, I was planning to take summer courses. Long story short: It would have been a waste of time and money doing so. For the first time since I was dual enrolling for the early 2008 semester in high school, I had no classes to take. Besides some work like lawn and child care, I had nothing else to do. I thought I would go mad! Then randomly one morning early in the summer, I thought to myself, "I'm going to write a book about the things I put in my notepad." Two months later, my short novel was done. Another month later, I was in talks with Library Tales Publishing about my book.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I enjoy third-person since it gives me the opportunity to describe what other characters are thinking. This was very useful for writing about the characters attitudes towards the main character in The Jerk. But I have an open mind. If a particular idea comes along that requires a first- or even second-person view, then I won't hesitate to implement it.

How did you come up with the title?

Simply, I figured the funny things that happened and thoughts married with a jerk would work out very well. I experimented with it, and I stuck with it.

Is there a message in your novel/book that you want readers to grasp?

This isn't really the kind of "meaningful message" book. It is about a man who ticks off people for his own amusement. If you are looking for an inspirational story, then you are looking at the wrong book. Make a U-turn.

What books and authors have most influenced your writing style?

This may seem surprising, but I am not much of a reader. The last books I read were Persepolis and Q&A (now known as Slumdog Millionaire) and those were for my Literature class back in community college!

What are your current projects?

I am working on one right now and it is definitely different. I am not saying that just because I am the author. I can't compare this to other books out there since I do not read them, but compared to what I have seen in television shows, films, and video games, the story will be so unique it will make readers truly appreciate the characters, the story, and ending.

As for progress, it is going at the same rate for The Jerk: roughly 10,000 words a month. I consider that pretty good taking in account that I am taking summer classes and doing some work right now.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

My interest for writing began when I was taking an English class my senior year at high school in Frankenmuth. My teacher asked the class to write a short story for an assignment that would be due in a few days. I started and completed it the day it was assigned. When he issued the assignment, something inside me said, "Time to get this bad boy started." The short story I wrote was a humorous tale about a snowboarder. But after that, I wrote another one. It was a mature story with a twist ending. I actually handed in the "twist" story. Even after that, I made another one. I asked my dad to read it and he said it had a Stephen King feel to it.

Along with the short story, we had a poetry assignment. I had a thing for poetry, but it was shortly lived. For the poetry assignment, my teacher read the students' work aloud. When he read mine, people thought it was "deep." I never bothered claiming it, though. I was a class clown and troublemaker; no one would have believed me. I also wrote a poetic message for my baby cousin when she had a birthday party. Other than those two poetic times, nothing else emerged.

My note taking of events also originated in that class. My teacher and a fellow student would say very funny, odd and interesting things so I would jot them down on a piece of paper.
Everything that happened largely came out of that English class. I thank my English teacher for that.

Can you share a little of your current work (book) with us?

Nope! You just got to be patient and wait for it when ir is complete and available on store shelves and for download. That is, if it gets published...hopefully.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

The writing itself is easy. Getting to it can be a bit of a challenge. When I was at Central Michigan University, I decided to not write because I wanted to focus on my studies. If I wanted to write, then studying time and socializing time would have been lost. So I decided to bite the bullet and keep my ideas in my head for a while. Good thing summers exist.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Louis Sachar, author of Holes. I am glad my mom pressured me to read that book when I was younger. It had kids being part of something really significant and exciting. What kid does not want to be part of that? The main character was pretty big and I was a big kid myself when I was younger, so I related myself to the main character. This is why I loved and read Holes.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Not necessarily a writing topic, but getting it published took some time. It took two months for me to write The Jerk and one month to find a publisher. During that month, I made about fifteen to twenty queries and sample chapter submissions. Then Library Tales Publishing came to end my frustration.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Although a common theme, I learned to never give up. Even after I was denied so many times by publishers, I still kept on going. This was like me asking women to dance: After one after the other one denies you, you just keep on going till one gives a chance.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Be different. Even if you want to be part of something popular, have something about yourself that stands out. Let's say you want to make a popular crime drama script for a television show. You better waltz towards that popular bandwagon with a sparkling unicorn blowing a novelty car horn. Look at the television series Castle. It has a detective with some mysteries about her and as the series progresses, we learn more about her character. She is teamed up with a fun writer to solve crime with a couple of other detectives. With this, a popular genre with something unique is born.

However, if you have an idea so different, then you could start your own bandwagon. Look at the television series Twin Peaks. A mystery has occurred in a rural town filled with truly unique individuals. Although shortly lived ending after two seasons, many other productions were made giving Twin Peaks a nod and taking great inspiration from it like Alan Wake and Deadly Premonition.
In other words, when you disguise yourself as a pink-frosting, vanilla cupcake, you are still a cupcake just like the rest in the white-frosting vanilla cupcake package. You just look different. Try to be a chocolate cupcake. Don't look different, be different.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Try to expand your readings. There could be other genres out there that may appeal to you. Some by the sound of them may not sound attracting, like a sci-fi book for a person who likes romance books. Don't limit yourself to only cupcakes. Try a muffin.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers?

Great stories do not only exist in books. Ask friends and relatives what stories they enjoy on other mediums like films, television shows, and video games. Step away from the pastries once in a while to try a vegetable. It won't kill you

Where can one find more information about you and your books?

Go to The Jerk Facebook page and visit, and my own page on the Library Tales website for some interesting extras like a sample chapter and pictures. (

Library Tales Publishing is an emerging entertainment company with a strong and diversified presence in book publishing, media production, merchandising and distribution, as well as digital distribution and a verity of publishing services for authors and self publishers. The Company has built a strong publishing presence since its establishment in early 2010; Library Tales Publishing currently has 35 published books and over 100 upcoming releases in 2011-2012-2013, including such titles as Arje Shaw's "The Fix", David Friedman's "The Thought Exchange", the "How To Become A Wizard" franchise and "My Life With Ewa". The Library Tales Publishing brand remains synonymous with original, daring, quality entertainment in markets across the nation.


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[] Interview With Christopher Mundie, A Young Author Who Published His First Book At Age 20:
Interview With Christopher Mundie, A Young Author Who Published His First Book At Age 20: