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Amazon Bestseller Book Has Meteoric Rise in Hours to #1 Bestseller. It Must Be Time To "Dare to Dream: This Life Counts!" As Author Debbi Dachinger Experiences This Phenomenal Outcome.

It Took One Person, Debbi Dachinger, 6 Days, Sans Marketing or Advertising Teams To Put Her Book Up For Sale And Watch It Shoot To #1 and Hold Its Position, Above Luminaries and Notable Authors. Syndicated Award-Winning Radio Host, Debbi, Now Author.

LOS ANGELES, CA, November 21, 2011 ( Debbi Dachinger wrote the book "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts," which went up on Amazon books and immediately catapulted to bestseller in three book categories, including the toughest category of all: Self Help. "DARE TO DREAM" is now a bestseller and Debbi is now a best-selling author. She decided to write the book by becoming cognizant of two things - first times are not what they used to be. With every known paradigm shifting in the world: finances, global communications, jobs, relationships, and weather, it is time for people to step into their own and embody the purpose of why they're here. Debbi also could see that even though her syndicated radio show, also called "Dare to Dream," was inspiring millions, there still were many people who felt unfulfilled and frustrated about their goals and dreams. Debbi wanted to do something to help, so she created a guide, and a fun-to-read book, that shows folks exactly how to go from the idea of their goal, through each step, in order to live the goal as their reality.

Debbi knows for a fact it works because she has had much success getting herself from A to Z on her goals. In her radio show she interviews people who are masters at creating goals and she hears first-hand the patterns that these successful people have, it's a through-line each of them possess to get where they are. To be clear goals can be anything: helping a charity, being of service, working in a job you love, having a healthy relationship with yourself or someone else, traveling, creating something of value, changing your circumstances for the better, getting healthy, etc. Debbi purposely priced the book reasonably low so anyone wanting a better, happier life can afford the book and start taking action.

So how did she go from an unknown author to a bestseller? "It's quite a story," she laughs, "a friend of mine who is an expert at creating bestselling books knew I'd written a book myself and in a telephone call said I'd better get my book up in the market immediately since I can't compete once Thanksgiving rolls around. I panicked after the call at first, as that meant I'd have three days to figure out how to do a bestseller campaign, then a few days to run it. I figured out I would do whatever it took and commit to running my own campaign. Besides, ignorance is bliss. I did a bunch of things wrong some experts and bestselling technicians would say, however this was a big dream - I already had my own dreams-to-reality recipe to get there, so I plunged in."

What is the recipe? "Well," Debbi said smiling, "You'll have to read the "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts" book to get the recipe! It's all in there...if you follow what is outlined in the book it is the secret sauce. I will share this, though, after the phone call with my friend, I got very quiet so I could sense what I was meant to do: pursue releasing my book right now or hold off? The definitive feeling was - go for it, now is right. Once I was clear on that I knew I had to decide and commit 100 percent. If I waffled at all internally it would be reflected as chaos externally. Therefore I decided and stepped into this, knowing I'd at least get the book up and running. I quickly researched how to do a bestseller campaign and immediately got cracking on my own and spent the next few days working mostly on this. The rest was about the steps I lay out in my book "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts." Frankly I thank my friend and colleague for putting the bug in me; otherwise I might have lollygagged around until next year before getting my book out. She lit a fire in me, and I fanned the flames."

How did bestseller status come about? "I worked tirelessly on whatever I could and did the next task and the next task for six days straight." Dachinger said.

Without the help of a professional team? "Correct. I did not have a publisher, did not have a marketing or advertising team, and did not have a bestseller team working for me. I do want to be clear that something of this magnitude is not done alone; I had people who cared and people who bought the book to make this happen! The day before and the day of the book launch people came forth to assist. My mastermind group, called the Evolutionary Business Council, made up of impressive global movers and shakers, got behind me and sent out missives to their databases on my behalf. Many friends rallied, as well as listeners from my radio show. Friends, fans, and colleagues did PR on my behalf. Then there is the element of timing. After watching what has happened I know for sure this is the time for this message and this work. People are searching for a new way of doing business and living their lives. "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts" speaks directly to our deepest desires. Now. "

Your soft cover book shot to #1 bestseller status on Amazon in hours, above Sir Richard Branson's book, over Dale Carnegie, above Lisa Nichols, and don Miguel Ruiz, and seems to be holding it's status, why do you think that's so? "Here's the beauty of what happened: people saw the book climb. It was in the toughest category: Self Help, I mean who succeeds in that category in this manner, right? But there it was climbing and when people saw what was happening - bestseller in three Amazon categories - plus the fact that it's a book about daring to dream and making those dreams come true, folks started blogging about it. Those blogs went out to lots of people and guess what happens then? The readers of the blogs get inspired. It's the ripple effect. Ultimately this is about motivating and inspiring others. My success in this instance is a catalyst. People can see first-hand that their dreams also can come true. I hope everyone reads about what happened and it causes them to redefine what's possible. Let's face it - on paper this should not have happened. There really should have been an expert team behind me as an author to do this, right? But it's not always about what's good on paper. It is about the energy and the excitement surrounding something. It is about understanding of how to take steps to align and make something materialize; it's about doing your best and getting out of the way for things to actually occur and it is about right timing. Honestly I am surprised. Did I want the moniker of 'best seller' next to my name? You bet. I didn't expect it to happen, so this is a fantastic occasion because I was fairly let go about the result. It was friends who were calling me after "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts" launched, telling me what was going on, taking screen shots and watching the rise of the sales. They were the ultimate cheerleaders. I think it felt like a success for all of us. "

What's next for you in your dreams and goals? "Sleep!" Debbi laughs and then says "What's next is to continue with my message and with what I teach. Of course my I do a radio show and I am beyond ready for a television talk show. I will be taking on clients as a coach to assist them in the fruition of their goals. I will be doing keynote speaking. I'd like my name to be big enough to be a spokesperson for animals. I will travel more. And I remain open for the opportunities the universe has in store for me - I continue to be surprised and delighted by what will unfold next."

Debbi Dachinger is an award-winning, syndicated radio host on "Dare to Dream." She knows directly what it is like to discover life's passions and experience them. In the book "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts," she writes about ways to handle goal obstacles such as trust, time management, finances, playing small, clarity, support, failure, fear, and doubts, as well as miscellaneous dream busters. Additionally, the book and guide contains inspiring success stories, exercises, new ideas, inspiring motivation, examples, patterns of extremely successful people, and proven methods.

The book, "DARE TO DREAM: This Life Counts," has received five-star reviews from transformational leaders and luminaries as well as excellent testimonies. It can be purchased on Amazon at

Debbi Dachinger's "Dare to Dream" radio show is a syndicated, multi-award winning radio program that inspires listeners through solid guidance and great interviews. It's a show with keys to change as people are looking for a new way of living and doing business and finding ways to make their hopes and dreams come true. Each one-hour radio segment gathers one million listeners and includes Deborah's theme for the day and an interview guest who shares methods that achieved goals and dreams.

Deborah is a top-notch interviewer with impressive guests. Her background is in talent/entertainment; she was a USC performing arts graduate who went on to act and sing in Europe and throughout the United States. She received a Los Angeles Drama Desk Award acting nomination and was in the cast of "Follies," winning the Fringe First Award. Deborah was a successful motivational speaker, leading workshops on "Balance and Life Goals." Her professional voice over work includes animation, corporate training, PSA's and film narration. Besides Deborah's radio career, she is the author of the book: "Dare to Dream: This Life Counts!" is a regular video contributor at: YouTube, an expert columnist, has a blog at BlogSpot, and a contributor to inspirational books. Deborah is a member of AFTRA and SAG unions, the Evolutionary Business Council and American Women in Media. Deborah came here to live out loud; her work is to utilize her voice to entertain and inspire.

"Dare to Dream" airs worldwide daily and throughout the United States. Hear all the podcast radio shows archived on her website or listen live.

"Dare to Dream" a well-known radio program with close to one million listeners on 92.5 KYHY. "Dare to Dream" has been featured in Earth Times, Yahoo News! and Singapore Star News. Deborah recently received the honorary career achievement award from Elite VIP, and won the "Intriguing Creator" award from


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[] Amazon Bestseller Book Has Meteoric Rise in Hours to #1 Bestseller. It Must Be Time To "Dare to Dream: This Life Counts!" As Author Debbi Dachinger Experiences This Phenomenal Outcome.
It Took One Person, Debbi Dachinger, 6 Days, Sans Marketing or Advertising Teams To Put Her Book Up For Sale And Watch It Shoot To #1 and Hold Its Position, Above Luminaries and Notable Authors. Syndicated Award-Winning Radio Host, Debbi, Now Author.