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Support FrontDoorSoftware's "Help Schools" Campaign Through Indiegogo to Help Fill the Budget Gap in America's Schools

Laptop security software company, FrontDoorSoftware, has a solution to the K-12 school budget shortfall that can help fill the budget gap and generate revenue for school districts that adopt its program.

EVERGREEN, CO, December 06, 2012 ( Budget shortfalls across the nation are forcing schools to cut vital programs, lay off teachers, and enforce furlough days to save money. Laptop security software company, FrontDoorSoftware, has a solution that can help fill the budget gap and generate revenue for school districts that adopt its program.

Through the help of Indiegogo, a global crowd-sourcing website that allows entrepreneurs to create fundraising campaigns to raise capital for their companies, FrontDoorSoftware has launched a campaign called "Help Schools" that will raise the capital required to convert its software into a fundraising tool for K-12 school districts.

FrontDoorSoftware's theft prevention and recovery product is a simple, patent-pending program that once installed on a computer provides the owner with various means of preventing theft and helping to recover the device should it go missing. The software's display screen, which opens up each time the computer is turned on, has a customizable space where sponsored educational messages may appear. The idea behind the "Help Schools" campaign is that every time a school-owned computer is turned on, the FrontDoorSoftware program will generate a small amount of sponsor-based revenue for the school through the display screen.

"By adding a simple feature to our existing theft prevention and recovery product, school districts can generate income every time a computer is turned on, and in some cases generate tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for individual school districts," said Carrie Hafeman, President of FrontDoorSoftware.

All sponsored material would be approved by the individual school district. Depending on the number of computers the district has, these incremental profits can generate a significant amount of capital. For example, if a school district has 25,000 computers and turns each one on about 120 times per month (approximately 1,200 times per year), they will generate approximately 30 million page views in one year. If they received just $0.005 or $0.01 per page view they could generate $150,000 to $300,000 a year just by turning on computers.

Adding FrontDoorSoftware to a school district's computers and laptops will have an immediate guaranteed additional benefit. "K-12 schools are ranked as the most popular place for computer and laptop theft," adds Hafeman. "Even if schools do not implement the new fund raising capability that we are developing, they will potentially save thousands of dollars a year by both preventing the theft of valuable equipment and increasing the chances of its recovery."

FrontDoorSoftware hopes to raise $25,000 from Indiegogo supporters by December 17, 2012 and will use the money raised to modify the software and add people to its team to help spearhead the effort to get this software into schools.

To learn more or to donate to FrontDoorSoftware's Indiegogo campaign to help schools, visit Every contribution, no matter how small, will help students and school districts not only protect their equipment from theft, but will generate funds for their school simply by turning on their computers every day.

About FrontDoorSoftware Corporation

FrontDoorSoftware Corporation is a privately held company based in Evergreen, Colorado. FrontDoorSoftware is quickly becoming one of the leading laptop loss prevention and recovery software brands available.

For more information, go to or call (303) 670-8800.


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[] Support FrontDoorSoftware's "Help Schools" Campaign Through Indiegogo to Help Fill the Budget Gap in America's Schools
Laptop security software company, FrontDoorSoftware, has a solution to the K-12 school budget shortfall that can help fill the budget gap and generate revenue for school districts that adopt its program.