- Press Release Distribution
PRESS RELEASES DISTRIBUTION Proudly Announces its "Share a Dream" Campaign to Provide Emergency Beds for Disaster-Struck Areas All Over the World

2011-01-20 proudly announces its "Share a Dream" campaign to provide emergency beds for disaster struck areas all over the world. has partnered with the World Bed relief organization to give the gift of sleep. The "Share a Dream" program, exclusive to has created a one for one program. For every online order that includes at least one Amerisleep mattress, will donate one WorldBed to people in disaster stricken areas around the globe. Not only will customers enjoy a new Amerisleep green memory foam mattress, but also the satisfaction ...

Teaching the Princess to Avoid the Toad: New Book Identifies Five Mistakes Young Women Make in Relationships

Teaching the Princess to Avoid the Toad: New Book Identifies Five Mistakes Young Women Make in Relationships
Dr. Kenneth Ryan offers practical advice in the new book, Finding Your Prince in a Sea of Toads (Winepress Publishing). Based on his years of experience in premarital counseling in addition to being the dad of three teenage daughters, Dr. Ryan explores everyday circumstances that young girls face in today's culture. "The abstinence message seems to be generally ineffective in our current cultural circumstances," says Dr. Ryan. "Whatever we have been telling our young women, it hasn't been working. If you remove religion, pregnancy and STDs from the reasons to abstain, ...

Stibo Systems Helps Mitchells & Butlers' Recipe for Success

Mitchells & Butlers, the leading operator of restaurants and pubs in the UK, has selected the STEP master data management platform from Stibo Systems to help improve its product information management for ingredients, suppliers, recipes and menus across its range of industry leading brands including Toby Carvery, Harvester and Vintage Inns. The implementation of STEP will underpin Mitchells & Butlers' drive to develop its processes, systems and data quality in order to be able to make the best possible decisions regarding menus and drinks ranges, and to be more agile, ...

The Offshore Group to Begin Offering Innovative Outsourcing Solutions in Guadalajara, Mexico

The Offshore Group to Begin Offering Innovative Outsourcing Solutions in Guadalajara, Mexico
The Tucson, Arizona-based Offshore Group has announced that it is now offering its comprehensive suite of Mexico outsourcing solutions in Mexico's second largest city, Guadalajara, Jalisco. The Offshore Group is a leading provider of enterprise support, or "shelter," services. Since 1986, the company's Shelter Plan business model has been successfully applied to the Mexican manufacturing sector, and has enabled its client firms to initiate and maintain low-cost and low-risk manufacturing in Mexico operations at its gated and secured industrial parks in Guaymas and Empalme, ...

New Online Pharmacy Allows Customers to Pay Less for High-Quality Drugs

New Online Pharmacy Allows Customers to Pay Less for High-Quality Drugs
Whenever someone needs high-quality drugs for less money, they are sure to go online to place their order. However, because of the large choice of pharmacies, it may not be easy to make the right decision. was launched to make things simpler and safer for anyone looking to buy Cialis online or purchase any other drugs. The website promotion is the responsibility of the renowned search engine optimization company Sylla, which has dozens of successful projects that can be found on the Internet. Not only is it easier and faster to shop for drugs with ...

RYU-Co, a Euro-Japan Based Start-Up, Announces Launch of New Online Social Marketplace for Local Area Guides and Travellers, Called "Shiroube"

RYU-Co (Tatsuo Sato, founder and CEO) is introducing the peer-to-peer (P2P) social local guide matching service "Shiroube", which has been co-developed with tech-partner Mafe and is now in operation. "Shiroube" links travellers with local residents, and enables users to freely seek guides (such as for help with organising a trip, guiding, sharing travel experiences, and earning pocket money), and to utilise it as a means of sharing new travel experiences. The service enables travellers to visit places that only actual residents know about, and to have communication ... Presents Generation Beta-Male: The New Role for Men in Modern Love Relationships Presents Generation Beta-Male: The New Role for Men in Modern Love Relationships
Surveys show that almost half of us want to cheat on our partner and it appears that women are increasingly surpassing men in regards to infidelity. The author David Nicosia Longhi wanted to take a new look at these modern tendencies and earlier in 2010 he published his book in Denmark with the title "Kvinden & Aeblerne" which became an immediate Danish bestseller in its category. The book which has now been translated into English. In his book he challenges the myth of men being the worst cheaters and thereby breaking a taboo about the modern woman's sexual demands ...

DIY HCG Presents The Revolutionary HCG Diet Protocol and Separates Real Diet Experts from Quick Buck Artists

It's apparent to anyone paying attention that the US has become The Overweight Society. Due to sedentary work and lifestyles, and both a lack of healthy foods and overeating in many American diets, the latest surveys show that more than two-thirds of US adults are classified as either overweight or obese. Of this total the number who qualify as obese is one-third, while 10% of children and adolescents are also considered too heavy for their age, according to a 2010 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. And as anyone who has tried to lose weight knows, ...

Aberrations in adipose tissue could increase risk of diabetes in PCOS

A study from the University of Gothenburg, shows that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have aberrations in their adipose (fat) tissue. This discovery could provide answers as to why these women develop type 2 diabetes more readily, and shows that it is important for their health that women with PCOS do not put on weight. "We already know that women with PCOS often have insulin resistance, in other words the body's cells are less sensitive to insulin, and are at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes," says Louise Mannerås-Holm, a researcher at the Department ...

Beating the competition

Beating the competition
A single new connection can dramatically enhance the size of a network – no matter whether this connection represents an additional link in the Internet, a new acquaintance within a circle of friends or a connection between two nerve cells in the brain. The results, which are published in Nature Physics, were part of a theoretical study carried out researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Göttingen and the University Göttingen. This study mathematically describes for the first ...

Activation of PPAR α/γ mediates remote IPC against myocardial infarction

Although vast improvements have been made in the clinical care of patients suffering from an acute myocardial infarction, heart attacks still remain the No.1 cause of death in the western world. A promising approach in overcoming this troublesome issue is to make use of an innate cardioprotective response: the ability of short ischemic episodes to precondition the heart against a subsequent prolonged ischemic insult. This powerful form of protection not only reduces the resultant damage up to 50%, but can also be initiated from a distance, such as by using repetitive blood-pressure ...

'UKIP poised for success as radical right party'

In the recent Oldham by-election, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) confirmed its status as the fourth largest party in British politics, ahead of the British National Party (BNP). Now, with the local elections looming, experts are warning that UKIP looks set to become a successful radical right party, similar to those seen in countries like Austria, France and Italy, and a 'significant vehicle' for Islamophobia. "Our research shows that Euroscepticism is not the whole story where UKIP is concerned," say two of its authors — Dr Robert Ford and Dr Matthew Goodwin ...

Many Basque educational centers implement the Content and Language Integrated Learning model

"We have seen that the results of the way in which we have been teaching the English language to date are not the desired ones". David Lasagabaster (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1967) knows what he is talking about, being a Doctor in English Philology and lecturer at the Department of English and German Languages of the Arts Faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He has published several works on plurilinguism and plurilingual education, besides having studied experiments abroad. He was also Vice-Rector of International Relations (2005-2009) during the first years ...

'Oncometabolite' linked with widespread alterations in gene expression

A new study finds that a metabolite commonly elevated in brain cancer and leukemia may promote tumorigenesis by altering the expression of a large number of genes. New research, published by Cell Press in the January 18th issue of the journal Cancer Cell, enhances the understanding of the link between metabolic deregulation and cancer and may help to guide development of new targeted cancer therapies. More than 75% of low grade gliomas and secondary glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and about 20% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), exhibit mutations in genes for isocitrate ...

Treatment with kudzu extract does not cause an increase in alcohol's intoxicating effects

Contact: David M. Penetar, Ph.D. 617-855-2913 McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School Robert Swift, M.D., Ph.D. 401-863-6634 Brown University and the Providence VA Medical Center Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research Treatment with kudzu extract does not cause an increase in alcohol's intoxicating effects Kudzu extract had little to no effect on participants during a double-blind placebo-controlled study Extract from the kudzu root has long been thought to be a remedy for alcoholism However, ...

Adolescent alcohol use linked with genetic variation in DRD2 gene and drinking to cope

Contact: Carmen S. van der Zwaluw, MSc +31-(0)24-3612803 Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen Helle Larsen, MSc +31-(0)24-3612955 Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research Adolescent alcohol use linked with genetic variation in DRD2 gene and drinking to cope New research shows that heavy drinking to alleviate negative feelings may have a genetic component Drinking in teens, especially binging, is a large problem within the Netherlands ...

Hypermasculinity and trait aggression play a major role in perpetration of aggression in bars

Contact: Samantha Wells, Ph.D. 519-858-5010 Ext. 22001 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research Hypermasculinity and trait aggression play a major role in perpetration of aggression in bars New research shows that there was a significant difference between perpetrators and victims of male barroom aggression Male violence in bars is something most people have either seen or experienced first hand, and is usually dismissed as an unavoidable or necessary annoyance. After all "boys will be boys." But, a ...

Alcoholism can affect both timing and overall survival of marriage

Contact: Mary Waldron, Ph.D. 812-856-8334 School of Education, Indiana University Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research Alcoholism can affect both timing and overall survival of marriage New findings show that both the time it takes to get married, as well as the overall length of the marriage, are seriously impacted by alcohol There has been an abundance of research on the associations between drinking behavior and marital status, but many questions remain regarding the timing of when an individual gets married and divorced ...

8 percent of fans legally drunk after attending professional sports games

Washington, DC, January 18, 2011— It's no secret that there is a lot of alcohol consumed by fans at sporting events, but is it possible to measure the blood alcohol content (BAC) of fans as they exit the stadiums? And if BAC levels can be measured, what do the results tell us? A new study published online in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER) finds that BAC levels can be measured using a breath tester on fans as they exit football and baseball events. And the results show that 60% of the fans had zero BAC, 40% had a positive BAC, and nearly ...

Advocacy in tight fiscal environment vital to reducing heart disease and stroke

DALLAS, Jan. 18, 2011 – The American Heart Association has, for the first time, published a statement, "American Heart Association and Nonprofit Advocacy: Past, Present, and Future," that documents the association's longstanding commitment to improve heart and stroke-related public policy. The paper, published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, highlights the association's 2011 recommendations as lawmakers face difficult budget decisions, including the potential slashing for heart disease and stroke research and prevention initiatives. The statement ...

Selective estrogen signaling key to postmenopausal risk of obesity

The hormone estradiol-17-beta is a key reproductive hormone. However, it also contributes to the regulation of energy balance and body weight. As a result, estrogen deficiency following menopause is associated with an increased probability of obesity and increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. A team of researchers, led by Jon Levine, at Northwestern University, Evanston, has now generated new insight into the mechanisms by which ER-alpha signaling maintains normal energy balance. Specifically, the team found that nonclassical ER-alpha signaling is key to the effects ...

JCI online early table of contents: Jan. 18, 2011

EDITOR'S PICK: Selective estrogen signaling key to postmenopausal risk of obesity The hormone estradiol-17-beta is a key reproductive hormone. However, it also contributes to the regulation of energy balance and body weight. As a result, estrogen deficiency following menopause is associated with an increased probability of obesity and increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. A team of researchers, led by Jon Levine, at Northwestern University, Evanston, has now generated new insight into the mechanisms by which ER-alpha signaling maintains normal energy balance. ...

Watching others smoke makes smokers plan to light up

Watching others smoke makes smokers plan to light up
Seeing actors smoke in a movie activated the brain areas of smokers that are known to interpret and plan hand movements, as though they too were about to light a cigarette, according to a new study in the Jan. 19 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. Habitual smokers repeat the same hand motions, sometimes dozens of times a day. In this study, researchers led by senior investigator Todd Heatherton, PhD, and graduate student Dylan Wagner of Dartmouth College set out to determine whether the parts of the brain that control that routine gesture could be triggered ...

NSAID receptor responsible for olive oil's 'cough' and more

PHILADELPHIA (January 18, 2011) – Scientists from the Monell Center and collaborators report that a receptor known as TRPA1 is activated by two structurally unrelated anti-inflammatory compounds. The first, oleocanthal, is a natural polyphenolic anti-inflammatory agent uniquely found in extra virgin olive oil; while the second, ibuprofen, is an over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The researchers also demonstrate that the TRPA1 receptor is spatially localized to the back of the throat, which is exactly where the distinctive irritating sting ...

Use of antidepressant associated with reduction in menopausal hot flashes

Women who were either in the transition to menopause or postmenopausal experienced a reduction in the frequency and severity of menopausal hot flashes with the use of the antidepressant medication escitalopram, compared to women who received placebo, according to a study in the January 19 issue of JAMA. "Hormonal agents have been the predominant therapy for menopausal hot flashes, but their use decreased substantially following the shifts in risk-benefit ratios that were identified in the Women's Health Initiative Estrogen plus Progestin randomized controlled trial. ...
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