(Press-News.org) Alexandria, VA – The International Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (IADR) and the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) announced today the JDR Clinical & Translational Research (JDR CTR) has received its first Journal Impact Factor™.
JDR CTR has earned a Journal Impact Factor of 3.0, with an Eigenfactor™ of 0.00148, an Immediacy Index of 0.5, and 786 total citations in 2022. This represents a significant achievement and a huge milestone in JDR CTR’s history, which was launched in 2016.
“JDR CTR’s new Impact Factor marks the culmination of years of commitment and dedication on the part of all our authors, contributors, and our entire editorial team,” said JTR CTR Editor-in-Chief Jocelyne Feine. “I am extremely proud of what we’ve achieved since 2016 and look forward to even greater things in the years to come.”
The 2-year Journal Impact Factor is defined as citations to the journal in the Journal Citation Reports™ (Clarivate™, 2023) year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items, also known as citable items, including articles and reviews published in the journal in the previous two years.
This year for the first time, all Web of Science Core Collection™ journals that passed the rigorous Web of Science quality criteria and were accepted before January 1, 2023, were eligible to receive an Impact Factor. By expanding the JIF to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI), more than 9,000 journals from more than 3,000 publishers now have a JIF for the first time. This indicator helps the scholarly community more easily identify trustworthy, high-quality journals that have been selected by the Web of Science editorial team. Selection is only granted to journals that have met the high-quality criteria applied on evaluation, with only 15% of journals evaluated passing this bar.
About the JDR Clinical & Translational Research
The JDR Clinical & Translational Research (JDR CTR) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that encompasses all areas of clinical and translational research in the dental, oral, and craniofacial sciences. Launched by IADR and AADOCR, JDR CTR provides a resource for clinicians, scientists, academics, researchers, and policy makers across the entire spectrum of the dental community. Follow JDR CTR on Twitter @JDRClinTransRes!
About IADR
The International Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (IADR) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to drive dental, oral, and craniofacial research for health and well-being worldwide. IADR represents the individual scientists, clinician-scientists, dental professionals, and students based in academic, government, non-profit, and private-sector institutions who share our mission. Learn more at www.iadr.org.
The American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to drive dental, oral, and craniofacial research to advance health and well-being. AADOCR represents the individual scientists, clinician-scientists, dental professionals, and students based in academic, government, non-profit, and private-sector institutions who share our mission. AADOCR is the largest division of IADR. Learn more at www.aadocr.org.
JDR Clinical & Translational Research receives first ever Impact Factor™
Journal of Dental Research announces New Impact Factor™
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The 2-year Journal Impact Factor™ is defined ...
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