SAN FRANCISCO, CA, May 26, 2011 ( Meet Author Winona Rasheed
New and aspiring writers and authors are popping up all the internet everyday. Almost every week, someone is making a name for themselves in the publishing industry. One of these aspiring writers is...
Meet, Author Winona Rasheed
"In Her Own Words"
"One of my greatest accomplishments in life is becoming an author, a feat that has been in the making for a very long time. But with patience, perseverance, dedication and a lot of hard work, the dream has become a reality. So I say, hold on to your dreams and never let them go."
1. As a new author, how many books have you had published?
As of today, I have 6 published books and number 7 is going through the publishing process.
2. How long does it take for you to create a story from beginning to end?
Considering that I am a short story writer, it doesn't take me as long as it would if I were a writer of novels. For me, once I have an idea floating in my head, I write out the details and characters, a rough draft can be put together in about two weeks or less. However, it all depends on how much time you give to the writing project on a daily basis pulling it all together.
3. What were the challenges of getting your first book published?
I always say it is easy writing a story, the hard part is finding a publisher who will accept your work. It is a challenge submitting and then waiting for a response to see if you have a rejection slip or not. Sometimes, a writer can wait up to 9 months or longer before they know if the publishing door has opened for them or not, and when it doesn't, you just have to move on and start the submitting process all over again. To me that is a challenge, finding a publisher that sees your worth and potential.
4. You mentioned having 6 published books, were any of these self-published?
My first 3 books are self-published items, and I decided to go that route out of frustration, because I couldn't find a publisher for the stories. Rather than give up on publishing, I decided to take matters in my own hands and do it myself through LULU.COM. My first 3 books are a collaboration of short stories; each book contains 3 or more stories. It felt so good seeing and having an actual printed book in my hands, replacing the manuscripts. I felt satisfied, but I still didn't feel accomplished, for I still wanted a publisher to want my material. I wanted to be authentic, so I never gave up on accomplishing that goal.
5. Your last three books, how were they published who published them?
With my last three books, I finally had a break through. I had stopped submitting manuscripts by way of snail mail and began to look for online publishers accepting email submissions for the genre that I write in. I found out that email submissions did not necessarily have a lengthy waiting period. The first manuscript accepted by a real publisher happened to be an e-book publisher. Writer's Exchanged published my book, "Wohali and the Little People." With this accomplishment, I was ready to fly with the experience, so I pressed on because I had more book ideas that needed to be released. But, I had to find the right publisher. My search began again when I completed, "A New Home for her Cubs." I was on cloud 9 when New Line Press offered me a contract. Another manuscript turning into a book, and a publisher was handling all the details. When I saw the copy of the book with cover, it was then that I realized that I was a genuine author. After the lion story, it was New Line Press again who published my last book, "Broken Voices", my first book for young adults. Both of these books are published as e-books and paperback, whereas Wohali and the Little People is an e-book exclusive.
6. Having 6 books published, what genre do you write in?
For now, my writing genre is children and young adults or teens. I love to write short stories of fiction, based on reality and fantasy or make believe, because the imagination can go a long way in providing reading entertainment for the young and the old.
7. Out of all your published books, which is your favorite and who is your favorite character?
I like to consider all of my books as my babies, because all of the stories come straight from the heart. It is hard to choose, especially when you start looking at the characters that make up the stories. For me, Kumani the lioness in the cub story is just as bold, sensitive and unique as Ella Rose in Broken Voices, and Wohali of Wohali and the Little People, feels just like my Cherokee son. The characters have that human characteristic that make you want to reach out to them while they endure their challenges; even Kumani pulls at your heart strings because she is a mother struggling through difficulties. I'd have to say that my last three books are my favorites because each character, Ella Rose, Kumani and Wohali have a little of me in them, strength, courage, determination and will power.
8. Being a children's writer, how and why did you come to write your first young adult book?
When I started thinking about the details of this story idea, which was inspired by my sister-n-law; Broken Voices started out being a story for children ages 6-9. But, as the main character, Ella Rose began to reveal herself to me; I realized that she was not an elementary school girl, but a teenager with a problem. It was my intentions to write something that related to the issue of dealing with a disability or a handicap. However, Ella Rose ended up having another conflict to battle with her handicap, that of being bullied because she was different. The problem of bullying is a big issue in today's society. It is a reality that brings children to the lowest depths, for it interferes with their self-confidence, making them feel unimportant and worthless. Even though Ella Rose tried to hide her disability, she remained confident in herself throughout her adversity. When dealing with these kinds of situations, it is important to remain confident in who you are, be strong and determined in your worth as a person while you ride the storm out, because every child is special and unique, even when they are different. That's the message behind Broken Voices. Just like Wohali and the Little People, you don't have to change who you are to fit in and be accepted. Hold on to your integrity and your confidence.
9. What about, A New Home for Her Cubs, how did you come to create this children's book?
Story ideas are everywhere when you can see a potential in your surroundings. For Kumani and her cubs, the story began to unfold in my head after watching an episode on TV about female lions and their role in the wild kingdom. I took a little reality and mixed it with a little fantasy to depict the struggles of a mother lion trying to escape her natural wild instinct and world. As mothers, we want only the best for our children, sometimes leaving a bad situation to bring about a good and positive lifestyle. Kumani does the same thing for her off springs, showing her sensitivity and determination in her quest of following her dreams, even at the cost of leaving the lioness pride and her natural habitat.
10. How often do you sit down to write?
I try to write something everyday. If I am not working on a new book idea, my time is spent working on articles, for I am also a freelance writer. I also blog, which keeps me busy doing what I love....writing. They say a writer should write something everyday and I try to get that accomplished in one way or another.
11. Many authors have websites, do you have one?
They say every writer should have a website to showcase their work as a writer and I have two. You can find me on the web at: and
12. Since you like to blog, would you like to share that information too?
Along with my websites, another avenue available for marketing yourself and your books is through blogging and I have several of these that keep me writing. You can find my blogs at:,,
13. What avenues do you take to market your work as a writer?
Besides using my websites and blogs, I enjoy doing radio and blog interviews. I've also done book signings. To get information out there on me as an author, I also do Facebook, Live Journal and I love to tweet or Twitter. My first radio interview as an author took place after the release of Broken Voices. I was thrilled and nervous all at the same time. It was exciting being on the air talking about my first young adult book.
14. Where can people find your books?
All of my books can be found at and Barnes and Nobles .com, even the self-published ones are there. You can also order Broken Voices and A New Home for her Cubs from New Line Press. Wohali can be bought from the Writer's Exchange book store too. If you don't want a paperback, you can always order and ebook for all you Kindle lovers.
15. Any advice for new writers?
My advice is to never give up on your dream of finding success as a writer if you have the passion; keep trying, writing and reading, even when the door seems to be closed. While you wait to be discovered, hone in on your skill and craft and join writing groups for support, for good things always comes to those who wait. Your break will come if you are patient enough.
Winona Rasheed lives in the Nation's Capital of Washington DC. Although she lives in the city, the hustle and bustle of city life is not her cup of tea, for she remains a small town girl at heart. Her passion is not the excitement of city living, her passion lies in writing, for that is where her heart is. She has found her purpose in life and she is leaving her mark on the world with one book at a time, hoping that her books get into the hands of children across the globe. Visit Winona at
New Line Press embraces the digital age of books and the future of technology while understanding that reading is all about a great story. New Line Press began their publishing journey in 2003 with print books and soon moved into the digital arena with cutting-edge reading platforms. New Line Press books can be found at major bookstores everywhere. New Line
Authors Who Make A Difference: Winona Rasheed
Author Winona Rasheed sheds light on her success as a children's and YA author.
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[] Authors Who Make A Difference: Winona RasheedAuthor Winona Rasheed sheds light on her success as a children's and YA author.