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Increasing Demand for Online Reputation Management Leads Brandlective Communications Ltd to Outline the Pros and Cons of Combating Slander

London PR Company Brandlective Communications Ltd outlines the pros and cons of combatting slander as demand for their online reputation management increases.

LONDON, ENGLAND, June 26, 2013 ( Removing negative reviews from Google search results is almost a daily request received by London based PR company Brandlective Communications Ltd. It's essential to identify which reviews are voiced by customer's opinions, compared to reviews that display areas of online defamation or slander. So how can webmasters tell the difference?

Online defamation is the publication of such slanderous statements on any Internet-based media about an individual or business that can be proved to be either false or have a prime intention of damaging their reputation. Of course, Internet users have the right to voice their opinions, with customer freedom of speech being a common rebuttal for many removal requests, and so this can make proving which content is defamatory extremely difficult. "Online reputation management (ORM) is a highly sort after service. Yes it is possible to remove negative online reviews where defamatory content has been posted but proving the information breeches specific trademarks of misrepresentation laws is where many brands or individuals are challenged," says Stacey Kehoe, Director of Communications at Brandlective Communications Ltd.

About Brandlective Communications Ltd: discuss the dark side of online reputation management of which there are many businesses like who take advantage of negative posts and endeavor to extort money from the businesses named in the posts. ( It's important to encourage businesses not get caught up in these kind of transactions. Yes, the negative content will be removed for a price, but there is no guarantee it won't appear online again.

However, in order to help recover a brand's representation, Brandlective Communications Ltd promote pre-emptive PR measures to increase positive content online about brands a top priority. Businesses should remember that people are more likely to disregard negative reviews if a large collection of positive press is available and easily accessible online. "Removing defamatory content should be the objective of an Online Reputations Management policy," states Stacey Kehoe of Brandlective Communications Ltd. "But removing negative reviews without having any positive PR coverage to back up the brands credibility can be challenging. We strongly encourage PR efforts which focus on engaging with customers, reporting news and updates and building a reputation for excellence."

It's understandable why businesses would want negative content removed as it can tarnish a brand for the foreseeable future. However, firms like Brandlective Communications Ltd are right to actively promote publishing positive press as well as providing assistance with removing damaging content, as both services will help build and maintain credibility.

Brandlective Communications Ltd is an independent PR and Communications firm based in London Bridge who assist businesses with improving their brand visibility.


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[] Increasing Demand for Online Reputation Management Leads Brandlective Communications Ltd to Outline the Pros and Cons of Combating Slander
London PR Company Brandlective Communications Ltd outlines the pros and cons of combatting slander as demand for their online reputation management increases.