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Individual gene differences can be tested in zebrafish

HERSHEY, Pa. -- The zebrafish is a potential tool for testing one class of unique individual genetic differences found in humans, and may yield information helpful for the emerging field of personalized medicine, according to a team led by Penn State College of Medicine scientists. The differences, or mutations, in question create minor changes in amino acids -- the building blocks of DNA -- from person to person. Zebrafish can be used as a model to understand what biological effects result from these genetic mutations. Personalized medicine uses modern technology and ...

Monster galaxy may have been stirred up by black-hole mischief

Monster galaxy may have been stirred up by black-hole mischief
Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have obtained a remarkable new view of a whopper of an elliptical galaxy, with a core bigger than any seen before. There are two intriguing explanations for the puffed up core, both related to the action of one or more black holes, and the researchers have not yet been able to determine which is correct. Spanning a little over one million light-years, the galaxy is about ten times the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy. The bloated galaxy is a member of an unusual class of galaxies with an unusually diffuse core filled ...

Exercise boosts satisfaction with life, researchers find

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Had a bad day? Extending your normal exercise routine by a few minutes may be the solution, according to Penn State researchers, who found that people's satisfaction with life was higher on days when they exercised more than usual. "We found that people's satisfaction with life was directly impacted by their daily physical activity," said Jaclyn Maher, graduate student in kinesiology. "The findings reinforce the idea that physical activity is a health behavior with important consequences for daily well-being and should be considered when developing ...

Robots in the home: Will older adults roll out the welcome mat?

Robots in the home: Will older adults roll out the welcome mat?
Robots have the potential to help older adults with daily activities that can become more challenging with age. But are people willing to use and accept the new technology? A study by the Georgia Institute of Technology indicates the answer is yes, unless the tasks involve personal care or social activities. After showing adults (ages 65 to 93 years) a video of a robot's capabilities, researchers interviewed them about their willingness for assistance with 48 common household tasks. Participants generally preferred robotic help over human help for chores such as cleaning ...

New genes discovered for adult BMI levels

A large international study has identified three new gene variants associated with body mass index (BMI) levels in adults. The scientific consortium, numbering approximately 200 researchers, performed a meta-analysis of 46 studies, covering gene data from nearly 109,000 adults, spanning four ethnic groups. In discovering intriguing links to lipid-related diseases, type 2 diabetes and other disorders, the IBC 50K SNP Array BMI Consortium's study may provide fundamental insights into the biology of adult obesity. Scientists from the Center for Applied Genomics at The Children's ...

Academia should fulfill social contract by supporting bioscience startups, case study says

Universities not only provide the ideal petri dish for cultivating bioscience with commercial potential, but have a moral obligation to do so, given the opportunity to translate public funding into health and jobs, according to a new case study by UCSF researchers. In an analysis published Oct. 24, 2012 in Science Translational Medicine, researchers at the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) assessed the impact of the institute's efforts over the past eight years in supporting entrepreneurs on the three UC campuses in which it operates: UCSF, UC Berkeley ...

Scientists deepen genetic understanding of MS

Five scientists, including two from Simon Fraser University, have discovered that 30 per cent of our likelihood of developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be explained by 475,806 genetic variants in our genome. Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) commonly screen these variants, looking for genetic links to diseases. Corey Watson, a recent SFU doctoral graduate in biology, his thesis supervisor SFU biologist Felix Breden and three scientists in the United Kingdom have just had their findings published online in Scientific Reports. It's a sub-publication of the journal ...

Sharing space:

A new University of Michigan study shows that when researchers share a building, and especially a floor, the likelihood of forming new collaborations and obtaining funding increases dramatically. The findings have wide relevance to corporations, as well. "Our analyses clearly show that there are benefits to co-location," said Jason Owen-Smith, an associate professor of sociology and organizational studies. Researchers who occupy the same building are 33 percent more likely to form new collaborations than researchers who occupy different buildings, and scientists who ...

New study brings a doubted exoplanet 'back from the dead'

New study brings a doubted exoplanet back from the dead
A second look at data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is reanimating the claim that the nearby star Fomalhaut hosts a massive exoplanet. The study suggests that the planet, named Fomalhaut b, is a rare and possibly unique object that is completely shrouded by dust. "Although our results seriously challenge the original discovery paper, they do so in a way that actually makes the object's interpretation much cleaner and leaves intact the core conclusion, that Fomalhaut b is indeed a massive planet," said Thayne Currie, an astronomer formerly at NASA's Goddard Space ...

NASA spacecraft sees huge burp at Saturn after large storm

NASA spacecraft sees huge burp at Saturn after large storm
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has tracked the aftermath of a rare massive storm on Saturn. Data reveal record-setting disturbances in the planet's upper atmosphere long after the visible signs of the storm abated, in addition to an indication the storm was more forceful than scientists previously thought. Data from Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) instrument revealed the storm's powerful discharge sent the temperature in Saturn's stratosphere soaring 150 degrees Fahrenheit (83 kelvins) above normal. At the same time, researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight ...

A clearer picture of how assassin bugs evolved

A clearer picture of how assassin bugs evolved
RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Assassin bugs, so named because these insects lie in ambush for prey that they attack with speed and precision, are found all over the world. Nearly 140 species of these bugs are blood-sucking; because they can bite humans around the mouth, they are also called kissing bugs. All kissing bugs can spread Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease that imposes an economic burden on society. Surprising, then, that scientists' understanding of the evolutionary history of assassin bugs is riddled with difficulty. The data are incomplete. Fossils, which ...

High-risk carotid artery plaque formation is increased in older COPD patients

Older patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at increased risk for carotid artery plaque formation and for the presence of vulnerable plaques with a lipid core, according to a new study from researchers in the Netherlands. "We know that COPD is a risk factor for ischemic stroke, and that certain components of carotid artery plaques such as intraplaque hemorrhage and lipid core increase the risk of ischemic events, but plaque composition in patients with COPD has not been examined," said researcher Bruno H.C. Stricker, MD, PhD, professor of pharmaco-epidemiology ...

Integrated diabetes management program provides rapid improvements in patient care

Ottawa, October 26, 2012 - In Canada alone, almost 2 million people are known to be living with diabetes. And around a million more have the disease but are not aware of that fact, and have not been given the tools they need to control their blood sugar and safeguard their health. The Heart Institute will be presenting the results of an innovative pilot program on October 29, at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Toronto, Canada. Diabetic patients have a much greater risk of dangerous cardiovascular events, including recurrent heart attacks and development of heart ...

Tips to Help Establish Financial Security After Divorce

A divorce marks more than just the end of a relationship; it also represents the end of a financial partnership. As a result, it is important to take a step back from the emotional side of the divorce and review the financial side both during and after the divorce proceeding. Before a divorce is finalized, it is wise to attempt to develop a post-divorce budget. This will help you to determine what assets you need when determining marital property division in the divorce. After the divorce is complete, take a moment to look over your new expenses and income. Review ...

Franchisee Lawsuit Against Cold Stone Creamery Subject to Arbitration

A group of Cold Stone Creamery franchisees is suing parent company Cold Stone Creamery Inc. over the failure of the franchisor to disclose information about marketing and gift cards. The franchisee-franchisor suit regarding an alleged lack of transparency was filed in a Florida court. The National Independent Association of Cold Stone Creamery Franchisees filed suit against Cold Stone Creamery earlier this year asking Cold Stone to disclose the amount of money in a flexible marketing program and the unspent amount in the ice cream chain's gift card program. The NIACCF ...

Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreements Important Tools for Businesses

Proprietary information is the life blood of businesses and it is as important as ever in today's business world. Businesses can use tools like non-disclosure forms to protect trade secrets from third parties, and tools like non-compete agreements to help ensure that former employees who learned their skills and knowledge from the business do not use confidential business information to benefit competitors. One way a business can protect its unique information from being used elsewhere is a non-disclosure agreement. A non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement requires ...

Austin Foreclosure Rates Show Signs of Improvement

After a long stretch of elevated foreclosure rates in Texas and around the country, recent months have brought some signs of stabilization in the real estate market. In July 2012, foreclosure rates in Austin dropped slightly in both month-to-month and year-over-year measurements. According to consumer analytics firm CoreLogic Inc., 1.05 percent of Austin homes were in some stage of foreclosure in July 2012, compared with 1.07 percent the previous month and 1.08 percent in July 2011. Mortgage delinquencies also show signs of decline, with 2.88 percent of Austin mortgages ...

Risk of Defects Increases as Contractors Expand Into New Markets

In the last few years the tough economy has caused many businesses to change how they work. In some cases, these changes can lead to innovation in the marketplace; in others it can lead to an increased risk of potential injuries and faulty products. Unfortunately, some contractors are falling into the latter category. Many contractors are attempting to stay afloat financially by taking on jobs in new markets. Professionals within the construction industry state that contractors are often tempted to expand their market by going one of three different directions: -Expanding ...

U.S. Appeals Court Says Warrantless Police Search of Cellphones Is Legal

The data police can and cannot obtain from a cellphone or GPS tracking device without a warrant has been a frequent subject of legal dispute in recent years. The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals recently weighed in on the subject, ruling that police can look at a cellphone without a warrant to obtain the cellphone's number. Gaining the phone's number allows police to track the cellphone's call history and location by contacting the cellphone's carrier. The issue arose from a case involving an alleged drug crime. Police found a cellphone on the suspect, Alberto Santana-Cabrera, ...

Chicago Cracks Down on Retailers Selling Synthetic Drugs

Chicago was the first large city in the country to punish retailers that sell synthetic drugs that mimic the effects of marijuana and other illegal drugs. Commonly disguised as bath salts, incense or potpourri, these synthetic drugs are often changed chemically to make them legal but still provide users with intoxicating effects. However, the side effects of the drug can be severe; they can cause hallucinations, seizures, paranoid behavior and high blood pressure. In some cases they can cause violent episodes or cause users to go, "Out of their minds," according ...

Pennsylvania Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

In Pennsylvania, you are required to purchase several forms of auto insurance before you can legally get behind the wheel. There are also several optional types of insurance -- including uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, or UM/UIM -- that may or may not be in your policy. UM and UIM can provide protection against those drivers who fail to purchase the auto insurance required by Pennsylvania law. Uninsured and Underinsured Drivers If an uninsured motorist caused your accident and you still need to make up for your accident-related losses even after obtaining ...

Mattel Appeals $310 Million Award to Maker of Bratz Dolls

Bratz dolls took the toy-making world by storm in 2001, replacing the formerly wildly popular Barbie doll as the top-selling fashion doll by 2006. Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie Dolls, alleged that MGA, the manufacturer of Bratz dolls, stole the idea for the dolls from Mattel. Mattel sued MGA, setting off a lengthy court battle over copyright infringement allegations. In 2011, a jury found that Mattel, not MGA, stole trade secrets and awarded MGA damages. Mattel has announced plans to appeal the copyright infringement finding. Eight-Year Ordeal Mattel originally ...

An Explanation of Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Illinois

A wrongful death lawsuit is a legal claim that arises when someone dies as a result of another party's negligence or wrongdoing. A wrongful death may be caused by a negligent act such as a car crash or medical malpractice, or by a deliberately harmful act such as physical assault. Individuals as well as corporations and other entities can be held liable in an Illinois wrongful death lawsuit, as can their insurance companies. The Purpose of the Wrongful Death Statute The purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to provide financial compensation to the people who have ...

IRS Determinations of Responsibility for Unpaid Payroll Taxes

One of the more difficult parts of being a business owner is dealing with tax issues. The tax laws in the U.S. can be complicated, and those who own or run business can easily make mistakes in payroll taxes. When the IRS believes that a business has not paid all of the payroll taxes it owes, it may pursue payment from not just the business owners, but any person whom it deems a responsible party. People should understand how the IRS determines who is a responsible party, what constitutes willful failure to pay taxes and the potential penalties a person faces for willful ...

Police Retaliation? 71-Year-Old New Yorker Facing Weapons Charges

A 71-year-old New York man is currently facing charges of possessing dangerous weapons. The weapons at issue are not dangerous semi-automatic guns. In fact, the weapons in question are not even guns, switchblade knives, or brass knuckles. Instead, according to the Huffington Post, the man received the weapons charges because a penknife and commemorative, miniature baseball bat were found within his vehicle. The man facing these weapons charges, Joseph "Jazz" Hayden, has a reputation in his community as a civil rights advocate. Many members of this community ...
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