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Sexy Christmas Gifts for your Special Person by

Sexy Christmas Gifts for your Special Person by
The Christmas season is coming and you need to get ready with gifts. Sexy Christmas Gifts are not for everyone. Only those who want to make the most out of the holidays have access to those special gifts. These gifts are personalized and therefore require a deeper level of intimacy. Sexy Lingerie, Sexy Books are unusual Christmas gifts but they will be valued long after the fascination of the all other gifts. On, you will find an enormous selection of potential gifts for men and women. These products will surely ensure the highest pleasure ...

Peter Leeds Reveals 2011's New Economic Reality

Unfortunately, 2011 will usher in a new economic reality, according to Peter Leeds, an investment guru known as The Penny Stock Professional. "We'll see a slight, although underwhelming recovery, and this will play out in several ways," stated Leeds. The following 7 points should help investors, whether involved with penny stock companies, blue chips, real estate, or bonds, to prepare themselves for what's to come, and potentially profit. There is something for everyone in the predictions. Peter Leeds gives his take on computer hacking, North Korea, interest ...

Network Marketing News: Oxygen4Energy Joins the Multi-Level Marketing Industry with its Portable Canned Oxygen

Oxygen4energy markets convenient portable canisters containing 95% oxygen enriched air. There are no stimulants, artificial ingredients, sugars or calories, just concentrated gaseous oxygen (O2) that enters the bloodstream in seconds after it is inhaled through the mouth or nose. The product is similar to what pro football players use on the sidelines except in portable canisters that allow a user to flood their body with supplemental oxygen at any given time. The main target market for the product is sports and fitness because it is very beneficial for physical performance. ...

EFW2 2011- W2 Software from Supports 2010 W2 Forms Efile Including HIRE Act Exempt Wages and Tips; W2 Mate Makes Electronic W2 Filing Affordable and Stress FREE

EFW2 2011- W2 Software from Supports 2010 W2 Forms Efile Including HIRE Act Exempt Wages and Tips; W2 Mate Makes Electronic W2 Filing Affordable and Stress FREE
Real Business Solutions (, a leading W2 software vendor, announced today the release of the W2 Electronic Reporting option for the 2010/2011 tax season. Through W2 Mate, the W2 Preparation Software offered by the company, business filers and accounting firms can E-File unlimited number of W2s with the Social Security Administration. Businesses looking for HIRE Act reporting compliance can benefit from the updated support for the 2010 EFW2 format. A FREE W2 Software trial can be downloaded from the company's website by visiting "W2 ...

Higher co-payments increase chance of early discontinuation, inadequate use of breast cancer therapy

SAN ANTONIO — A higher prescription co-payment, especially among older women, is associated with both early discontinuation and incomplete use of adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy, a life-saving therapy for women with hormone sensitive early-stage breast cancer. Dawn L. Hershman, M.D., M.S., associate professor of medicine and epidemiology and co-director of the Breast Cancer Program at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University, presented detailed study results at the 33rd CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 8-12, ...

Unique needs and outcomes of pregnant women with breast cancer identified

SAN ANTONIO — Do not delay treatment of breast cancer just because a woman is pregnant, said lead researcher Sibylle Loibl, Dr. med, of the German Breast Group. This suggestion is based on study results detailing the effects of different treatment options on the infant. Loibl presented this data at the 33rd Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 8-12, 2010. "At the time we started the study in 2003, there was hardly any information on breast cancer therapy during pregnancy, but we felt there was a medical need for it," she said. Although ...

Novel imaging technique may reduce lymphedema in breast cancer patients

SAN ANTONIO -- With guidance from a specialized scan, radiation oncologists at Mayo Clinic ( were able to reduce by 55 percent the number of lymph nodes critical for removing fluid from the arm that received damaging radiation doses. VIDEO ALERT: Additional audio and video resources, including excerpts from an interview with Dr. Andrea Cheville and other researchers presenting at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, are available on the Mayo Clinic News Blog ( These materials also ...

Expert analysis of HER2 tests reveals issues with reliability, Mayo Clinic researchers say

SAN ANTONIO -- Results for testing breast tumors for HER2 ( proteins and genes is most often straightforward when one piece of tumor (a single tumor block) is analyzed. However, tumors can be diverse, and researchers at Mayo Clinic ( found that HER2 results can vary in up to 10 percent of patients when several tumor blocks are analyzed. This could have significant implications for patient treatment, say the researchers, who are presenting their findings at the 33rd Annual CTRC-AACR San ...

Higher co-payments increase chance of early discontinuation of breast cancer therapy

A higher prescription co-payment, especially among older women, is associated with both early discontinuation and incomplete use of adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy, a life-saving therapy for women with hormone sensitive early stage breast cancer. Dawn L. Hershman, MD, associate professor of medicine and epidemiology and co-director of the Breast Cancer Program at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University, will be presenting detailed study results at The 33rd CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, a comprehensive scientific meeting ...

Depression drug may relieve pain from breast cancer treatment, U-M study finds

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A drug commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorder was effective at reducing joint and muscle pain associated with a breast cancer treatment, according to a study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. The women in the study were taking aromatase inhibitors, a type of drug designed to block the production of estrogen, which fuels some breast cancers. About half of women taking these drugs experience aches and pains in their joints and muscles that cannot be adequately relieved by over-the-counter painkillers. Up to 20 ...

Ubiquitous sugar molecule could be key to repairing deep wound without scarring

Blocking fragments of the sugar molecule hyaluronan that triggers inflammation could be the key to robust healing and less scarring in deep wounds, Canadian researchers reported at the American Society for Cell Biology's 50th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. In laboratory rats, the small peptide, named 15-1, which blocks fragments of the ubiquitous sugar molecule, hyaluronan, promoted wound healing, minimized scarring and forged stronger new tissue. These effects did not occur in the untreated animals in the study, according to Cornelia Tölg, Ph.D., of the London (Ontario) ...

Pomegranate juice components inhibit cancer cell migration; in vivo testing planned

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), have identified components in pomegranate juice that seem to inhibit the movement of cancer cells and weaken their attraction to a chemical signal that has been shown to promote the metastasis of prostate cancer to the bone, according to a presentation today at the American Society for Cell Biology's 50th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. The researchers in the UCR laboratory of Manuela Martins-Green, Ph.D., plan additional testing in an in vivo model for prostate cancer to determine dose-dependent effects and ...

Human spermatogonial stem cells become insulin-secreting pancreatic cells in lab

Insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cells have been generated from human spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) directly isolated from human testicular tissue, researchers reported today at the American Association of Cell Biology 50th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. When grafted into diabetic mice that lacked a transplant-rejecting immune system, the bioengineered cells functioned much like somatic β-islet cells, the Georgetown University (GU) Medical Center researchers said. By decreasing the animals' blood glucose levels, the human-derived islet cells demonstrated ...

'Grow your own transplant' may be possible for men with type 1 diabetes

PHILADELPHIA – Men with type 1 diabetes may be able to grow their own insulin-producing cells from their testicular tissue, say Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) researchers who presented their findings today at the American Society of Cell Biology 50th annual meeting in Philadelphia. Their laboratory and animal study is a proof of principle that human spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) extracted from testicular tissue can morph into insulin-secreting beta islet cells normally found in the pancreas. And the researchers say they accomplished this feat without use ...

Canadian scientists identify a spontaneously chain-reacting molecule

In the burgeoning field of nano-science there are now many ways of 'writing' molecular-scale messages on a surface, one molecule at a time. The trouble is that writing a molecule at a time takes a very long time. "It is much better if the molecules can be persuaded to gather together and imprint an entire pattern simultaneously, by themselves. One such pattern is an indefinitely long line, which can then provide the basis for the ultimately thin molecular 'wire' required for nano-circuitry," says John Polanyi of the University of Toronto's Department of Chemistry, co- ...

Genetic variants linked to increased risk of common gynecological disease

Research published today identifies two genetic variants that increase the risk of developing endometriosis, a common gynaecological disease. The study provides clues to the origin of this often very painful condition, which has a significant impact on the quality of life of sufferers. Details of the research, carried out at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Oxford; the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia, and Brigham; and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, ...

Demise of large satellite may have led to the formation of Saturn’s rings and inner moons

Simulations performed at Southwest Research Institute may explain how Saturn's majestic rings and icy inner moons formed following the collision of a Titan-sized satellite with the planet, according to a paper published in Nature magazine's Dec. 12 Advance Online Publication. Saturn's rings are at present 90 to 95 percent water ice. Because dust and debris from rocky meteoroids have polluted the rings, the rings are believed to have consisted of pure ice when they formed. This composition is unusual compared to the approximately half-ice and half-rock mixture expected ...

Stem cells turned into complex, functioning intestinal tissue in lab

CINCINNATI –For the first time, scientists have created functioning human intestinal tissue in the laboratory from pluripotent stem cells. In a study posted online Dec. 12 by Nature, scientists from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center say their findings will open the door to unprecedented studies of human intestinal development, function and disease. The process is also a significant step toward generating intestinal tissue for transplantation, researchers say. "This is the first study to demonstrate that human pluripotent stem cells in a petri dish can be ...

MGH researchers develop faster method of engineering zinc-finger nucleases

A team led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers has developed a faster way to engineer synthetic enzymes that target specific DNA sequences for inactivation, repair or alteration. The report from the MGH Molecular Pathology Unit, being published online in Nature Methods, describes a highly effective but less labor-intensive way to generate powerful tools called zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs). "With our approach, called context-dependent assembly, any scientist can use either standard molecular biology techniques or commercial DNA synthesis to design ZFNs ...

Protein offers new clue to cause and treatment for kidney disease

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers have pinpointed a protein that compromises the kidney's filtering ability, causing nephrotic syndrome, and demonstrated that a naturally occurring precursor of an acid in the body offers potential for treating some forms of the condition. The research was published online Dec. 12 in Nature Medicine. "This is a major breakthrough in understanding the development and treatment of kidney disease associated with proteinuria, the leakage of protein in the urine," said the study's lead author Sumant Singh ...

UCR scientists identify pomegranate juice components that could stop cancer from spreading

UCR scientists identify pomegranate juice components that could stop cancer from spreading
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Researchers at the University of California, Riverside have identified components in pomegranate juice that both inhibit the movement of cancer cells and weaken their attraction to a chemical signal that promotes the metastasis of prostate cancer to the bone. The research could lead to new therapies for preventing cancer metastasis. Performed in the lab of Manuela Martins-Green, a professor of cell biology, the research was presented today (Dec. 12, 2010) at the 50th annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology taking place in Philadelphia. Prostate ...

John Wayne Collectables Expands to Meet Growing Demand

The first two added products are seasonal and will not be available long, a 2011 calendar and a Christmas ornament. The third added product is a new figurine display called the Sunset Rider. Behind the hand-sculpted resin figure is a display with a blazing western sky, a portrait of "The Duke", and an image of John Wayne riding his horse. The border of the display is crafted to look like stone. The fourth new item is a set of four glasses, six inches high, and each glass holding ten ounces. This set has two designs, each with a portrait of John Wayne on the front, ...

Strategic Analysts Publishes an In Depth Analysis of North American Newsprint Markets

Demand for newsprint in North American has declined by 50% over the past decade, and despite recent price increases the future remains bleak for producers. Strategic Analysts has released their latest white paper discussing the decline and analyzing the cost competitiveness and financial viability of AbitibiBowater and the other major producers. Springboro, OH - December 3, 2010 - Back in 2000, newsprint demand in North America was at an all time high. Daily circulation was at its record levels and the newspapers themselves were reporting record advertising revenue. ... Signs Shay Traynor to the Sales Team

California-based has announced the addition of Shay Traynor to the company's sales staff. Ms. Traynor comes to from, an online provider of discounted dining gift certificates that helps independent restaurants promote aspects of their business. There, she received recognition for being a top ten representative and with 15+ years of experience in the restaurant industry, was able to connect with restaurant owners and expand's territory. She has previously served as a restaurant manager at The MilkyWay Restaurant and Tapas ...

Emerson Bearing Promotes Bob Piracini to Marketing Specialist to Lead New Machine Tools Division

As Marketing Specialist, Piracini will lead the new Machine Tools division and assist clients in determining which bearing technologies would be most suitable by taking into consideration the specifications, recommendations, maintenance strategies, fatigue life and wear resistance of the bearing in relation to the application. Piracini's clients are typically spindle repair and machinery rebuilds. They range from regional and national "mom and pop" operations to large companies. Piracini will continue to travel throughout New England several times a year visiting companies ...
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