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Triple-mode transistors show potential

Rice University research that capitalizes on the wide-ranging capabilities of graphene could lead to circuit applications that are far more compact and versatile than what is now feasible with silicon-based technologies. Triple-mode, single-transistor amplifiers based on graphene -- the one-atom-thick form of carbon that recently won its discoverers a Nobel Prize -- could become key components in future electronic circuits. The discovery by Rice researchers was reported this week in the online journal ACS Nano. Graphene is very strong, nearly transparent and conducts ...

Unexplained childhood disorders

New Rochelle, NY, October 13, 2010—Parents of children with undiagnosed learning disorders, developmental deficits, and congenital abnormalities face a host of psychological and social challenges, which are explored in detail in a reflective article in Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, a peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. ( The article is available free online ahead of print at An interview-based study of parents of children with undiagnosed disorders describes the parental experience as a "journey" ...

Soft drink could enhance effects of an anti-cancer drug

Experiments with an artificial stomach suggest that a popular lemon-lime soft drink could play an unexpected role in improving the effectiveness of an oral anticancer drug. The experiments produced evidence that patients will absorb more of the unnamed drug, tested in Phase I in clinical trials, when taken with "flat" or degassed Sprite. The study appears in ACS' Molecular Pharmaceutics, a bi-monthly journal. Faraj Atassi and colleagues note that efforts are underway to develop more anticancer medications that patients can take by mouth. However, biological variations ...

Electrified nano filter promises to cut costs for clean drinking water

With almost one billion people lacking access to clean, safe drinking water, scientists are reporting development and successful initial tests of an inexpensive new filtering technology that kills up to 98 percent of disease-causing bacteria in water in seconds without clogging. A report on the technology appears in Nano Letters, a monthly American Chemical Society journal. Yi Cui and colleagues explain that most water purifiers work by trapping bacteria in tiny pores of filter material. Pushing water through those filters requires electric pumps and consumes a lot of ...

Insights into environmental conditions that affect highly pathogenic bird flu virus survival

On the eve of the 2010-11 influenza flu season, scientists and engineers have identified the environmental conditions and surfaces that could enable a highly pathogenic (H5N1) bird flu virus to survive for prolonged periods of time — at least two weeks and up to two months. Among them: The virus appears to thrive at cooler temperatures and low humidity. The study, which could lead to new strategies for preventing the flu virus from spreading, appears in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology, a semi-monthly journal. Joseph Wood and colleagues note that the highly pathogenic ...

New evidence that fat cells are not just dormant storage depots for calories

Scientists are reporting new evidence that the fat tissue in those spare tires and lower belly pooches — far from being a dormant storage depot for surplus calories — is an active organ that sends chemical signals to other parts of the body, perhaps increasing the risk of heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases. They are reporting discovery of 20 new hormones and other substances not previously known to be secreted into the blood by human fat cells and verification that fat secretes dozens of hormones and other chemical messengers. Their study appears in ACS' monthly ...

Battling the force that wastes 1 out of every 10 gallons of gasoline in cars

Engine friction — the force that wastes almost 1.4 million barrels of oil per day in cars and trucks in the United States alone — could become less of a problem for fuel-conscious consumers thanks to promising new oils and other materials that scientists are developing. That's the topic of the cover story in the current issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN), ACS' weekly newsmagazine. C&EN Senior Business Editor Melody Voith notes that friction, the heat produced when objects rub together, wastes fuel in engines and other machinery and causes their parts to wear ...

New discoveries in North America's Great Plains bring ammonites to life

New discoveries in North Americas Great Plains bring ammonites to life
Although ammonites have been extinct for 65 million years, newly published data based on 35 years of field work and analysis is providing invaluable insights into their paleobiology. Ammonites, shelled mollusks closely related to modern day nautilus and squids, inhabited the oceans for nearly 350 million years. Specimens found in the rock record of the ancient seaway that covered North America during the Cretaceous Period demonstrate that these animals thrived at cold methane seeps at the bottom of the sea, consumed small prey, and often survived predation attempts. ...

Scientists solve mystery of arsenic compound

Scientists have solved an important mystery about why an arsenic compound, called arsenite, can kill us, and yet function as an effective therapeutic agent against disease and infections. According to new research published in the October 2010 issue of Genetics ( scientists from Johns Hopkins, Baylor and Stanford discovered that arsenite, a common water contaminant in many parts of the world, affects a special protein folding machine in yeast, called TCP, also present in humans. This information not only opens the doors to developing safer therapeutic ...

Alternative fish feeds use less fishmeal and fish oils

As consumers eat more fish as part of a healthy diet, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are helping producers meet this demand by developing new feeds that support sustainable aquaculture production. Commercial fish farms have traditionally fed feeds that include high levels of fishmeal and fish oil, according to fish physiologist Rick Barrows with USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). But the fishmeal in these feeds comes from small, bony fish species like menhaden, herring and capelin, which are in short supply. Also, more people around the globe ...

Gladstone scientists uncover mechanism for the major genetic risk factor of Alzheimer's disease

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—OCT. 13, 2010 -- Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an extremely complicated disease. Several proteins seem to be involved in its cause and progression. For example, the lipid-transport protein apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) is the major genetic risk factor for AD, and apoE4 carriers account for 65󈞼% of all Alzheimer's cases, but exactly how apoE4 contributes to the disease is unclear. Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes of Neurological Disease (GIND) have provided new insights into how apoE4 might be involved. In a study published today online in the ...

Pitt team finds protein that sets the stage for exchanges of DNA code in eggs and sperm

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 13 – A team led by a scientist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has discovered a regulatory protein that influences where genetic material gets swapped between maternal and paternal chromosomes during the process of creating eggs and sperm. The findings, which shed light on the roots of chromosomal errors and gene diversity, appear in tomorrow's issue of Nature. Most cells contain 46 chromosomes, half coming from each parent. But eggs and sperm, known as germ cells, have half as many so that when they combine to form an embryo, the correct ...

Silicon strategy shows promise for batteries

A team of Rice University and Lockheed Martin scientists has discovered a way to use simple silicon to radically increase the capacity of lithium-ion batteries. Sibani Lisa Biswal, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, revealed how she, colleague Michael Wong, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and of chemistry, and Steven Sinsabaugh, a Lockheed Martin Fellow, are enhancing the inherent ability of silicon to absorb lithium ions. Their work was introduced today at Rice's Buckyball Discovery Conference, part of a yearlong ...

Americans rank jobs, research as priorities for candidates to address

WASHINGTON—October 13, 2010—A majority of Americans (58%) said they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports increased federal spending on job creation, in a national poll commissioned by Research!America. In addition, support for expanded federal health research funding fared well among issues that would make Americans more likely to vote for a candidate. Fully 91% of Americans think research and development (R&D) is important to their state's economy, and 71% said investing in health research is important for job creation and economic recovery. Data compiled ...

Florida State study finds watermelon lowers blood pressure

Florida State study finds watermelon lowers blood pressure
No matter how you slice it, watermelon has a lot going for it –– sweet, low calorie, high fiber, nutrient rich –– and now, there's more. Evidence from a pilot study led by food scientists at The Florida State University suggests that watermelon can be an effective natural weapon against prehypertension, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. It is the first investigation of its kind in humans. FSU Assistant Professor Arturo Figueroa and Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi found that when six grams of the amino acid L-citrulline/L-arginine from watermelon extract was administered ...

Yoga alleviates pain and improves function in fibromyalgia patients

Philadelphia, PA, October 14, 2010 – Fibromyalgia (FM) is a debilitating condition affecting 11󈝻 million individuals in the US alone. FM carries an annual direct cost for care of more than $20 billion and drug therapies are generally only 30% effective in relieving symptoms and 20% effective in improving function. Standard care currently includes medications accompanied by exercise and coping skills approaches. In a study published in the November issue of PAIN, researchers report patients participating in a "Yoga of Awareness" program showed significantly greater ...

OHSU research suggests yoga can counteract fibromyalgia

PORTLAND, Ore — According to new research conducted at Oregon Health & Science University, yoga exercises may have the power to combat fibromyalgia — a medical disorder characterized by chronic widespread pain. The research is being published in the November 10 online edition of the journal Pain and will appear online Thursday, Oct. 14. "Previous research suggests that the most successful treatment for fibromyalgia involves a combination of medications, physical exercise and development of coping skills," said James Carson, Ph.D., a clinical health psychologist and an ...

New materials could replace costly gold in electrical applications

Researchers at the University of Connecticut, partnering with United Technologies Research Center engineers, have modeled and developed new classes of alloy materials for use in electronic applications that will reduce reliance on costly gold and other precious metals. The research appears online in the October 12th issue of the journal Applied Physics Letters. With the price of gold currently hovering around $1,340 per ounce, manufacturers across the globe, including Connecticut's United Technologies Corporation (UTC), are scrambling for alternatives to the costly ...

San Diego Web Design Company - Transcend Solutions Offers More than just Web Design Services

Having your site ranked well on the search engine database is the topmost criteria that you need to satisfy to gain enough web traffic to your website. There are certain pre-requisites and other search engine optimization techniques your website need to cater to in order to be visible to increasing number of web-surfers and create a subsequent pathway to your business website. Web Designing can be a daunting task, however, maintaining the website and also promoting it with neoteric advancements in internet marketing is also prudential and to avail this all under the same ...

Jewels Stores on St. Thomas and St. John In the Caribbean Say Breitling Chronometers Are Not Just For Aviators

Not all chronometers end up being worn by aviators, according to Jewels, a luxury jewelry retailer with locations on St. Thomas and St. John in the Caribbean. The retailer has observed that many consumers purchase Breitling watches to wear as high-end fashion pieces, because they view the chronograph functions as status symbols as well as practical tools. Jewels carries an extensive line of Breitling's technically oriented watches, which are mostly mechanical and electronic chronometers. "The watches appeal to our clients mainly because of their technology," explains ...

13CABS Launches a World First for Facebook

In what's believed to be a world first 13CABS Taxi Booker application enables users to book cabs from within Facebook allowing them to stay connected with their friends at the same time. "13CABS is looking for new ways to offer passengers an improved service and 13CABS Taxi Booker for Facebook means users can continue to chat with their friends while they make bookings," said 13CABS Chief Operating Officer Andrew Skelton. 13CABS Taxi Booker for Facebook arrives just as the Spring Racing Carnival kicks off and users of the application can make their race plans and ...

Jennifer Davey, founder of JJS Coaching LLC ( based in the Greater Philadelphia Area is an established Certified Solo Professional Expert at

Jennifer Davey, founder of JJS Coaching LLC ( based in the Greater Philadelphia Area is an established Certified Solo Professional Expert at "Pursuing and maintaining my expert certification through is a demonstration of my commitment to my profession," said Davey. "Getting clients, and designing a successful business is an area that solo entrepreneurs often struggle with. As a Solo-E certified expert, I can help educate small business and self employed professionals on getting clients, building business and making more income." ...

Save Your Hands! CIPI Program Trains Massage Therapists to Teach Self-Care and Injury Prevention

Save Your Hands! announces the affordable Certified Injury Prevention Instructor (CIPI) program, designed to provide CIPI instructors the skills, curriculum, and marketing savvy to perform successful independent Save Your Hands! workshops or to be hired as a trainer by spas, clinics, and schools. The CIPI certification includes three online courses, including one by renowned massage marketing/business expert Cherie Sohnen-Moe on how instructors can market themselves as a CIPI. The certification process concludes with a live, hands-on weekend workshop. The first live ...

Texas Tuscan Furniture Designs 2nd annual 'a Toast to Texas' Event

This October 21st 5p-8p marks the second annual A Toast To Texas, hosted by local Texas Tuscan Furniture designer Pamela Halverson. This years event will be supported and co hosted by NFL superstar (and client) Earl Mitchell from the Houston Texans. Last years event caught the attention of Houston's finest, with over 200 supporters, and catching the media attention of Papercity, The Examiner and LuxSecret Magazine. A Toast To Texas will be highlighting everything Texas! Introducing local, home grown resources to consumers such as custom made home furnishings, accessories, ...

MyShopping Genie Distributor Tari Steward Launches New Shopping Genie App Blog

MyShopping Genie ( Independent Distributor, Tari Steward, launches a new shopping genie app blog to help consumers save money and massive amounts of time while searching for the lowest prices on items they need to purchase like DVDs, LCD TVs, wheels, tires, clothes, shoes, baby items, holiday decorations and gifts, beauty supplies, medical supplies, concert tickets, groceries and more. Over 1.5 million MyShopping Genie users in 6 major countries around the world are finding hot deals and the best prices using the new app. Yearly annual ...
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